....Sleepy Joe Biden WAKING UP out of his basement to get inaugurated as the 46th President? KEK. What a show indeed.

The good guys won today! Trump WAS the Deep State the entire time! Biden is a hero. Don't you understand, Biden was Q all along! We've been trying to tell you this the entire time, but y'all won't listen. Now Satan has finally left the White House and we can finally achieve world peace and harmony. Don't be down, frens. Biden is a patriot.


Think logically.


STOP bringing those dates up. They ALREADY HAPPENED. I keep seeing countless people over-analyzing those posts as if there's some sort of convoluted code.

For the billionth freaking time... 11.3 and 11.4 already happened. In Saudi Arabia. Martial Law was declared there and people were arrested on Friday and Saturday. Hence, "Friday and Saturday will deliver." The Podesta thing was disinfo, hence, "disinfo is necessary." This post was meant to mirror what was happening in SA. Then Q said that what happened in SA will eventually happen in the U.S. hence, "think mirror."

SA's martial law habbening was meant to signal what would happen in the future, hence, "11.3 verifies as first marker."

There. Now everyone stop datefagging, those dates are no longer relevant. Q#34 is relevant, but not the date part of it.


Seeing as how Q and Trump like to make happenings on the 17th of some months, do you think something big will happen tomorrow? If so, what?


If Q was a LARP, could a LARP predict...

  • Kim Jong Un and POTUS making a deal, end of Korean war 6 months before it happened
  • Creation of Space Force months before it happened
  • Martial Law in Saudi Arabia days before it happened
  • A rogue agent would 'accidentally' shut down POTUS' twitter in 2017 days before it happened
  • Resignation of Paul Ryan a day before it happened
  • NoName's death exactly 30 days before it happened, right down to the minute and hour
  • That Q would suddenly blow up in the news during August 2018 and become mainstream days before it happened
  • The Pope changing the Lord's Prayer a month before it happened, even telling us exactly what the prayer would be changed to
  • The outcome of the 2020 election
  • The events of January 2021

Anyone got any others?


The one from Star Trek, not the one that helps POTUS. Star Trek Q just seems fake and gay especially the way he acts around Picard. He doesn't seem to want to admit that he has feelings for him.


Didn't elaborate on much else, just to be prepared


I think my dooming mentality is dissipating... The next 7 days will be nuts.


I've been trying hard to trust that things will go right, but I'm falling into a deep depression. What makes it worse is that people will just hand wave it all and claim I'm trolling, but I'm not... I'm on the edge of contemplating suicide.

I've listened to all the theories but how do you explain these away?

  1. Trump's admirals and generals saying they're preparing for Biden to become their 46th Commander-in-Chief
  2. State Department saying they're preparing a transition into a Biden presidency
  3. SecPompeo stepping aside next week from his position
  4. Trump namedropping Biden administration 3 times in his latest speech and looking defeated
  5. One week left and everyone's talking about a Biden administration, clock is ticking.... it's just getting too close

I realize there are a shit ton of troops in D.C., but many troops were deployed last year to slow the spread of Covid and it was all a nothing burger. I want to believe, but I'm losing hope. If all else fails, I'll turn to Christ. I want to hope for a good outcome, but I also don't want to disappoint myself even further if it turns out that Biden gets inaugurated in 7 days. I just don't think I can handle that. I know the saying goes hope for the best and prepare for the worst, but I'm preparing for the worst and my soul is too crushed to hope for the best.

I'll eat my words if this ends the way we all hope it does. I'm making this thread to ask for some help so that I don't fall into a complete doomer depression. If you know something I don't, then lay it on me. Or rail against me, whatever you wish. Thank you.

Trump Card (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by boxofnipples ago by boxofnipples
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