Verified accounts (denoted by a red checkmark on TS, blue on Twatter) such as @QAlerts are appearing in my recommended or Re-truthed feed all the more often. Does anyone else find this interesting? Not sure the requirements/process of getting accounts verified, but the TS mods apparently have no issue with verifying accounts like this. A nice way for Q and GAW to become increasingly mainstream.


Just around 28:53 of Kash’s interview on X22 report, Dave asks the “loaded” question regarding Trump’s return ETA. https://rumble.com/v16bww0-kash-patel-convictions-coming-more-indictments-coming-we-caught-them-all.html Immediately, Kash says no regarding a pre-2024 return. He continues on to say that the the only way of his return is 2024. (Disclaimer: Rumble doesnt have a copy-able video timestamp link so Rumble dev if you’re reading this may be useful idea)

If you listen closely, around the 29:10-29:13 mark Kash says the words “twenty-twenty” and then there is a slight pause, and then he finishes “-four”. It almost sounds as if another sound clip is covered over him saying a different ending to the prefixed “twenty-twenty.” However, it could just be a stutter. Let me know what you think. This is just from listening to the clip.

If you watch the video with the sound on, Kash appears to be scratching and craning his neck as he says “twenty-twenty—four.” At least scratching your neck is sign of being uncomfortable, maybe because he dislikes his truth so much and knows of the backlash of this occurring, rather doomer mindset.

Or maybe it’s because he’s lying. Scratching your neck, making squirmy movements, and others are ticks/tells for lying, at least in the US. South Park and other mainstream media have done bits where they show this behavior. Maybe he’s trying to tell us he’s lying.

What if the clip was actually edited as it sounds like it is, and Kash actually said 2022? It feels like good vs evil is gearing up on both sides, getting their supporters as angry and passionate as ever, for a blood bath in the midterm elections. What will be the outcome of these elections? Obviously, being the silent majority, barring uncontrolled levels of voter fraud, pro-maga and chesspiece politicians will be voted into office, and perhaps the ball really gets rolling. Regardless, no complacency in these elections.

This is all theory, but nonetheless notable in the fact that Kash acts odd jittery while talking about Trump’s return. I hope some can contribute to the discussion regarding this


Part I is here: https://greatawakening.win/p/140cNSta8E/another-look-south-park-post-cov/

Previously, I've attached the script from southpark.fandom so people can read into it a bit more, but they don't have it up yet.

Onto the actual one hour South Park special. It begins with a television news broadcast, saying "It's finally over!" referring to COVID and the pandemic, right before you realize that it's "the future" and Stan Marsh is now in his late 30s to early 40s, judging by the grey hairs streaking from his head. Mind you, the last episode of South Park was the South ParQ special when the boys were still in elementary and they're somewhere around the age of 9 or 10. That was the episode where they attempted to make fun of "Qanon" and Q, but it probably just gave more exposure to the movement than anything. I think that was done on purpose. Similarly, I think that the entry of this episode is poking some fun at the fact that the "pandemic" has been going on for X amount of years and the people have let the charade continue on. Purposeful programming. The broadcast in the episode goes on to begin talking about the "lingering effects that the pandemic has had on the children.." then the broadcast is drowned out by 30-something-year-old Stan Marsh getting yelled at from his "wife".

Stan has been called by Kyle, his now former friend, informing him that Kenny is dead. If you're familiar with the show, there are some seasons where nearly every episode, Kenny, their 10 year old friend, dies in some horrific manner. However, this has never really gotten addressed as to why this occurs in the episodes, it just does, and then Kenny returns in the next episode as if nothing has happened. Over and over and over again, but it's never addressed by the creators really, and nearly never by any of the characters in the show, except Stan and Kyle. The infamous "they killed Kenny!" or "you killed Kenny!" lines with a follow-up of "those bastards!" or "you bastard!" Except this "Post-Covid" special, the entire premise of it is to find out why Kenny died. The intro really gives off big Stephen King's "It" vibes, especially with Jimmy, a crippled friend of the boys, as he is a comedian in "the future" where he has his own late night show "live from the Moderna center" (lol), but cancels the rest of his show after learning that his friend Kenny is dead. This same scenario also occurred in "It Part II" where Ricky, the comedian friend, learns of his childhood friend's passing. "It" is also an interesting medium to reference, since the premise of the book and its various adaptations are about a supernatural being that feasts on the lives of children, and solely children. Spooky.

