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President Biden announced during his March 1 State of the Union address that Americans who have been tested positive for COVID in a local pharmacy will be eligible to receive an antiviral treatment right away at no cost. The "Test to Treat" initiative is a result of a recent shift in government's COVID response strategy, from "crisis mode to a new normal," which involves coexistence with the coronavirus, rather than trying to eradicate it. Biden specifically mentioned Pfizer's oral COVID tablet, also known as PAXLOVID. Data from clinical trials released in November 2021 showed that the drug decreased the risk of severe disease in people at high risk by 89 per cent. About a month later, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), granted Pfizer's COVID tablet an emergency use authorization (EUA). The EUA stated that anyone aged 12 or older and at high risk of severe disease is eligible for the drug within five working days of developing mild-to moderate symptoms. Biden's plan does not specify if someone must be at high risk for severe COVID in order to qualify for a free antiviral treatment. The drug has been very scarce since its approval. Biden claims he is working to rectify this. "We have ordered more pills than any other country in the world. Pfizer is working overtime for us to get a million pills this and more than twice that next month," the President stated during his speech. We offer free treatments for immunocompromised patients and high-quality masks to anyone who is at risk. Biden said that we are not ignoring any person's needs or leaving anyone behind as we move forward.

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How does the antiviral pill work The COVID pill from Pfizer can reduce the risk of death and hospitalization caused by COVID. Pfizer's study of 2,246 people at high risk of severe COVID-19 found that the antiviral pill had a 89 percent reduction in death or severe disease when taken within three days. After five days of symptoms, the risk fell by 88 percent for those who received the drug. There were no deaths. An additional analysis of an ongoing study that examined adults not at high risk of severe diseases showed that the drug reduced the risk of death and hospitalization by 70%. Pfizer reports that the antiviral drug led to a 10-fold decrease in viral load in the high-risk group as well as adults without risk factors for severe diseases. Pfizer also stated that laboratory data supports the claim that its antiviral drug will protect against Omicron, and other COVID variants. What does the drug do? Nirmatrelvir is an ingredient that blocks the replication of a specific enzyme required by coronavirus. U.S. U.S. is increasing its supply In 2022, the U.S. government will receive 20 million COVID pills from Pfizer. According to Pfizer, approximately 10 million of these doses will be delivered by June and the remainder by September. Albert Bourla, chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer, stated that data showed significant reductions in deaths and hospitalizations. "We believe this therapy will play an important role in the fight against COVID-19." In a January 4, news release, Bourla said. "We are happy to work with the U.S. government in order to increase patient access to this potentially life-changing therapy.

Incubation is the time period between when you are infected and the moment you start to feel symptoms. COVID-19 can have an incubation period of up to five days, even if you don't experience symptoms. Testing for COVID-19 too soon after exposure may produce false-negative results. COVID-19 is usually not contagious in most people. This happens five days after the first symptoms appear and if they have been fever-free for at minimum three days. Your first instinct may be to have COVID-19 tested immediately after being exposed. However, getting tested too early in the incubation process can lead to false-negative results and even worse, a false feeling of security. The incubation period of an infection is the time that passes between the moment you become infected and the first symptoms. COVID-19's incubation period can be as short as one day after you are exposed to the virus, or as long at five days after you have no symptoms. It can be difficult to keep track all of the recommendations and guidelines. This timeline shows COVID-19's period of incubation and answers many of your pressing questions. It is important to see your doctor if you have been exposed or tested positive for COVID-19. They can help you determine the best treatment and provide guidance regarding quarantine and testing.

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