You've seen where Pfizer guy admits that they're advancing new coronaviruses in order to front-run a "vaccine" for their own "cash cow". This was called "gain of function" research. Later that was 'bad', so they're calling the same thing #DirectedEvolution.

So what does the US Gov't say? Answer: They want Big Pharma to produce bioweapons. The National Institute of Health nih.gov has funded #DirectedEvolution for a while now. Here's one research paper in 2022 that got 3 NIH grants, plus one author got a Pfizer fellowship. (See acknowledgement section) There are dozens more.

Back to this paper: one of the authors, Ralph Baric, put out an official statement in May 2021 saying why this wasn't officially Gain of Function / Directed Evolution. After review by the NIH, they said the "studies focus on... the potential of gain of function research" and are not "gain of function." See how that works? You do a study on "potential" gain of function, produce bioweapons to prove the results, and then the study ends!!!

So you have a successful study and a lab full of bioweapons. Study's over. What's next, Wuhan? It's all good!