As Jimmy watches the news regarding his late friend, we learn that Kenny was a scientist aiming to create a better future. Meanwhile, Stan is traveling back into South Park, and as he enters, we learn that his "wife" is not actually his wife, rather an AI-type named "Alexa", which is supposed to be an adaptation of Amazon's Alexa. He travels thru South Park to see a horde of homeless people in front of the city hall, every store is named something along the lines of "INSERT_STORE_NAME_HERE Plus." Even their old school is named South Park Elementary PLUS. Stan also sees the playground they used to hang out at, littered with children but instead of playing IRL, they just have VR goggles on. The SoPa police station is abandoned, and someone is murdered as they walk on the sidewalk with their groceries as that is the new norm.

Kyle and Stan meet at Denny's-Applebees MAX, and the server describes the menu for them, saying they no longer have meat on the menu, but insects as a replacement. Seen that before. Kyle lays it down, saying that Kenny was trying to find out who was responsible for "everything" that has happened. Stan asks "Who?", and Token, their token black friend from their childhood appears, revealing a badge case/wallet that has his vaccine card saying he is vaccinated. He says "whoever these people are, they didn't want Kenny exposing them," continuing on to say that what Kenny found out could change the world, but he died shortly afterwards. Kyle says "it got me thinking, oh my God, they killed Kenny.."

Stan is sick of it, and he goes to check in for his room at Super 12 Motel PLUS, where the clerk informs them that they only accept bitcoin and remarks something along the lines of "we've learned that centralized banking is great so we fly-by-night(avoid responsibility) ponzi schemes." Funnily enough, the Canadian band Rush released an album in 1975 titled "Fly By Night" with an owl showcased as their cover art. Interesting, but maybe just actually a coincidence. Or symbolism will be their downfall.

Stan goes to his room, and Alexa is still following him around trying to get him to purchase Amazon products. Instead he turns on the news to see that they're talking about Kenny and how he knew that --they-- knew he knew and felt his life was endangered because of it, but his friends would know where to find it.

So, Stan and Kyle go to the wake, andddd insert Eric Cartman. They've learned Cartman has turned into a Rabbi, and Kyle is having none of it, fairly enough. They leave the wake, Stan is back at his room watching Kenny be interviewed. The interviewere says to him "you always seem to come back to this concept that this mysterious organization is to blame," saying they are people with a lot of power.

After the wake at the funeral, Stan realizes he has to confront his father, who he doesn't want to speak with for unknown reasons (up to this point), so he leaves the funeral. Shortly afterwards, a "doctor" comes in to say that Kenny's death was due to a new COVID variant. Of course, everyone panics, frantically hoarding toilet paper and "chin diapers" aka the generic blue medical masks that we've become accustomed to over the past two years. Another random family showcases the father frantically booting up their son's PC and shoving them into a zoom call for (assuming here) school. Stan's trying to leave South Park to go see Randy, but is locked in by the military due to the fact that a single person in the entire city of SoPa is unvaccinated. Anyone remaining in the city is forced to stay and must take a COVID test. Stan tries to get out of it, and is urging the nurse that is giving him the COVID test to let him leave. Before he can continue on making his argument, the nurse shoves the testing stick up his nose and gives him a shpiel on where to go and what to do to stay safe. After she releases the test from him, he complies. This part really interested me, as I've read theories on here stating that any pressure to the nasal region in which the COVID vaccine is applied to releases some sort of signal to the brain to stop fighting and comply with the opposition at hand. Not sure the extent of the truth on this, but interesting to think about.

Stan goes to the community center like the nurse instructed, and PC principal is giving instruction, saying they essentially have quiet hours from 9PM-6AM daily and they must go to bed after 9PM, as if they are still children.

The fringe-friends of the boys (Clyde, Wendy, Jimmy, Token, and the like..) are also in the sleeping center, complaining that one person isn't vaccinated. Token questions why they're forced into quarantine when only one person out of everyone currently in South Park isn't vaccinated. Clyde admits to it, saying he needs to see the research and it's a personal choice, and Craig retorts that it's been 40 years and enough research has been done.

