...not trying to be rude, but you might be a little stupid. Do you really think, if this was a ploy the entire time to trap patriots, expose them, and arrest them to remove all threats to the NWO, do you really think it's realistic that they would arrest 80 million Americans all at once? LOL. And those are just the ones who voted for him. That's not accounting for the other 80 million Americans who support him, and all the people who follow and discuss Q. Plus, a lot of us have guns. Lots and lots of guns. Do you REALLY think that even if POTUS and the military were part of the deep state, that they'd pull something like that off?

To come up with a plan that effectively amounts to, "hmm, we don't know who will be a potential dissenter/rebel, so let's just bait everyone and see who takes the bait then go after them" but then you end up waking everyone up, that is just absolutely fucking moronic. So in other words, tens of millions of people who would otherwise still be asleep and totally buying the leftist narrative were awakened by Trump and by Q, and that was part of some 'genius' plan to trap all the anti-Deep State Americans? Get real. If your goal is to go after anyone who doesn't buy your narrative, YOU DO NOT GIVE THEM A REASON TO NOT BUY YOUR NARRATIVE. This is THE stupidest fucking theory I've ever heard.

If you're going to doom, then doom reasonably. Don't doom moronically. Use some logic, for crying out loud. I've heard a lot of theories, but this is by far the stupidest one.


Qpost #523 (January 13, 2018): "CHECKMATE. Q"

Qpost #540 (January 18, 2018): "Are you following the news today? WHAT A BIG NEWS DAY. These people are REALLY stupid. This will be the END of the D party. This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES. Q"

Qpost #543 (January 18, 2018): "THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q"

Qpost #552 (January 18, 2018): Picture that reads, "STORM COMING, WARNING"

Qpost #562 (January 19, 2018): "Remember THIS DAY. Q"

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