Get ready for global communism forever, Q worked beautifully as a psyop to help make this happen.
So I'm holding out to see what happens but it's important to remember, Q has a hard deadline coming up and if Trump does not get a second term we can never again sit back and delay action because clearly we don't have actual trustworthy leadership and we must instead become focused from the ground up in areas that actually have right leaning people. For anyone who is a patriot and lives in a blue area, your life would be about to become hell so it's a good idea to start looking at relocating.
I have to admit I'm disappointed so far and I think this week will pretty definitively tell us if Q is real or not. I am ready to find out one way or another. If somehow Trump loses or if he wins and barr, wray, etc aren't fired I think it will be pretty clear it was just a push to help Trump's reelection.
I just heard this from the Tucker interview with Tony Bobulinski, this feels really big to me I can't help but think now that he's somehow tied into the Q team.
The hunter biden stuff got me thinking about past drug use evidence or conspiracies for political figures and how people like Obama have been accused of smoking crack. Obviously there's the adrenochrome theory with q also. I have a lot of firsthand experience being around people using drugs and drug use seems to be very prevalent among wealthy urban or suburban blue state people. I think one of the deep states tactics with the whole drug war thing was to confuse rural America and conservative areas about drug use and who actually uses drugs and why.
I have family that have died from drug use and other family members who have never used drugs themselves who believe all the old Bush era type of propaganda and don't realize that many of those in power are hard core drug addicts thinking that drugs always lead to complete destruction and then death. I'm not an illegal drug user myself but have enough experience around people who are to know that they run the full spectrum of society and have people who are functional on various illegal drugs in all aspects of society. Just some random thoughts but figured I'd share in case someone finds this interesting.
I'm pretty certain Q is clear about what's going to happen, the civilian justice system is going to fail but then Trump is going to have the military finish the job. Q has always been about the military, barr is just a distraction and the final piece to show how badly our justice system failed. Think about the Trump calm before the storm comments, who was he surrounded by? Generals.
I don't have specific Q posts off the top of be head to point to but I'm getting a strong feeling that what will happen is the DOJ refuses to do it's job and then Trump will involve the military to do what they wouldn't. Trump is going to take all the blame / attention from this and do what barr wouldn't with he help of the military.
So clearly q has knowledge of their plans with the fires based on the recent posts yet nothing is being announced to the public and rural conservatives in Oregon are being killed by arson while their towns are destroyed.
At what point is there complicity in knowing all this and not doing everything possible to stop it and inform people of the danger?
I'm not trolling I'm just really pissed off and I have a personal connection to one of these towns that was destroyed. Is the final arrest going to be of q himself for not doing enough to stop this? I can't believe it's gone this far.
I have to admit I'm getting a little nervous in that I think they are going to be more casualties than people originally thought in the leadup to the election and possibly the aftermath. Part of Medford Oregon and nearby towns are now burned down, I'm not sure yet if anyone died but it's a tremendous loss of property for sure. The area is overall conservative and Trump supporting so it's very suspicious.
I'm from the west and I've never seen fires like this, yes there are usually bad ones every year but not at this rate. Gavin newsom is on twitter prattling on about climate change right now. The fires in Medford were started along the freeway also which is very suspicious.
People need to keep in mind qanon is a military operation and I think it's becoming more clear that the idea of everyone coming out of this unscathed is a fantasy. I'm not sure what is going on exactly, I'm sure the team knew of the possibility of fires being started but I'm guessing maybe they thought they had convinced the other side not to go there but then something happened that made them back track on this and decide to use a scorched earth strategy.
Please watch out for yourselves and your families and consider whether you are in the path of danger if you're in one of these states run by lunatics.
I'm from that hell hole although have been spending a lot of time outside it lately. I'm starting to feel like I have a much better idea what the whole "watch California" thing is about. I feel it's related to the fires and that they may be planning even more at election time. The dry season usually runs through November in most of the state, even if there's some rain in late October it's not enough to prevent wildfires. The big fires a couple years ago were in November.
I'm a bit worried about exactly how it will play out and that it could be an attempt to trap people in the state as the population centers are all blocked off by mountains and it wouldn't be too hard to cut off evacuation routes and trap people there. Also possibly they could be planning to activate narco cartel members already in the state to initiate violence against the people there.
I'm sure there's already plans to counter this but I just think it's something people should keep in mind and be prepared for as a possibility.