Continuing to relevancy, the military is shown shooting anyone attempting to escape the town, a clip many of you have probably seen. The fringe-friends confront Clyde again regarding his vaccination status, and he explains that he's allergic to shellfish and states that there has been proof of cross-contamination in vaccines. Jimmy replies "so you're doing this out of shellfishness?", obviously a play on selfishness, saying that Clyde is selfish for not getting the vaccine. I feel like this is a message saying that selfishness may be proven to be beneficial, given certain life-death circumstances. It's the same idea that they teach you of putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others when a plane loses cabin pressure. Focus on your own health before trying to help others with theirs.

After Clyde's clarification and reasoning, Token shows the fringe-friends that Kenny has built a lab in South Park Elementary PLUS, and that is where he was most recently conducting his research prior to his death. Meanwhile, Stan escapes the city to go confront Randy, who is in an old people's tower, where old people are forced to live and cannot leave as if it were a prison, since they are safest inside there compared to the harmful outdoors. The voice message over the intercom says "the future is a place where old people live for a long, long time." So many people are now questioning this idea, why are we trying to keep the oldest, weakest people from dying? This idea is even leaking into mainstream media, with Elon Musk now commenting on this in the news.

A little earlier in the episode, Kyle overheard Cartman and his wife "making love" since Kyle was coerced into letting Cartman stay with them while the city is on lockdown. So Kyle threatened to kick Cartman and his family out. Cartman's son, who is nearly identical to Cartman as a child, says "Oh no, this is exactly like when our people(referring to Jewish people) were exiled from the holy land." Incredibly interesting. There's a theory in history floating around, stating that Satan-worshipping people went from land to land, infiltrating the locals' ranks and communities, claiming themselves to be Jews. I think that this is essentially what Cartman's plan is, claim to be Jewish so Kyle can't stay mad at him as easily, and then turn on him at the very end.

Token arrives at Kyle's house, saying "--they-- killed Kenny, because he was trying to stop --IT--." He digresses, saying Kenny was not only trying to find the source of the pandemic, but he was trying to go back in time and stop it. Time travel too? Project looking glass? At this point, there are almost too many coincidences and it feels like Matt and Trey are just trying to fuck with Q followers.

Back to Shady Towers, the retirement tower where Randy and the other aged-adults are now being held. A couple of times throughout the show, they showcase a large screen with an East-Asian woman smiling with eerie music playing in the background, and they have one on the outside of the Shady Towers. I don't know what this means, couldn't tell which part of Asia this woman was from, but it looked like she was dressed in some Chinese or Japanese garb, couldn't really discern what type of clothing it was. Creepy as fuck though.

Anyways, Stan is there to discuss why Randy's strain of Tegridy weed was included in Kenny's mathematical calculations when trying to solve the coronavirus issue. If you didn't see the previous couple of specials and most recent episodes, Randy gets --really-- into growing some good ol' pot, and creates strains such as "Halloween Special", "Christmas Special", and even "Pandemic Special." You learn in the previous episodes that Randy is basically the cause of the whole pandemic when he goes to China with Mickey Mouse and has sex with a pangolin, beginning the first case of COVID. What a joke.

The fringe-friends are in Kenny's South Park lab at the school, and they learn that any researchers attempting to recreate and continue Kenny's research have also died. But there is one remaining, in a mental asylum, known as Victor "Chouse" as they call him.

Stan and Randy escape from the old person jail to head back to Tegridy Farms, where Randy believes his last special of Tegridy weed is, which he thinks will cure the pandemic. Randy rants on saying "what we lost, Stan, is our Tegridy, and it was all by design" and how --they-- needed "us" (normal people) to lose their Tegridy. Randy refers to China here, saying they planned it all, but I think we know it's bigger than that. Regardless, really just mirrors every message that we've ever derived from Q.

Stan leaves as he knows where Kenny has put the information to solve the mystery around his death, but Randy finds a lone plant in his once-weed-field, and regards it as some sort of holy medicinal plant. As if it were ivermectin instead of weed or something.

The fringe-friends are in the lab, and Wendy attempts to trick Clyde into taking the vaccine by crushing it up and pretending it is blow. Jimmy says they're screwed, and whoever these most-powerful-people-in-the-world have killed their friend and they are going to get away with it. The main friend group interrupt with a flash drive that Kenny left behind for them, with a recording of Kenny in the lab, about to attempt time travel. A scientist giving the play-by-play of what's about to happen says that what caused the pandemic is at the fault of Stan, Kyle, and Cartman, and the division that grew between them because of the pandemic. Sounds a lot like what has happened between a lot of us here and those that we think of our closest friends. I know it's occurred with my friend group. In the recording, Kenny concludes that time travel is the only way to stop the pandemic at this point because the idea of friendship between the 3 has become hopeless.

