I know there have been many people on here that don’t like him, I understand he was CIA but he seems level headed on what he talks about? What am I missing?

Trying to argue that trump never went to epsteins island but all I can find is that he went there 7 times ??


I’m a little confused, who’s finding the classified documents? Was their a warrant to check his property? Has anyone questioned him about this yet? This all seems odd to me. Thank you.


Yes I’m vaccinated, last September I was fully vaccinated. Iv had severe chest pains and high blood pressure for 5 days above 180. I’m 28 years old. The hospital said I’m too young to worry about a stroke or heart attack. Anyone have similar symptoms? I will go back to hospital tomorrow. I’m at 183 right now. I’m healthy, minor stress but not crazy. Please help me figure out if this is vaccine related or not . Cheers


Now that there’s evidence and proof? What next ? Why isn’t she in jail!?


My wife has been suffering since Christmas with her lungs, she’s been to the hospital a few times now, she does have asthma. She can’t breathe and has hives since Christmas. Anyone else hear of this ? Thank you


I’m so confused, what is the latest with Arizona? Is there any hope on any decertification in any state? Or are we just hoping they don’t cheat in 2024? If there was a solution it wouldn’t take over a year after the election, the world is awake, what is the military waiting for? Why are we always loving the goal post? I look like a fucking idiot to everyone I know. Not sure if I truthfully trust the plan anymore. I’m just hoping something happenes eventually. This movie sucks


Gahhhhhh what the hell


I hope our system isn’t as rigged as America’s, but I know that isn’t true. Everyone hates Justin Trudeau and there’s no way he wins again, unless of course he cheats. I hope space force is watching. I hope good takes over evil. This fight for freedom is weighing on everyone. I hope we catch them in the act. I want a better future for our children. I hope everyone has a good day.

Edit: I voted conservatives and wore my MAGA hat. PPC was my choice but it just has to be anything but Trudeau until next election, and conservatives are the only way to do so, unless cheating happens


Does anyone have any sort of word about when the senate gets to review the results? I have to believe the perfect time would be now . Canadians are so asleep still, Trudeau is such a corrupt politician. Canadians need all the help we can get. The PPC will surprise a lot of people, they won’t win this time, I’m hoping the conservatives win although I don’t trust them right now. I hope the results we are all waiting for happen before the 20th. It could wake not only America but Canada as well and we need an awakening just as much as you. I hope the white hats take the gloves off and start playing dirty. It’s time for this horrible movie to be over. This is for our children.


Can someone maybe explain the difference between the audits and why I’m seeing a bunch of different people say they are finding really odd things about Georgia. Who’s doing their audit?


The fans chanted USA as he entered the arena. I pray he’s back soon. Everyone pray for these audit results to come out soon


Not dooming at all but does anyone know when the first report comes out ? Or do we just expect sometime in august now? Also a random question, does mike lindell still believe august for reinstatement? That’s seems highly unlikely if the first audit took this long ? Thanks


Hey mods just wondering why you took my Canadian emoji away? All I did was question why we haven’t heard much from what should get released from mcafee. It was a question. Hopefully we aren’t that sensitive here. Hopefully I can get it back? Thanks ?


I thought he had a bunch of incriminating details to be released after he died. Besides the random Q on his profile picture, anything else ? Or are we just holding onto this hopium like everything else ?

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