Does someone know where I can get the full list of all Q posts, in some sort of format I could feed into a custom assistant using OpenAI? I would like all posts in one single file ideally, since there is a limit on the number of files you can upload. My goal is to engineer a prompt that would allow a custom assistant to interpret and find patterns in the posts, browsing the web as needed. Ideally I would pass in a separate file of that PDF of the Q proofs (if anyone has a link to that please share as well). Here is the list of supported file types:

FILE FORMAT MIME TYPE CODE INTERPRETER RETRIEVAL .c text/x-c .cpp text/x-c++ .csv application/csv .docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document .html text/html .java text/x-java .json application/json .md text/markdown .pdf application/pdf .php text/x-php .pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation .py text/x-python .py text/x-script.python .rb text/x-ruby .tex text/x-tex .txt text/plain .css text/css .jpeg image/jpeg .jpg image/jpeg .js text/javascript .gif image/gif .png image/png .tar application/x-tar .ts application/typescript .xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet .xml application/xml or "text/xml" .zip application/zip

Full Send interview with POTUS, must watch!! (www.youtube.com) 🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
posted ago by bombayks ago by bombayks

I would like to form a list of 10 key questions and come up with a hashtag so that we can start a movement to demand declassification and answers about UFOs from the government. We can seed it organically in different corners of the web and galvanize the population into supporting it. After this Chinese balloon nonsense, the Area 51 stuff a few years ago, etc I think the time is ripe for the populace to demand declass. Q posts make clear that we the people have the ultimate power. No matter where you stand on the issue I hope you would also be curious enough to demand the truth. Please post any key questions about UAPs/UFOs/Aliens and any pointers or thoughts you have about how best to make this happen. These questions can be compiled and use for Q's upcoming Q&A (https://qalerts.app/?n=4965) and perhaps more importantly can be put into easily shareable form where we can demand our representatives to produce answers.

Here are a few in no particular order that have circulated in my head to get started, they are probably too specific but I wanted to include some details of stuff that you all may enjoy researching:

  • What really happened in Roswell New Mexico in the famous 1947 crash?
  • Is Bob Lazar's story about Sector 4 and Area 51 true, and if so why is he allowed to talk so much on Joe Rogan etc?
  • Was Phil Schneider making up the story of the Dulce base and the war where 66 soldiers died?
  • Was there really an alien at the pentagon named Valiant Thor?
  • Is Zero Point energy real? What is the truth about Mark McCandlish and the FluxLiner? Did the military really reverse engineer alien craft and build an Alien Reproduction Vehicle?
  • What's up with Antarctica? Is it really a barren ice wasteland or is it an opening of the hollow Earth or Hitler's hideout? Are aliens actually super advanced reptile species that developed before us on Earth and are guiding out evolution?

TL;DR You guys are all being overly pessimistic on the livechat of the stream. We are going to with this 5th generation war, and it will take time but we now have a timeline - 2024.

That was the best speech I have every heard President Trump give. I have been waiting for some of the things he just said and the ideas he hinted at to be mentioned. He told us all we are not at the precipice - we "don't quite feel it yet" and that's why the midterms were even remotely close (still he got 90+% or whatever of his endorsements to win). We have been in despair with no hope for so long, so it's easy to give up, but he just gave us a concrete timeline to all adhere to. He is running in 2024 and "elections will be very different then". He hinted at the promise of the future to come with Mars spaceflight and other vague references to what I believe to be the nuclear powered and quantum computing driven future that even Q hinted at from time to time.

2025 and forward will be the best years in history. We are engaged in 5th generation warfare against a global enemy, and our commander just announced that the tides have turned and this marks the beginning of the taking back of our country. He basically said we can withstand 4 years of Biden and his nonsense but we couldn't handle another term and so the action will take place before Biden can be president for another term.

Look at Q34. I think now that Trump has announced that it is time we take back our country, so we will start to see an insurmountable wave of actual evidence and information leading up to action and arrests that mark a massive change in the world order. I don't think Trump will be wrong when he says today will go down as a very important day in history. In fact, even in his speech he was very humble and selfless in saying this is OUR campaign and OUR movement that belongs to the people and not just to him. WE are going to take back our country, in the voting booth, in 2024, under very different circumstances.

I know this wasn't the "declaration of the Storm" many of you were hoping for, but this marks a turning point in a 5th generation war that will go on at least 2 more years before our commander is back in office officially


Looks like the AGs are backing out of signing on, or at least will delay this. Lindell says he will release the info publicly if they don't sign on before thanksgiving


Now I understand why the mods changed the tab title of GAW to “now in progress” - we have reached Netflix people levels of awakening. That is all.


So I’m not a Christian, or a Hindu for that matter. I’ve always believed vaguely in something greater and have a great respect for the Bible and Hindu texts among others. I believe most of the stories passed down from these religions are true in some sense. But I never really had tangible proof. Thought I would share this story in the hopes that it brightens someone’s day and restores some faith in those who may be wavering.

