ashlanddog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee

Are You Thirsty?

Perilous times are coming, and these things that are in the world seep into the hearts of Christians today. And how are you going to overcome? The remedy is here. There is no shortcut of taking four or five verses. Well, somebody says, “I was brought up in a Christian home, and my mother led me when I was a very little fellow, led me to know the Lord Jesus.” I say to you this morning that’s important! That is the thing that must come first. Does the Word of God deliver you? Have you found this Book working in your life? “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” Are you thirsty? Are you thirsty?


ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

  1. Is the United States mentioned in prophecy?

  2. Is it possible to live a victorious life?

  3. Is the Bible a guide of conduct?

  4. Should obedience be mentioned in membership requirements?

  5. How do science and the Bible work together?

  6. Is Zipporah the daughter of Midian the same as the Ethiopian woman married to Moses?

  7. What is the social gospel?

  8. Will all of Israel be saved?

  9. Is it wrong to eat pork?


ashlanddog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Charles Haddon Spurgeon September 21st — Morning Reading

"I will rejoice over them to do them good." — Jeremiah 32:41

How heart-cheering to the believer is the delight which God has in His saints! We cannot see any reason in ourselves why the Lord should take pleasure in us; we cannot take delight in ourselves, for we often have to groan, being burdened; conscious of our sinfulness, and deploring our unfaithfulness; and we fear that God's people cannot take much delight in us, for they must perceive so much of our imperfections and our follies, that they may rather lament our infirmities than admire our graces. But we love to dwell upon this transcendent truth, this glorious mystery: that as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so does the Lord rejoice over us. We do not read anywhere that God delighteth in the cloud-capped mountains, or the sparkling stars, but we do read that He delighteth in the habitable parts of the earth, and that His delights are with the sons of men. We do not find it written that even angels give His soul delight; nor doth He say, concerning cherubim and seraphim, "Thou shalt be called Hephzibah, for the Lord delighteth in thee"; but He does say all that to poor fallen creatures like ourselves, debased and depraved by sin, but saved, exalted, and glorified by His grace. In what strong language He expresses His delight in His people! Who could have conceived of the eternal One as bursting forth into a song? Yet it is written, "He will rejoice over thee with joy, He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing." As He looked upon the world He had made, He said, "It is very good"; but when He beheld those who are the purchase of Jesus' blood, His own chosen ones, it seemed as if the great heart of the Infinite could restrain itself no longer, but overflowed in divine exclamations of joy. Should not we utter our grateful response to such a marvellous declaration of His love, and sing, "I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation?"

ashlanddog 2 points ago +2 / -0

...that is what my KY peeps are relaying to me,,,

ashlanddog 3 points ago +4 / -1

Charles Haddon Spurgeon September 20th — Evening Reading

"In the evening withhold not thy hand." — Ecclesiastes 11:6

In the evening of the day opportunities are plentiful: men return from their labour, and the zealous soul-winner finds time to tell abroad the love of Jesus. Have I no evening work for Jesus? If I have not, let me no longer withhold my hand from a service which requires abundant labour. Sinners are perishing for lack of knowledge; he who loiters may find his skirts crimson with the blood of souls. Jesus gave both His hands to the nails, how can I keep back one of mine from His blessed work? Night and day He toiled and prayed for me, how can I give a single hour to the pampering of my flesh with luxurious ease? Up, idle heart; stretch out thy hand to work, or uplift it to pray; heaven and hell are in earnest, let me be so, and this evening sow good seed for the Lord my God.

The evening of life has also its calls. Life is so short that a morning of manhood's vigour, and an evening of decay, make the whole of it. To some it seems long, but a four-pence is a great sum of money to a poor man. Life is so brief that no man can afford to lose a day. It has been well said that if a great king should bring us a great heap of gold, and bid us take as much as we could count in a day, we should make a long day of it; we should begin early in the morning, and in the evening we should not withhold our hand; but to win souls is far nobler work, how is it that we so soon withdraw from it? Some are spared to a long evening of green old age; if such be my case, let me use such talents as I still retain, and to the last hour serve my blessed and faithful Lord. By His grace I will die in harness, and lay down my charge only when I lay down my body. Age may instruct the young, cheer the faint, and encourage the desponding; if eventide has less of vigorous heat, it should have more of calm wisdom, therefore in the evening I will not withhold my hand.

ashlanddog 3 points ago +3 / -0

...valid observations, thoughtfully stated...

ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0


ashlanddog 2 points ago +2 / -0

...where the spooks all go to chow down...


ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

...valid observation...

ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

...the definition of "booby trap" is rather fluid...

boo·by trap

/ˈbo͞obē ˌtrap/


an apparently harmless object containing a concealed explosive device designed to kill or injure anyone who touches it.

Definition from Oxford Languages ·

ashlanddog 2 points ago +2 / -0

...I am sure the muzzies would concur on your tech detox concept...

...there is no push back on the "conventional wisdom that that actual explosives were implanted into the devices...

...which, as we discussed earlier, is an indication of a cover up...

...I looked into how big of a piece of C4 would it take to kill someone, basically one would need a thumb sized chunk of the goodies to snuff someone...

...and that would not be a sure thing...

...there are rumors of the existence of newer high tech material that is more lethal, but that info is above the Dog's pay grade...

ashlanddog 3 points ago +3 / -0

...it is an analogy to the exploding pager saga...

...I thought you guys wanted exploding pager material...

ashlanddog 1 point ago +1 / -0

...long story short, the mods were catching flack over confusion as to what was real and what was a parody...

....so this is for the anons who are easily confused...

...OBTW many years ago, I lived in Cali, but now I bounce between homes in Ashland OH and Ashland KY...

ashlanddog 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oprah Releases Moving 1-Hour Special On Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse


Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 20, 2024...Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend...


Distracting Questions


Right-Hegel Meets Left-Hegel...The misreading of Hegel that Alexandre Kojève shared with Leo Strauss


Adults inadvertently consume so much plastic, it’s the equivalent to eating around one grocery store bag per month


Los Angeles County Seeing ‘Unprecedented’ Number of Mosquito-Borne Disease Cases, Officials Warn...Los Angeles is ‘a region where dengue has not previously been transmitted by mosquitoes,’ authorities say.


Does ‘No Contact’ Mean No Accountability?


King Charles III reciting Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem 'God's Grandeur.'


CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER -- "BLACK WIDOW" (4-29-75)...David Von Pein's Old-Time Radio Channel


Friday Poem... Christopher Bursk - Working the Stacks


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