The video ends, showing Kenny successfully time traveling, but sapping the life force from the nearby scientists, having them implode and killing them all. The boys conclude that the only way for them to save Kenny and stop the pandemic from occurring, is rekindling their friendship and attempting to continue Kenny's research, with Stan saying that they could even bring back Santa and Jesus (both characters in the show) to aid them along the way. Cartman shys away from this idea, meeting with his current family and telling them of Kyle and Stan's plan. At this point, Cartman has some sort of plan to turn on Kyle, who could've predicted that.

The special ends with the mental asylum associate giving Victor "Chouse" some food, showing that his name is actually Victor Chaos, assumed as no other than Butters Stotch, who has not yet made an appearance in the special.

Lots of takeaways from this special and South Park in general, that's why I've done so many of these, and I hope to spark some discussion stemming from this overview. Very interested to see what they do with the next episode, as it's supposed to be released in December at some point. I believe we're almost there, friends.


I've wrote a short novel on this subject, so I'm going to have to split it in two parts. I've written on South Park and how they relate to Q ideas before. Here's my most recent for those interested. https://greatawakening.win/p/140JFQ0JE4/return-the-diamond--south-park/

This section isn't really much about the episode, I'll release that part tomorrow.

With how many times I've written about south park episodes and how they tend to parallel ideas surrounding Q and the theories that we have crafted/refined because of Q, you would think I am a shill for South Park or something. Well I'm here for another round.

The episode/special starts with MTV's logo flashing with the astronaut animation as if this were a movie in the theaters. Although, MTV? That's a little interesting, I haven't heard of them doing any sort of film production other than Jersey Shore in the past 10 years, what gives? A short little search of their wiki, noticed they're owned by Viacom/CBS, two companies that re-merged in 2019.

Reading thru MTV's wiki a little bit I came across their "censorship" section which has a recording of incidences in which MTV censored certain showings. Paraphrasing, it says "MTV has edited a number of music videos to remove sex, violence, weapons, racism, homophobia, advertisements". Okay, seems pretty typical censorship for commercial tv, but maybe a little heavy on the censorship. Continuing, MTV was riticuled into barring any videos that depict satanism or anti-religious themes from going on-air. well, that's nice to hear. However, they did still end up allowing merilyn manson (not very familiar with their music or messages) to play thru the 90s and 2000s while Soundgarden's "Jesus Christ Pose" was not permitted.

I'm a big Soundgarden and Chris Cornell fan, grew up listening to that, so I dug a bit deeper. If you read on theories 'round these parts then you've probably already read into the theories on Cornell and Linkin Park's Chester Bennington. But, reading the wiki on Jesus Christ Pose and its reception, it seems it was misconstrued by MTV. Sure, the music video depicted various arrangements of the cross sometimes right-side up as it should be, and upside-down depicting satanism, as well as various objects and women on the cross being crucified.

However, from the wiki, the description of the lyrics says: "The band explained that the lyrics for "Jesus Christ Pose" concern the exploitation of religion for personal benefit. The song is a criticism of how public figures use religion (particularly the image of Jesus Christ) to portray themselves as being "better" than others, or as martyrs." in the new South Park movie, funnily enough, future-middle-aged Eric Cartman has become a Rabbi of Judaism, and Kyle of course thinks that it is to spite him so he has nothing to dislike Cartman for, unlike their childhood together. I think Kyle is right, and Cartman is using it as a trick, but we shall see.

Furthermore, where else have we heard of misusing religion as a means to appear holy and incapable of doing any harm? The type of people, liars, that Cornell describes, well there are many examples in politicians, world leaders, even infiltration in religious groups themselves. maybe that's why they killed him. edit: forgot to include this part here. Soundgarden's "Jesus Christ Pose" per the Jesus Christ Pose wiki page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ_Pose#cite_note-gilbert-5) notes that the song received an accolade from a magazine from the UK called "Q", and their final release was called Q415. Well, let's take a look at Q post 415:

"We are in this together. No one person is above another. We stand together. Watch the news. Godspeed, Patriots. Q"

Huh, "No one person is above another." Really pretty vague, generic statement, but it kind of relates to what the song "Jesus Christ Pose" is about, and what the message Cornell and co were trying to convey.

