Is the location of God's kingdom.

America, for your active attempt to usurp this and take it for yourselves, you will burn.

Our Lord did everything He could to bring you to safety, but you just would not listen.

Maybe some of you will survive. Pray, ask Jesus to teach you true forgiveness. Ask Him for wisdom that extends beyond the borders of your little country.

You have chosen this.

Tick tick...

Is the fruit of all the seeds you have sown. This is not a joke. It's time to pray for mercy for your unforgiveness.

Shame on every one of you.

I'm not kidding. Yellowstone. Run. Run far, far away. This is not a test.


There are people on this site from many, many countries all around the world. They are willing and able to speak up for their own countries. Dear American friends, we do not need you to do this for us. With all the respect I can muster, leave it to those who didn't need to research the capital city of a country to speak up about the state of things there. Please and thank you.

...are just as revolting and pathetic as anything you've ever hated on. We want our world cleaned up and that's an amazingly good thing to work for, but you will accomplish NOTHING if you hate while working toward things based in love.

There's so much hatred here toward certain things, but you guys are MISSING THE POINT completely on others. If you can overlook your own grandiose egos, you can give the benefit of the doubt to those you see as sinners. And doing so won't stop anyone else from righting the ship while you get your narcissistic selves back out of the way.


(I am also an egotistical, prideful numbskull and just happen to be in the place of seeing a problem to fix. Ignore me but hear my voice, please.)


It's been bothering me so much that I look like a crazy person to all my Canadian friends just for believing non-mainstream news/keeping up with the Q crowd. But it dawned on me that before they thought I was crazy, nobody listened to a word I said. Now they scoff at it, but at least they talk about it.

Scoffing at things until I realized I was wrong is basically how I woke up to the truth, so this makes sense to me, at least. Thought it was worth sharing in case it encourages someone else.