Zromrlhzrd 6 points ago +7 / -1

Epstein is alive and well living in Israel, the body they used was Hilary’s dead brother. Just for your info John Mcafee also is alive and well.

Zromrlhzrd 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Moderators won! For all we know it was AI generated fakery

Zromrlhzrd 10 points ago +10 / -0

Singh, Trudeau, are both WEF. All three parties are full of them. I am surprised the CSIS has not outed them for being foreign agents.

Zromrlhzrd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Qui bono? The United States goes rampaging through the middle destroying seven arabic countries in 5 years. In the process they destroy all of Israel's enemies and steal land and kill millions of Palestinians. They also re route the canal so that Israel controls a tactical commerce choke point and all the transit fees screwing Egypt. All of this was done by Israel. Israel also did enormous trading when the markets opened again and stole all the bullion in the vaults of the trade centre, and don’t forget those massive insurance payouts. And then of course come the trillions spent on weapons provided by the military industrial big pharma complex during the wars, which are probably mostly jewish owned companies. Yes Israel is an innocent victim. Just check the last names of the company shareholders and CEO’s.

Zromrlhzrd 3 points ago +3 / -0

A plane was intentionally crashed in Venezuela to prevent the cancer cure. They killed a plane load of people to kill one. It happens all the time. That’s the real fight!

Zromrlhzrd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow look at that, the UAW GOES BIDEN AND 1600 jobs disappear. How many of your workers have to take it up the ass before you figure out that the UAW BOSS doesn’t give a fuck about the workers.

Zromrlhzrd 6 points ago +6 / -0

All of the day to day functions are being done through the continuity of Government peads that were left behind by Trump as directed by lower level officers.not the deep state.The CIC.

Zromrlhzrd 13 points ago +13 / -0

Don’t forget that the owners of every single manufacturing company in NORTH AMERICA off shored every job in manufacturing to china and fucked every single worker IN NORTH AMERICA, while profiting enormously, including the head of the UAW, who got a massive bribe to fuck over every worker in NORTH AMERICA.

Zromrlhzrd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apparently it is some affect of ionizing radation from the use of a neutron bomb

Zromrlhzrd 4 points ago +4 / -0

No nutrinos hitting the recording device like what was seen when the Israelis nuked yemen.

Zromrlhzrd 11 points ago +11 / -0

Simple, stop paying for the invasion and cultural destruction of your own country. Call it what it is, TREASON COMMITTED BY THE GOVERNMENT AND BUREAUCRACY AGAINST THE CITIZENS. ALSO KNOWN AS MARXISM. WAKE UP WESTERN WORLD

Zromrlhzrd 1 point ago +1 / -0

The similarities between the persecution of Trump through “LAWFARE”, false accusations, imprisonment, attempts on his life are shockingly similar to what was done toThomas Cochrane. It is quite cleat why his grave stone is much larger and more prominently placed in the nave in Westminster abbey, even if posthumously. Perhaps Trump read the books or maybe Trump carries the warrior gene like I do. I guess that’s why I Step up and fight back against evil and wrong doing when others cower and run. I found “Q” early and began warning relatives, friends, coworkers and others. As you might expect I became the but of jokes and a pariah with friends and relatives. I saved the lives of my wife and 2 children, a few friends, almost none of my relatives and in laws (who did everything they could to break up my marriage).

Zromrlhzrd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time to return to the courageous and intelligent patriots.

Zromrlhzrd 5 points ago +5 / -0

NATO is now part of the deep state cabal of terrorists.

Zromrlhzrd 5 points ago +5 / -0

The people of Britain should hang all of the leaders and parliament for selling out their people and get rid of all the invaders.

Zromrlhzrd 5 points ago +5 / -0

The enemy of humanity is the deep state, not Russia. Nato is now an enemy puppet controlled by the deep state.

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