arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

supporting ≠ pointing at.

McCarthy met with Trump shortly after Trump was out of office. Then he pleaded ignorance when the photos surfaced. But probably all pre-arranged by Trump and McCarthy. Or maybe Trump is supporting him because McCarthy disavowed him.

arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is this a serious question? Highlighting a corrupt POS by actively supporting him? Do you understand how completely backward that is? And how dispiriting that is to people who don't live in opposite world and automatically assume the opposite of what is obviously happening?

"Trump is backing McCarthy so Trump really despises him because he thinks he's a corrupt POS..."

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

After Barr and Wray, does this really surprise anyone?

Curious now who DeSantis would back. Hope someone puts the question to him.

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

Symbols have power all right. And in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke anyone who thinks they can utilize any symbol or source of power and assume it's under their control. God is very specific about this in His word. If you're "feeling the power' and it's not coming from the Holy Spirit, I have bad news for you...

arathyra -1 points ago +1 / -2

"The company behind Donald Trump’s NFT trading cards shockingly has mysterious and shady roots" - nice.

If true, why does Trump keep working with these people? After Barr you would think he would know better and vet everyone. It seems he doesn't care much.

"Sir, this company - they may be a bunch of cabal agents who are undermining your work..."

"It's okay. I'm mocking them."

arathyra -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is the correct response. Bravo. Couple this with the fact they came out the day of his free speech position, and it looks even worse.

arathyra 5 points ago +7 / -2

Mocking them how, exactly? If anyone uses a masonic/satanic symbol, and we like them, do we just say they are mocking them? Where is the mocking exactly? Does Satan particularly mind if we "mock" him by using his means and symbols?

The reach here is getting terrible. Your first instinct should NOT be to dismiss problems and look for excuses. We're supposed to be better than that.

And now he's endorsed McCarthy for Speaker. Is he mocking McCarthy?

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jus like Disney was mocking Satan with that "we love satan" bit in their latest tv show.

arathyra -2 points ago +1 / -3

" I can push out any kind of bs and there will be a swarm of people who will instantly support me and my causes and even pay for the privilege"

This has it's limits - even for Trump. Remember his last big announcement and the sads people had when it was "only" Trump announcing his run, which he has basically all-but-announced at everyone of his last dozen rallies?

This is really not Sun Tzu keep-your-powder-dry type moves imo. Hopefully it signals the end is coming.

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think the ratio is being critical of this write-up. GP just summed up what happened as an intro to the clip about Bannon and Sorka. I still think this Card deal might be sabotage. It was that bad. Talk about the "Trump Card" and "1700" all you want, this is not the way to win normies. They see the nation on fire and to them it looks like Trump is stroking his egomania while trying to earn a buck.

arathyra 3 points ago +5 / -2

It's weird how there's no criticism of Trump allowed. He had a great message he completely overshadowed for the norms by presenting someone's NFT product that doesn't even help his campaign. We're supposed to be winning people to the cause not turning them off completely with secret messages.

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

Welcome to the Great Awakening™ :) We used to be much more than this. I'm not sure what happened, but things like this doesn't help me put down the black pill. I mean c'mon man!

arathyra 1 point ago +2 / -1

If he's trying to look weak, telling everyone he has a big announcement, and that announcement is NFTs after the market has crashed over 95% is a great effort.

arathyra 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect it is not. This is where we are. As our country is dismantled.

arathyra 0 points ago +1 / -1

Think of what this will do for future "big announcements." Sigh.

arathyra 6 points ago +7 / -1

Even more terrible it has nothing to do with raising funds.

arathyra -1 points ago +8 / -9

Tell me this is sarcasm and that the play here is NOT to make the deep state, who has everyone and everything literally bugged already, wonder what any particular announcement will hold - in exchange for demotivating, depressing and discouraging the people who are desperate and dying for action. Please.

arathyra 17 points ago +32 / -15

This is so low rent, I can't believe there's a single person who isn't outraged, let alone supportive. Our country is literally dying. Our people are being killed. The final nail in the coffin is making its way through Congress and could be signed before the term ends. Announcing tracing cards - NFT CARDS! With the Market in collapse! - is completely unserious. I don't care if it's a code (unless arrests start now - which they won't.)

Don't let loyalty silence honest thoughtful criticism. Whoever did this needs to be gotten rid of. It smells of a black hat too close to the president spreading terrible advice.

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