With 3" 4X6 duplex turkey shot.
Yep - Pro Trump beer.
Yuengling. Spell America’s oldest brewery correctly. Thank you.
- Beer Nazi
Yep, I will have the nervous shits until he is sworn in. Even then. Remember that the Trumps didn't move in for months after 20 Jan 2017. They found devices capable of great harm hidden in the West Wing. Max demo ensued with TSCM deployed. Don't be surprised if Trump makes it to 20 Jan that they don't immediately move into the WH.
The real death count is between 5-10,000 here. Absolute tragedy. Already forgotten. Thank God for Samaritan's Purse and the local orgs or the toll would've been higher.
Press the Meat.
It'll cost $50B for #WNC alone.
I've lost count or just don't care anymore, with the exception of my oldest. She's a stupid lib.
I never complied the first time. I quit my job, sold my house and moved south.
With the number of reports, surely someone on GAW knows someone who experienced it first-hand.
Here comes the giant, red suppository for the CA Dems/Libs.
Next comes civil unrest. Earthquake. Riots that'll make people wish for Roof Top Koreans. Except this time it'll be illegals, not joggers.
He's gonna get thrown off the 4th tier at Rikers.
I hope he dies of lead poisoning.
It's where they house protective details. The house next to my parents is rented by the USG to house an 8-man rotation protecting someone. These are 2-3M dollar houses.
I get mine from AllDayChemist.com out of India. Takes a month, but it's legit, they take credit cards and always deliver legit goods.
Tom, that’s it.
Thanks for posting this Joy. I was just asking if anyone had pics of the server logs. Now just need the menu and the bureau of prison record of EMW father to make collection complete.
Sabo is a great guy and artist.
MySpace Sean (I think) is dead? I thought he retired to island hopping and photography.
I'm originally from Panhandle and Central west FL. I can attest to this.
Can you see anyone other former POTUS at a Diddy party?
That's not agricultural country. They are only hitting the places close to the coast and 1 of 2 planes was knocked offline by a drone strike for several days.
Ironically I've stood in front of an LRAD.
If I'm not mistaken almost all drones are geofenced from sensitive sites.