Read the Bee AFTER reading GAW headlines. If you read the Bee first, all the headlines in GAW then compute in the brain as satire. Or is that just me? That is all, carry on.


Last night I had boarded a flight out of Philly and one of the flight attendants almost cause a riot. She was clearly very low experience and was making some of the announcements and obviously reading from their script. She finished one announcement and started her next announcement which was the announcement about the REQUIREMENT to wear masks at all times. She even got as far as the part about you must only remove your mask to eat or drink and you must replace it immediately. She realized what she was doing and eventually stopped in the middle of a sentence. She made no apology, no explanation, no back pedal. The interesting thing was the reaction I observed from the other passengers. I think we got close to a mutiny on that plane. It does concern me a little that American Airlines still has that in their library of announcement scripts - like they are ready to pull it back out at a moment’s notice. But the reaction on that flight and my observation that the masktards are outnumbered at least a thousand to one at airports tells me that people will not stand for it if they try that crap again.


Waiting for them to break in during Jeopardy tomorrow to announce indictments against the Resident for the Corvette documents.


I'm looking out my office window at an old "contrail" that just won't go away; it just keeps expanding. I'm also seeing other wider cloudlike lines in the sky that look as though they were probably "contrails" from earlier today. Just yesterday I saw another contrail in the same part of the sky which quickly evaporated. Yesterday's weather was very similar to today's so why would some contrails quickly disappear while others persist on similar weather days. My question is this: How do the Normies or "experts" explain persistent contrails? Is there a meteorological explanation they try to put forth? Follow-on question: How do those of us who think this is intentional poisoning of the skies (and thus, of us) explain the process of getting the chemicals into the aircraft in order to create these persistent trails? I am a 30-year plus aviation technician (although not in the airline segment since the 90s) and I don't see how this would get by the people involved in the airline ground support trades. I'm 100% sure there is something seriously nefarious going on here but I can't explain how they get away with it. Another follow-on question: Since bad actors are involved, why wouldn't they just do this crap at night when it's not so obvious? I apologize if I sound like a naïve peasant, but my experience with all the regulations around aircraft certification and operations (including time in the aviation industry as a government employee) makes it difficult for me to explain this to a normie.


So a guy comes in to the pawn shop with what are supposedly master microfilm tapes of the Dallas PD JFK assassination investigation. Rick then starts talking about other "conspiracy theories" including the Illuminati. If you have an On Demand service and want to check it out, the Illuminati portion is at about the 18 minute mark. Oh and it's season 17, episode 17.


I've started watching the earthquakes around the world, using an app called Earthquake Alert. I'm amazed at how many quakes in the high 3 to low 5 Richter Scale range occur at that depth. Did I read here that the DUMBs are at that depth? Also, all the quakes around Tonga are at that depth. Interesting?


At the suggestion of another user, I wanted to share how I obtain Ivermectin capsules. My wife and daughters' doctor is a Functional Medicine doctor. For those unfamiliar, Functional Medicine is a great route to get out of the mainstream medicine scam that has been in the business of keeping people sick for...ever. Skipping to getting the Ivermectin...I scheduled an online video call with one of the docs in the practice, did a simple and pleasant 15 minute call and the doc prescribed at least a 2-month supply, along with the amounts to take as a prophylactic, in case I'm exposed, or if I get symptoms. The prescription was sent to my local "Compounding Pharmacy" which is very convenient, but they also ship all across the country. It's really worth looking into Functional Medicine practitioners and compounding pharmacy options!


Sitting with my elderly mother who enjoys watching Andy Griffith. Season 2, episode 24 is all about forcing the tetanus jab on everyone. They even used the word "JAB!" Andy basically told Rafe Johnson that if he doesn't get the jab, he will die. Hard to imagine this plan goes back to the seemingly innocent early 60s but I know it started way before that. Just sickening.