Non-woke payment processors? 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by bydesign ago by bydesign

Slightly not GAW-worthy, but does a non-woke version of PayPal or Venmo exist? I need to take some electronic payments at a sale, but I really don't want to give those buzzards any business.


I was just trying to figure out when Father's Day is this year, so I popped over onto my Google Calendar. (I know, I know.) I have the "Holidays in the United States" alternative calendar checked, so I see those days on my personal calendar.


But you know what IS listed? Juneteenth. And also Juneteenth, alternate.

Ugh. WTF? Now even my stupid family calendar has gone woke.


If you've not heard, Avian Flu is spreading across the nation. Whether or not it's a real event, folks in charge are having huge numbers of birds "depopulated" (as they like to call it). This includes both commercial flocks and small backyard operations. Egg prices are going to be through the roof soon.

Small prep: chicks are everywhere right now. Go down to your local feed store, TSC, whatever you've got, and get yourself a half dozen or more. They are easy to raise, relatively inexpensive to feed, and will start making you breakfast in about 16 weeks. Chickens love your salad scraps, bugs, mice - you name it; they'll probably eat it! Screw your ridiculous HOA rules and get yourselves some chickens.

Once you have a surplus of eggs, look into Egg Glassing for long term storage. We've been eating duck eggs that are currently 1.5 years old, and they are perfect.

Food in general is likely to become decidedly more expensive and scarce. We have a small farm, and the price of commercial grade fertilizer is just insane. One small and easy solution in case the shit really hits the fan? Potatoes.

Small prep: go buy yourself a few bags of organic potatoes now. Let them start to sprout. Once they do, cut the potato up into small sections (generally with two eyes each) and plant. You can grow potatoes in almost anything - the ground, containers, trash bags, etc. Small amounts of care and water will yield you TONS of potatoes.

(Even better: buy real "potato seeds" that should be appearing in gardening centers soon, depending on where you live.)

You can live on eggs, potatoes and water for quite some time. You can barter with eggs and potatoes.

PS - everything I've mentioned here is easily searchable for more detail and instructions, even on the totally cucked browsers. :D


I am amazed at the vast numbers of Christmas cards & letters we've received this year where people are telling us their vaccination status. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. No one needs to know.

I'll also say that I'm horribly disappointed in so many people I thought might know better. I swear if Fraudchi told everyone to cut off their right toes, they'd do it.

If you're a child of the 80's as I am, you might remember this song. I hadn't heard it in many years, but it popped up on my "oldies" (ahem) soundtrack recently. This song came out in 1984; the lyrics are kind of chilling in today's context.

Zone Time – World Destruction Lyrics Speak about destruction. (x3)

This is a world destruction, your life ain't nothing. The human race is becoming a disgrace. Countries are fighting with chemical warfare. Not giving a damn about the people who live. Nostradamus predicts the coming of the Antichrist. Hey, look out, the third world nations are on the rise. The Democratic-Communist Relationship, Won't stand in the way of the Islamic force. The CIA is looking for you. The KGB is smarter than you think. Brainwash mentalities to control the system. Using tv and movies - religions of course. Yes, the world is headed for destruction. Is it a nuclear war? What are you asking for?

This is a world destruction. Your life ain't nothing. The human race is becoming a disgrace. The rich get richer. The poor are getting poorer. Fascist, chauvinistic government fools. People, Moslems, Christians and Hindus. Are in a time zone just searching for the truth. Who are you to think you're a superior race? Facing forth your everlasting doom. We are Time Zone. We've come to drop a bomb on you. World destruction, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom!

This is the world destruction, your life ain't nothing. The human race is becoming a disgrace. Nationalities are fighting with each other. Why is this? Because the system tells you. Putting people in faceless categories. Knowledge isn't what it used to be. Military tactics to control a nation. Who wants to be a president or king? Me! Mother Nature is gonna work against you. Nothing in your power that you can do. Yes, the world is headed for destruction. You and I know it, cause the Bible tells you. If we don't start to look for a better life, The world will be destroyed in a time zone!

Speak about destruction. (x3)