brilliantretard 5 points ago +5 / -0

you should be mad at your mother for birthing you.

brilliantretard 1 point ago +1 / -0

you don't know that for sure. and you never know, you play with fire you may get burned. didn't they say that it only requires like 3.5% of a population to revolt for a regime change to occur? it could happen. don't be so cavalier.

source: https://carrcenter.hks.harvard.edu/publications/35-rule-how-small-minority-can-change-world

brilliantretard -6 points ago +1 / -7

Genius. An obscure and depreciated legal concept will save Trump from the Swamp! That worked really well so far! The supreme court will surely accept this case, even though it rejected all of the rest!

Law is not magic. This will not put Trump back in office. Only a new election is going to do that, so you better hope that the Senate doesn't convict him so he can run again in 2024. Personally I think he should run as a senator, he'd absolutely win and he could seriously muck things up that way. He could run to replace Harris's seat in California. Think about how much of a black eye to the demonrats that would be.