antiGen4z 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Clearly"... Thats actually not clear at all. It could be that he or she is schizophrenic and none of that happened. Im not saying that to be mean, but thats how that sounds. Ive dealt with schizophrenic people who think the government put nano tracking devices in the water supply and secret agents follow them around all day photographing their activities (at the homeless shelter even!) and far far crazier shit, and they NEVER have just one delusion, its always layers of them and they truly believe its all real. I worked with dozens and dozens of people like this, and thats what i think we are looking at here. If you want to give it more credence you go right ahead, im just giving my opinion.

antiGen4z 54 points ago +54 / -0

Lol, I love raw trump. Obama took Biden off the trash heap indeed. Makes one wonder why obama chose Biden. Probably needed someone already corrupt.

by Evspra
antiGen4z 9 points ago +9 / -0

That guy needs an ass whooping really really bad.

antiGen4z 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know that your brain can only handle concepts when theyre really simple and have zero nuance whatsoever, but thank you for illustrating just exactly how basic your operating system is.

antiGen4z 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol, k homo. I think its clear you are not bright. Ill let you go back to smearing poop on the wall or whatever it is you do when you arent drooling on the keyboard.

antiGen4z -1 points ago +1 / -2

Thats got next to nothing to do with the content of this post. She probably likes pineapple on her pizza too, also not relevant.

antiGen4z 0 points ago +1 / -1

I dont recall the Clintons and media coming after obama guns blazing, nor do I recall obama quitting the democrat party.

antiGen4z 3 points ago +4 / -1

Is that why she got attacked by Clinton and the leftist media, tried to sue google, quit the democrat party, and did not run for office again this year? Quite an act.

antiGen4z 1 point ago +1 / -0

Repeat after me....


You know who else quit the democrat party? Donald J Trump

antiGen4z 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yes. Part of the fight. Do I agree with her on everything? Obviously not. Furthermore.. Are you aware that her participation in WEF was as an award recipient from YGL, in 2015... As in.. They tapped her to be a future leader. Its not something that funded her or that she asked for.... And then she began getting lippy with her own party and they came at her to destroy her reputation, a party that she literally quit?

Wait let me guess... You never looked into it that far.

Fact, she called Brennan and Schiff and big tech the bigger threat. They'll come after her for this. As in the FBICIADNC. You know it, and whether or not you agree with her on other issues is irrelevant.

antiGen4z -1 points ago +2 / -3

Interesting that you cut half the sentence off youre quoting. Now why would you do that?

antiGen4z 3 points ago +3 / -0

With multiple trading platforms halting trading of xrp... Im gonna keep that on the back burner.

antiGen4z 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yes yes, we've all seen it. Edit: WEF is bad, Soros is bad. We are clear on that yeah? Ok, lets move on to present day reality. Her bio on there doesnt mean SHE is directly Soros funded. It means that at one point (but not anymore) she took part in WEF and now they use her photo to boost their own cred. Could it potentially mean more? Sure. Could it potentially mean jack shit now that she literally QUIT the democrat party and went scorched earth on some of their sacred cows? Its a possibility, and if youre acting like you KNOW either way, youre lying.

antiGen4z 1 point ago +3 / -2

I can support individual actions without supporting everything that person ever said or did. You cant?

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