Y’all literally have one more day left. Nothing is gonna happen and Biden is gonna be the president. Q lost and I feel bad for the people that called off work for this. Trust me, I drank the cool aid too at one point, and it was fun larping for a little while, but at some point you just gotta get back to reality and real life. Q is great escapism if you’re feeling down or just trying to escape real life, but it can be dangerous and consume your life. Not trying to be a “doomer” but cmon lol some of you guys are delusional if you think this shits gonna happen in a day. Sorry not sorry. Facts over feelings.

MLK day. Got the day off so I’m just gonna be doing nothing all day. Which also means I’m gonna be on this board all day haha. Can y’all entertain me with some hopium and big drops? I’m not too worried, but then again we are only 2 days away and nothing huge has happened. Thanks peeps.

Only 4 more days til the inauguration. Something huge must happen or the Qtards were wrong. Please prove me wrong.