Those were just some things that tickled my brain, but they were more than likely just coincidental..

Part II regarding the actual episode coming tomorrow.

edit: forgot to include some interesting info.


Tomorrow's Thanksgiving, and (usually) every year South Park does some sort of special, as they are doing again tomorrow. I've done a couple of analyses on South Park episodes because I find the show funny, and the plot lines strangely line up with recent events. So today I'm doing another one, and encourage others to watch the special tomorrow night as the writers always seem to drop some hints on reality throughout their shows, as they did with the pandemic special. If you're interested, here's my previous SoPa analysis: https://greatawakening.win/p/13zMikpHsH/continuing-south-park-analysis/

Today, I'll be going over S12 E12, "About Last Night...", as it surrounds the 2008 presidential election. Here's the script for those that would like to follow along and read for themselves: https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/About_Last_Night.../Script So this one's pretty self explanatory if you're already on GAW, but it's not super obvious.

The episode begins with Obama being announced the winner, Randy and some are Obummer supporters so they are celebrating. There are some exchanges between the Obummer supporters and McNonames, yada yada yada, fast forward a couple of minutes and Obama steps past the press into the white house double doors. Out of the shadows appears McCain and it appears there's going to be an altercation, but then they both laugh and go "Boom baby!" in unison. So at this point in the episode we've learned that Obama and McCain both ran to be president so that one of them HAD to win and be installed into the White House. This itself is interesting and applicable to what has happened in real life, but for what reason do they want to get in?

Shortly thereafter the viewer learns that the main reason they are wanting to get into the White House is because they are apart of an elite criminal heist group. What do they want to steal this time? The diamond known as the "Hope Diamond", which is actually a real diamond, secured inside of the Smithsonian museum in real life as well as in the episode. Well this gets interesting for a couple of reasons. McCain and Obama are stealing "hope" for one. That checks a box. Secondly, Trump often mentions that if a diamond is stolen, it should be returned to its rightful owner, referencing the 2020 election and its fraudulence.

There's not really much more analysis, as I said it was pretty self-explanatory if you watched the episode. The only other part of the episode worth mentioning really is that in the episode, once they successfully steal the diamond, their plan is to fake their death in a plane crash, but Obama and Michelle decide to give being president and lady a whirl. Ike, Kyle's little brother, is essentially a sleeper agent up until the end of the episode where he detonates the explosives that blow up the plane that is supposedly flying the presidential crew.

If you've got any further analysis on the Hope Diamond or anything related to the episode, please comment. Kind of grasping at straws with this episode, but thought it was interesting nonetheless.


So there I was, a syringe of the horse dewormer from Tractor Supply Co for $12.99 in one hand, a spoonful of no-sugar-added peanut butter in the other hand. I over dispensed the amount I was supposed to take onto the spoon of peanut butter. It was enough Zimecterin for a 250 lb horse, but I’m only 200 lbs! I waited for a couple of hours, and then that’s when it all started.

Nothing. Nothing happened from me taking an increased amount from the recommended dosage for horses and it’s been around 16 hours. Nothing yet, at least. Here’s to hoping this annoying case of blepharitis goes away and the pimple-like bumps on my scalp stop coming up. Will probably take some more in a couple of weeks in case any babes are hatched inside of me.


Saw someone else make a post about South Park and it inspired me to watch more. I’ve watched most of these episodes before, but going back and watching them with a new perspective is interesting and fun. S9E9, the one following “2 days before the day after tomorrow”. S9E8 I previously did an analysis here for those interested: https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFUTNJS4/two-days-before-the-day-after-to/

Onto S9E9, script here: https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Marjorine/Script The boys are Interested in one of those paper fortune tellers that (mostly) girls would fold up with a piece of paper. They say it’s a device that can “predict the future.” Interested in this technology (knowledge), they devise a plan to steal it from the girls so they can use it themselves.

They decide to have one of them disguise their self as a girl to infiltrate the girls’ sleepover and steal the fortune teller. Butters is chosen/forced into it as he always gets the short end of the stick. They fake his death by filling a dummy with various meats and throwing it off the edge of a building.

The doctor goes “noo, he didnt make it” (lol) as the “body” is splattered and doesn’t attempt an autopsy.

Butters is now “Marjorine”, a new girl in town, and the girls are schemed into accepting the new girl into the sleepover by the boys as Eric pretends to be the new girl’s mother.

