680k followers. Interesting timing.



Dinner discussion: Who makes what we feed our dogs. Purina. Who is Purina owned by? Nestle. Who is the CEO of Nestle? This guy: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/mark-schneider

Companies Nestle owns https://static.tumblr.com/967a0c04482644d12b3a3e2f49c23da5/op78yd4/RjQnr5ccn/tumblr_static_2a75n5b3q9s0g4ogks0sok4wc.jpg

A Trustee of the board of an org that wants you to eat zee bugs and nothing. Think about what you are eating and feeding your pets.


Within the NSA purview is to monitor all international communications. What if they have the conversations between the Bidens and various foreign nationals? If the foreign nationals were persons of interest, then it is in within their (NSA) scope to intercept all communications, especially those originating from the US.


This is unconfirmed, but if something bad happens to Jim, we know it was a hit, not a coincidence. Pray for Jim.



Anyone else get a notice in their trading account from DWAC offering approximately $10.24/share? That’s lower than the current strike. Smells like a buyback. Could be good news.


He went into hospice weeks ago. Is he dead yet? Timing is everything.


Not Q.

WARNO: We are at the most dangerous point in our lifetimes, domestically, and specifically as a victim of crime. For those of you that carry, I URGE you to get carry insurance.

For about 15.00/mo you can have a near unlimited and defense team in the case of a defensive use of a firearm. I've already had a confront ation in the last year - no discharge.

The leftists have infiltrated a vast majority of the judicial system and you will face immense legal attacks and lawyer bills plus related charges. Don't care who, they are all good. Do your research. Carry on.



Direct link to video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cn-hfT0vhBH/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D

I'm not convinced. The video has a ton of edits in the middle of him speaking. The cuts are mid-word and mid sentence, not at the end of a sentence. There is no sign of him reading from a teleprompter either, which he undoubtedly would be. There are a lot of facial tics and strange movement of his face, but I don't have a video to compare it to. If anyone has a link to a Damar interview, that would be helpful. This looks like a very good deep fake, IMO.

Undoubtedly, this will be used as proof of life and the video will be used to quash the "Damar is dead" narrative.


This is heartbreaking to read. This guy was just a musician/composer trying to make it through life. He thought he was doing the right thing and got the Moderna vax in 2020. Now he's almost dead from an ALS-like disease. He completely admits that he basically murdered himself by getting the vax. He has days left. For minimal followers, his latest tweet has 1.9M views.



Many of us agree that whatever brought us here and educated us will be used to help guide the normies, NPCs and sheep as they awaken to the realities of the world. But there is another angle I believe where we, as purebloods, will be called upon to help. This notion was a gym (not shower) thought this morning, as I was on the treadmill, watching all the new people in for their resolutions.

Do you know CPR? Do you know how to operate an AED? I think we may be seeing people dropping like flies in the gyms, workplace and out and about in 2023 as the vax/boosters do their thing with increasing frequency.

I've had fairly extensive EMT and tactical combat casualty care and am equipped to help. I've used these skills before. The first vax-related incident I experienced was last summer when a recently vaxxed friend nodded out right in front of us at the dinner table, pissed himself, and fell into a stupor, bordering on coma as he became incontinent. I was seconds from starting CPR (on phone w 911) when he took a breath and I aborted. He had a latent heart condition called WPW (electrical pathway) most likely triggered by the vax he took to go on vacation. He survived and is fine now - other than having the toxin in his body.

Most of us are the type of person who will help out in an emergency. So I encourage you at a minimum to get CPR and AED trained. Even if it's watching videos online. Also, encourage your gym, employer, etc. to install AEDs. If it saves one life....



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