A friend told me that they had tried a thought experiment where they focused their mind on wishing for the universe or God to show them a blue butterfly, and it appeared for them. I thought it was cool but didn’t put much stock. Recently I had a crisis of faith in both work related stuff and a long distance relationship that’s been nothing but amazing but at the same time difficult due to the longing to be with my girlfriend and the physical distance between us. Every time something was going well at work it would unravel at the last moment. Every time I thought I’d finally get to go back to India and see her again, the plans fell apart due to Covid bullshit. Seemed like nothing would work out. From the Trump/GAW perspective I’ve seen the Q posts and felt strongly that something greater was at play, but I didn’t know if it’s truly God making these coincidences or if they were planned by mere mortals.

So amidst this crisis, about a week ago, I wished for the universe to show me a sign that I was on the right path and that things would work out the way they should (not necessarily the way I want, but how they should). I wished with all my heart mind body and soul for this, but at the same time felt it probably wouldn’t happen. Lo and behold, while on FaceTime with her an eagle landed on my porch. It filled me up with intense emotion - I knew it was a miracle. What’s more it happened on Easter, and happened right after I did a Hindu prayer.

I know now beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is real, by whatever name(s). In case anyone is curious, here is the prayer. It has brought me a lot of joy and faith:

Gayatri Mantra: oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt – Rigveda 3.62.10

English translation: We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may She enlighten our minds


I am looking for that Q proof clip where trump says he has a forum to go around the mainstream media and talk directly to the people



It's a govt article basically giving really dumb excuses about why satanic ritual abuse is not real despite evidence and historical examples. Honestly I got freaked out and dont really want to dig deeper on this, just thought it may piece together something for some researcher out there.


First INDICTMENT [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

  • Q #3717

[Placeholder - INDICTMENTs Tracking > Non_Civ] [Set 1]

  1. Kevin Clinesmith [KC][11.3]

[Placeholder - INDICTMENTs Tracking > Civ]

  • Q #4621

11.3 = when HUBER made a SEALED indictment

  • Quoted from an anon and confirmed in Q #1518

Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.

  • Q #4587

On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.

  • excerpt from Q #34

My analysis:

When Kevin Clinesmith was indicted, that was the 11.3 marker. At that time Huber made a SEALED indictment. I believe Podesta was the sealed indictment, and we are now waiting for the 11.4 marker when that can be unsealed. At that point the arrest of Podesta will be actionable. This will lead to the population awakening but it will not be openly accepted. Deep state will fuel riots and perhaps zero-day massive cyber-power attacks.

For the date fags a few ideas about when is 11.4 gonna happen:

  • feb 28 with the CPAC speech and Durham retirement
  • week of feb 29 for the same reasons, culminating March 4 with the original constitution restored
  • think mirror so maybe 4.11 (April 11)?
  • any other date in the next few years LOL

In Mike Lindell’s video, the lady at the end (Mary Fanning) showed a list of IP addresses involved in election manipulation with an exact number of votes flipped tied to a timestamp. Where is the source data for that list and can we go look at it? It should be open source that would be a massive redpill to distribute


Trump will be seen as the best president of all time. The most restrained with his executive power given all the information he could have sought out and weaponized. He fought in the public sphere with public information, and although he knew about much more he went about it the right way by relying on independent AGs and special counsels who caught all the bad guys legitimately. Unlike the Russia hoax FISA debacle, everything that comes out of the Durham/Huber/Sessions?/Barr? efforts will be solid and bulletproof and heavily damaging. Maybe thats just the start and then the military dumps their evidence, or maybe the military can dump the evidence through civilian channels such as Durham?

I remember the 27th being a key date for some sort of marker


I want to send a letter to President Trump, how can I do so? Is there an email address or contact form that actually has a chance of reaching him? Or should I mail a letter to Mar-a-Lago?


In order to maintain neutrality and optics, I theorize that Trump will make the entire US population the jury for the treason charges.

To ensure a fair trial, there will be a social media and news shutdown so no deceptive opinions can be injected into the national debate. I think phone lines etc will be kept on as well as electricity.

It’s will be up to us, and probably most Trump supporters who will join after what is coming. We will need to go out and spread the truth. Tell our friends and family what we know and the facts.

When a jury of the American people decide, using paper ballots and ID verification, there will be no questioning of the results.


We need to think critically at this juncture and sort the wheat from the chaff. There is disinformation everywhere. See post #537 (https://qalerts.app/?q=%23537)


TG departure [HEC].

NOT to testify.

NOT needed to testify.

Think logically.

NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.


What ROLE might TG be walking into?

Who can WE TRUST?

RATS everywhere.

EVIL everywhere.

TRAITORS everywhere.






Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.

Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.

Boards changed due to MISINFO.

Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.




MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].



Once Trump brings down the hammer and does whatever he is about to do, there will be chaos. Organized Antifa/BLM riots will break out and the NG in DC, and around the country frankly, will be very busy. Not to mention foreign threats such as China or the UN from entering the US to supposedly do "peacekeeping".

As stated in #537, YOU (us) are VITAL. We need to be able to critically sort out truth from fiction and have a clear understanding of the facts so that we can explain it to our families and communities during a potential blackout. This was a massive military sting but a lot of people are already brainwashed on the other side. Sure, NSA/Mil Intel/US MIL/+++ are vital to the plan, but none of it works unless the people accept it. It's our job to spread the truth to the public at large during/after things go down.

Finally, any thoughts on what Q means in 537 by the following:

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239]. SC: CONF_y


I’m flying from Charlotte NC to Boston MA. The captain just said DC airspace is shutdown and the excuse was covid cleaning. Some shit may be going down. Stay safe pedes