At the sleepover, the girls immediately start doing a trick (maybe not?) where they are in a dark room, surrounding a dimly lit candle, and it appears like they are making something float in the middle of the ring. Butters gets scared, calls them all witches. The girls retaliate, saying that if Marjorine doesn’t stop being so different and nerdy then (s)he won’t have any friends or something as petty and meaningless as that.

After Butters actually ends up enjoying his time with the girls as Marjorine, he knows he still has a mission to accomplish and get the fortune teller back to his friends. He accomplishes this when he thinks he’s been busted, scrambling out of the house with the teller.

Meanwhile, Stephen (Butter’s dad) is attempting to gravedig his supposedly dead son’s body, and tried to perform a Pagan ritual with it. Funnily enough, he thinks that shit is real so when Butters returns to his home, his parents reject him.

Afterwards, the boys are back with the future telling device, all arguing about who gets to use it first. Then they break it up and decide that it’s too dangerous to have, in case the girls try to get it back, or possibly having the CIA or Russians coming after them for the “tech”.

Instead, they’ll destroy it, with Stan saying that “if we use it then we are no better than they are,” while Eric urged him on saying “I want more power!” Stan says “No one should know the future, that’s how it should be.”

Lastly, Butters is chained up in his home’s basement because his parents thinks he is now a demon since Stephen performed the ritual.

Analysis/opinion time.

The girls can “tell the future,” that’s interesting. The boys want to at least take that power away from them, and in the end they destroy it. How do they infiltrate the girls to retrieve the tech? Fake one of their friend’s deaths and then input him into their opposition. Sound familiar? Patton’s death was untimely, no autopsy for certain proof it was indeed Patton and he died in the way it was said he died. Maybe he knew he needed to get the ball rolling.

Coincidentally, Trump was pretty close/good “friends” with a lot of those who seem to be involved in these treasonous crimes. Maybe the fortune teller is a representation of the predicted psychological programming they have forced upon the entire world.

JFK Jr’s death was also untimely and couldn’t be certified. I’m sure there are many faked deaths that were needed to infiltrate the filthiest parts of the deep state.

It feels like this has to do with big tech, the relentless, intrusive analysis they’ve been doing to us some of our lives so they can program us easier. I hope regulations are implemented after those that tried to control us are noosed up, so this shit “tech” is destroyed and far more preventable in the future.

These are pretty fun to think up and write. I’ll do more as I see them. The subliminal programming used against us is also used in favor of us, just have to recognize it.


Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow

"Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow" is South Park's 8th Episode in its 9th season (9 + 8 = ?). I'm sure the episode has been mentioned here before, but let's do a little more of an analysis.

In a previous post, I wrote about how I believe that the same psychological brain washing tactics used in modern media that are used to control normies and sheep are being presented to us again, or already have been presented to us without us realizing it. I really recommend watching the episode yourself; it's funny, relatable, realistic, and shows us the same tactics that the deep state/cabal have been using for years, as well as the power of comedy.

If you don't have any interest in watching it, then you can just look at the transcript on the South Park fandom. Here we go.

The episode begins with Stan and Cartman at a lake marina in Cartman's "uncle's" boat. It's not actually his uncle's boat, but some random's boat, and they end up crashing it into a beaver dam, breaking part of the dam. Stan returns home to find out that the local news is covering the destruction occurring.

The reporter says "I'm currently ten miles outside of Beaverton[...]. We do not have any reports of fatalities yet, but we believe the that the death toll may be in the hundreds of millions. Beaverton has only a population of about eight thousand, Tom, so this would be quite devastating." Tom, the news anchor asks "Any word on how the survivors in the town are doing, Mitch?" to which the reporter replies, "W-we're not sure what exactly is going on inside the town of Beaverton, uh Tom, but we're reporting that there's looting, raping, and yes, even acts of cannibalism." Tom is shocked, "My God, you've, you've actually seen people looting, raping and eating each other?" The reporter replies again, "No, no, we haven't actually seen it Tom, we're just reporting it."

My God, if this isn't blatant then I don't know what is.

