Was the alien invasion scheduled for today or tomorrow?

Asking for a friend...


Please stay alert, frens. Yesterday has shown us that almost half of the US population is unhinged and their controllers are ruthless. I’m sure that revenge and disruption are on their agenda. Be mindful and especially careful, particularly in urban areas and places with large numbers of illegal immigrants.

I live in a development with apartments on the outskirts, I watched a group of three thirty-ish year old meso-American men as they walked down my street toward the apartment blocks. Perhaps they are just tradesmen looking for a better life or… perhaps not.

Until we can clean up the border mess and start the deportations, be cautious and stay in condition yellow.


The title says it all…


Where are the responses from our neighboring countries and our allies around the world bringing relief supplies and manpower to assist with the disaster recovery?

Has not the US provided such support to stricken regions time and again all around the world?

Not even a resolution of condolences from the United Nations? No “quid” for all of the “pro quo” we have given throughout the decades.

Let us remember this when other nations ask for money in the future. End all foreign aid and bring all of the troops home.


It is the 248th anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord.


Trump 2024, Make America Great Again and drain the swamp.

Come get me, bitches…


Has anyone else seen the RINO anti-Trump commercial running on the streaming channels? Its proposition is that the RINOs can’t beat the Resident if Trump is the Republican nominee. It’s a pretty shitty piece of uniparty propaganda.


Here’s a pro tip about your vehicles:

Get your Windex(r) bottle and a roll of paper towels and clean, really clean the steering wheel of your vehicle, you will be amazed and disgusted by the amount of spooge that will come off. This is especially true if you have a leather and padded wheel.

While you’re at it with the Windex, do the windows too, you’ll see better.

Prayers Please 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by ancroidubh ago by ancroidubh

My beloved took a fall today and, because she is on a blood thinner, a CAT scan has shown a small brain bleed. She will be transported to the ICU of the main hospital of the group for observation and anti-blood thinner therapy to stop the bleed.

I am not with her but our adult daughter is. I will likely join them when she gets moved.

Please pray for us all.

Thanks in advance.

Update at 7:30 PM EDT:

My beloved has had her second CT scan and the bleed has essentially stopped. She is resting but in some pain from the fall itself.

Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, it has been comforting and the healing is palpable.


I just saw an interview with that disgusting little worm, David Hogg. In it he refers to the nation as "our democracy".

My question is, is it some kind of policy among the communists and their fellow travelers never to refer to our nation as "the republic"? Is it a coordinated effort to undermine the precepts of the founding fathers and the constitution?

I also noted earlier that another disgusting creature, Jerry Nadler, refused to open a committee hearing by reciting the pledge of allegiance. Is it because it contains the hated phrase "the republic"?


Of my 1.87% Ivermectin paste treatment for my 250 lb. miniature horse’s viral Upper Respiratory Infection… He should be feeling better after tomorrow’s dose.


II Chronicles 7:14 Lord we need you !!!!!! Please sweep across this nation and heal this land. Restore our strength, renew our minds, and banish everything that is not of You. In Jesus name we pray.. Amen!


I voted, right down the red line, no votes for the two unopposed democrats and no on the three bond issues.

Got another "I Voted" sticker for my freedom rifles.


Can anyone tell me if Front Line Doctors still does online consults for prescriptions?


Where is he? Has anyone seen him? Did his clone body doubles quit or die?

Where’s pedo Joe?




A couple of posts either here or in PW or maybe both has made me start thinking, always a dangerous thing.

There was speculation about a nuclear exchange beginning over Ukraine in one post and the other post was a list of anomalies regarding the events around the inauguration, specifically which aircraft had who on board.

If a nuclear exchange occurs, I hope and pray that whomever has the National Command Authority stands up and starts shooting back.

To that point, the president always has a military attache in attendance carrying a case that contains the communication equipment and ciphers necessary to exercise the nuclear commands, commonly called "the football".

There must be duplicates of this stuff for the devolution of command in emergencies but the backups are not usually seen.

Has anyone seen this "football" in evidence around the pretender or anyone else in the chain of command?

Inquiring minds want to know...


I went to the foot and ankle doc today for an slight injury and had an interesting experience. It was my first visit to this practitioner and as we were going over my history, he asked if I've had the pneumonia vax and the flu vax. I answered yes to both. I was anticipating the next question, about the death vax, but he never asked it. For once, I kept my fat mouth shut and we went on to discuss my issue. He gave me a course of treatment and a brace for an inflamed tendon and that was it. I was pleasantly surprised.


Header says it all.


I'm going to spam this a bit.

If anyone here has a verizon.net e-mail in real life, it might be time to change your password.

I just had an interesting e-mail exchange with a cousin. He asked me to buy an Amazon e-card for $200 and send it to a friend of his because his card was declined.

Now, this cousin probably has $200 lost under the seats of his car and the return e-mail was wrong.

A short phone call to him confirmed my suspicion and he had already changed his password, I wasn't the first to call him.


So in today's mail comes a survey from the RNC. It's marked IMPORTANT foreign policy survey from Mike Pompeo. He wants $15 minimum to process the survey and I have to supply a stamp too.

Guess where that one went? Yeah, in the shredder!


Well, I got two tubes of the veterinary medication. Tuesday I took about a half of a 250 lb dose and another half yesterday. I took a full dose for 250 lbs today. So far, no ill effects. I take it in whole milk yoghurt.

I’m not showing any SARS symptoms, I just want to trial it and I think I probably need a good worming. I also have some kind of fungus or yeast infection on my abdomen where a fold of skin at the end of a large surgical scar forms a moisture trap. Usually, I treat it successfully with colloidal silver but this one is persistent. We’ll see what happens.

I’ll make updates if needed.

Your mileage may vary and this is not medical advice.


The title says it all...


THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

Thomas Paine - The Crisis No. I (December, 1776)