bamurrie 9 points ago +9 / -0

This post is fascinating. Thank you for sharing. I've spent the past couple hours reading Linus Pauling's Case Reports and watching a few videos, including one from Pauling himself with the recommendation. I've ordered some Liposomal Vit C, Lysine and Proline supplements.

I found this link very enlightening from vitamincfoundation.org that basically echoes what you discussed. https://cardiacos.net/wp-content/uploads/ArticulosMedicos/20170813/2004---Heart-cure.pdf

This theory of atherosclerosis is something I had never heard of or come across before. It's amazing how information like this can be hidden in plain sight or completely forgotten altogether.

Here's a YouTube video of The Pauling Heart Protocol in Dr. Pauling's own words (Starts about 3 mins into clip, about 1hr 4mins total) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FWl0_QxG_I

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