Here is the original telegram post: https://t.me/ericmoutsos/1013

Here's the text of it:

As a former police officer, the level of government overreach and fear tactics has been astounding this last 1.5 years. And it keeps getting worse. Nowhere are any of these "scary" words they keep using THE LAW... They know exactly what they are doing to control people, all for politics.

Mandatory= Not A Law
Required= Not A Law
Mandated= Not A Law
Requested= Not A Law
Reccomended= Not A Law
Ordered= Not A Law
Ordinance = Not A Law
Decree=Not A Law
Compulsory= Not A Law

"Ya, but we wear seat belts, so wear your mask!"


A seat belt BILL went through the House, Senate, and was Signed by the Governor to become LAW.

Masks didn't. Social distancing didn't. Masks and SD are a propaganda tools for control by the radical left and ignorant right. Do they work? Read the Anthony Fauci emails.

So please don't follow unconstitutional political propaganda WORDS disguised as laws. It's your duty as an American to reject tyranny and not conform.

God gave you your rights, not government. If it feels wrong, it usually is wrong. That's conscience. Always remember that.

Thank you.


Read even just the headline of this Feb 9 article: https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-news-john-durham-resignation-20210209-20210209-b5fpaekr7ndtnnck2cvz7aer4m-story.html

Now read this: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ct/pr/us-attorney-durham-announces-departure-office

I don't see anywhere in there saying he's leaving the SPECIAL COUNSEL position, only the CT U.S. Attorney position. If somebody can find actual sauce to the contrary, please share (but I hope there is none).


I refuse to give the fake inauguration a view, I want their numbers to be embarassingly low. We also need to get the view count way UP on RSBN's competing stream of Trump in Florida - need the public humiliation of that number exceeding the creepy joe's views:


At the same time, I don't want to miss it if something big happens, so I am looking for live streams that are hosted in a way that us watching does not increase the count - only the one view of the guy hosting gets counted.

Here's one live stream:

And I think America's Voice will be too:

I was hoping salty cracker would stream but I've not found anything so far.

Anybody aware of good ones?


posted on gab this morning by @OutlawJW:

Look, folks...I'm going to tell you something you may not want to hear.

Joe Biden might well be sworn in.

If true, I'm not saying he'll be President for long (heck, his "Presidency" could represent the 10 days of darkness) but either way, however it works out, is EXACTLY how it's supposed to work out.

So, don't pretend you know best because you don't. And If you do then YOU should take it up with the actual people saving the world and let them know they're doing it wrong.

Trust our Patriots. Trust Trump. Trust God.


saw this on gab earlier today:

posted by @threesevens

QAnon and the Great Awakening

I'd like to to address this, because I am tired of being told that Q was an OP to pacify me, when I've done more work in the truth movement for last few years because of Q, than at any other time in my life.

"The plan" always required our participation. It was not about pacification, it was about activation. It was about the Great Awakening.

Q activated an army of digital soldiers to counter the fake news. We did all the research work, created media of all types, and spread it relentlessly across social media all while being deplatformed, ridiculed, banned, censored, hated, and worse. We woke up millions anyway.

We fought in the trenches of the information war, while the naysayers and blackpillers did nothing but attempt to dampen our morale, which is actually worse than nothing. Killing the morale of patriots is useful only to the enemy, so don't do it. It takes a lot of nerve to criticize us about being pacified while sitting on the sidelines.

One more thing - HOPE IS ALWAYS CORRECT, because you never know if it's "false hope" until after the fact. Hopeless people have no fight. Always have hope, always spread hope.

Hopelessness is the real pacification OP.

BardsFM stream now (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by annamaga ago by annamaga
BardsFM livestream (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by annamaga ago by annamaga

A Merry Christmas video 17 seconds long and then 2 green (for go?) posts. The aurora borealis one looks like a kraken made of light.


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