The show continues on, where people are making their claims about how the beaver dam broke, some characters blaming Al-Qaeda, George Bush, the mayor of Beaverton, and even FEMA. A little later, there's breaking news about what they found out to be the "ACTUAL" cause of the dam breaking: "[...] shocking new evidence has indicated that the flood in Beaverton was actually caused by.. global warming[...] We were warned this would happen and... we didn't listen! We didn't listen!" As ridiculous and funny as this dialogue is, is South Park referring to communist takeover? We didn't listen, so this is what's happening? Maybe Matt and Trey were told to write this episode this way, or were given the script as actors. Exposing the truth in a ridiculous and humorous way? Humor and comedy is a powerful tool, where you're allowed to talk about sensitive subjects in a truthful way. I could see/believe it. Is it the same thing with their most recent episode released about the vax, where Kyle is trying to coerce Stan into taking the vax the entire episode even though Stan doesn't want to? That episode contains cartoons of Hillary, Obama, and other deep staters being involved in satanic ritual, child sacrifice, and child consumption.

Continuing with S9E8, South Park continues to isolate themselves in the community center, on the belief that global warming is ravaging their town and the rest of the country. Randy ends up drawing on a map of the United States and it ends up look like a dick on the United States (US getting fucked?). Meanwhile, Cartman, Kyle, and Stan set out to go rescue the people of Beaverton, only causing more chaos by crashing another boat into an oil refinery. The refinery explodes, the boys go inside, and attempt to make it to the roof.

On the way up, Kyle is blocked off by Cartman, who tells Kyle to give him Kyle's Jew gold. Kyle eventually reveals a bag, hands it to Cartman, and Cartman tells him that it's fake gold (currencies vs silver/gold?) and to hand over the real one. Kyle almost obliges, but just throws it away into the water where Cartman can't get it. This scene was always interesting to me, making me wonder why they put this in this episode. Maybe it's referencing the Rothschilds/DS/Cabal control over the media? To say that the Rothschild family is in control, or any elite group, regardless of their group affiliation/race, is not a racist thing and should not be seen as one. Regardless, a weird aside to put into this episode that's all about fearmongering, control, and self-isolation.

That about wraps up this analysis, I'm sure it could be done for many more TV series. If you have any of your own coincidences that align with current events, feel free to share them. There are more than you would think in main stream media and it makes you wonder if the same subliminal messaging that was used in attempt to control the free man is the same sort of psychology that is going to help us break free from the chains of the deep state.

A link to S9E8 script: https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Two_Days_Before_the_Day_After_Tomorrow/Script

Got the ‘VID last week. Went in and got tested after I lost my taste and smell, which was the worst part of it next to the body aches. Not being able to taste anything I ate gave me no dopamine/satisfaction as I ate so I was left with no desire to even eat for a couple of days.

Fast forward to 6 days from when I originally got tested, it’s today. I have to produce 2 negative tests before returning to work, go in to get tested today around 3pm. The lady says they stop Covid testing after 2:30 now. Why? Because there’s limited supplies apparently. Since when?

I asked her if it’s because of the PCR tests being inconclusive towards COVID vs the flu, she said she doesnt know, just doing what she’s told. No surprise there. She said they have flu tests still, but not enough COVID. Cant imagine theres much difference between the two if they cant tell the damn difference between a positive for the flu and a positive for the ‘VID.

Anyone else hear of these limited supply issues lately? Slow Joe and Kamaltoe must be doing a really goddamn awful job vs the virus if they’re struggling to keep up with testing supplies now of all times, especially when a new “variant” is supposedly “rampant”. Makes you wonder..

It seems the tides are turning. We hear this a lot every day, and it may be tired, but it doesn’t mean that it is not true. For context, I’m a working, post grad(wtf does that even mean anymore) individual that is roommates with some non-red-pilled normies. They control the TV since I watch only a few specific shows and dont pay much attention otherwise.

One day, my roommate decides to throw on this movie called Mitchells vs Machines. A Netflix original, Disney-esque movie, that is about how a mobile device company and its mobile device AI attempting to take over the world. Already sounds like a red pill, but why would Netflix put this out?

In the middle of the movie, the mother is captured by the AI, speaking with the owner of the company who also became trapped by his own AI, and he’s talking about what he did and how bad it was or whatever. The mom asks: “Who would have thought a tech company wouldn’t have our best interest at heart?” This is a children’s movie.

Now say what you will about it, because the other part of the movie is focused on how the girl wants to go do something with tech and digital graphics and make movies in college in CA or some libshithole, which is not the worst field by any means, but the father isn’t thrilled about it since he thinks it’s not useful and doesn’t understand it really. Not an overall bad message regardless. Dont trust big tech, maybe try to understand each others generations a bit more.

