Five cases on election fraud are being brought on Friday, Feb 19th, for consideration. They are not accepted and already were rejected for fast tracking.

If they're "considered," it's likely they won't even hear the case until fall.

I get that DC is weird, Biden's getting deep faked, AF1 looking like it's 1984, George News popping off, Trump's haven't gone back to work, Mike Lindell, Scavino and more always at Mar-a-lago,slam dunk defense on impeachment and more... but where TF is the plan to save our nation? If the fraud isn't corrected, as Trump said, we don't have a country anymore.


I was watching the standard RSBN stream when I got a Telegram notification that him and the Hodgetwins were doing their livestream, so I opened it up.

Within a minute he said something like:

"And this is not some QAnon thing... I know you guys believe he is secretly president from Mar-a-lago but he's not. If you believe that, this isn't the show for you."

So after years of sticking up and supporting him, cool bro, fuck you too. Unsubscribed. Don't care if you lose your lawsuits.