axiom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe you see something in the future that may play out because of this, but i'm still at a loss why her bitching and moaning about climate change is weaponizing her. She's capable of making her own choices now, as you say, and if she finds that she is being exploited then she will be able to stop if she wishes. It seems like she's just personally obsessed with saving the planet if you ask me. She's a mascot, if anything.

axiom 0 points ago +1 / -1

oh, by abusive relationship I was imagining that the post title and these comments were being said by a man to a woman irl. Because saying "I know a cunt when I see one" when a young girl is making an impassioned speech is pretty abusive. IRL, of course.

axiom 1 point ago +1 / -0

i get it and it's funny

axiom 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ok but do your friends children have Asperger's? She needed help, and this is a much nicer life for her than if she as just an average autistic spectrum 'nobody'.

Obviously this opinion is going to get downvoted, but I simply don't understand the malice toward Greta and I think that hiding behind some sentamentalist rhetoric about her qUaLiTy Of LiFe is a crock, to be frank. It looks like she has a nice quality of life.

People don't like her because she got a lot of attention without doing much or anything herself. But life ain't fair. Also, I know this site is hard right leaning , so again, I expect to be downvoted for this stance. Greta is not that different to me than a Candice Owens type of figure, just that she has autism and gets all this frankly offensive pushback about "not being able to think for herself". ... but I'm pretty sure a lot of Aspies lead very normal lives and are able to see right from wrong. Awaiting downvotes.

axiom -2 points ago +1 / -3

Robots only care about facts , not ur feelings

axiom -3 points ago +1 / -4

The hatred for Greta is something i don't really understand and seems rooted in a lot of envy and misplaced anger. but hey that sounds like a typical abusive relationship

axiom -1 points ago +1 / -2

Isn't this diverging into fringe conspiracy?

axiom -1 points ago +1 / -2

and that is different from anyone with outspoken, opinionated parents, how? Hers just happened to be savvy enough to get her a place in the media.

by BQnita
axiom 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like his words and how he says them at the guy who is wrong