Next, I already mentioned this on a different account(accidentally double posted so I got banned!!), but when Jimmy Fallon hosted our beautiful friend Mike Lindell, Fallon joked, and poked, but let our boy Mike speak for what seemed like eons. It actually wasnt very long at all but Jimmy gave Mike his platform and got to make a few jokes.

I could tell it was hitting a nerve with one of my roommates since he wasnt laughing and at the end just went “That was really weird..” Screw Fallon regardless, but it was a platform nonetheless.

Ya’ll aren’t going to like me for this next one, but onto Rick and Morty. The newest episode, s5e6. Whether or not the creators of R&M are pedos, Ive seen their old skit of them pretending to have sex with a baby or whatever tf it was linked here. It’s distasteful and just not funny at all, South Park did it better with Ike and his pre school teacher.

Anyways, back to the episode. The episode begins with Rick and Morty pulling a Nick Cage and trying to steal the constitution. Morty screws it up and shoots a laser which triggers the Statue of Liberty into reigning terror on the US(they play it off as it it was a trojan horse used by the French. Interesting with all the talk about France lately, but its not that important to the story).

Of course the US is pissed that R&M are trying to steal the constitution and simultaneously screwed up some important US buildings like Lady Liberty and the Washington Monument. So this leads into Rick and POTUS getting into a dick measuring contest, with Rick’s end goal to turn himself into a turkey and be pardoned(the episode is on Thanksgiving) by the POTUS, and the POTUS’ goal is to try and stop this from happening.

Move on a little further, and the POTUS turns himself into a turkey as well to stay one step ahead of Rick, but isn’t turned back into a human when he should be, and a different, random turkey has its DNA injected with POTUS’ DNA and it is turned into this turkey-human mutant that becomes president temporarily.

This is where things get a little more interesting in terms of red-pill material.

Rick, Morty, and POTUS get sent to a feeding chamber, where an FDR-spider feasts on the rejected turkeys. Rick asks why theres a cloned FDR-spider abomination, and POTUS says it’s actually FDR, but polio vaccine mutations turned him into the abomination that he is. Morty kills FDR and says that he was a monster, and Rick replies “dont mythologize him, he was a politician” paraphrasing.

Meanwhile, the fake POTUS-turkey abomination begins to exercise his POTUS authority by selling New York to the French and giving all of the money to congress. R&M, the actual POTUS, are de-turkified by Rick’s sci-fi abilities. Actual POTUS confronts turkey-POTUS saying that the military humanized the incorrect turkey, and turkey-POTUS says that it could be true and he wouldnt want congress working with the incorrect President. The people vote to keep the turkey-POTUS as POTUS since they think he’ll do a better job.

Turkey-POTUS has now created turkey super soldiers with 100% approval from congress as the news anchor says was possible because congress received its 3rd pay raise in the last 6 hours.

Continuing, POTUS and fake turkey-POTUS end up fighting and of course POTUS wins in the end after saying “no matter what you got people to believe, Im still the goddamn president.” Interesting. All the while, R&M are sent into space to deactivate the Washington monument which the turkey-POTUS sent into space to turn every person on Earth into turkey-mutant-soldiers from a space laser.

As much as I hate to admit it, since R&M began Ive watched every episode. It’s entertaining, some episodes are in better taste than others, like this one. It was one of the most pro-America, anti-establishment episodes of television intended for normies Ive seen in awhile.

Im posting this here today because I really do think that the tides are turning and white hats are in control. I know, these examples are pretty small. But these three examples are all of shows that are targeted for the most anti-American individuals. Do I think that Dan Harmond and Justin Roitland are pro-America? Not really, but Rick, who they define as the universe’s smartest being, is working together with R&M’s version of POTUS to take down a fraudulent, totalitarian politician that just gives money to other politicians.

That’s it for my rant, but hope some people got some insight about where normie-media is and how the same style of subliminal messaging that is used against the average person may be used to our advantage today. Feel free to post any other red-pill material that you’ve seen in current pop culture!

Disclaimer: In no way am I suggesting that people should go and watch these shows/movies, I am just an individual that makes his own free choices on what I consume and decided to do a little bit of dialogue analysis, but you can certainly look at the scripts/transcripts of the movies/episodes on your own accord if you’d like to confirm.