A while back I saw some posts that stated only a small percentage of people who were eligible for the last booster took it. Like less than 10%. Does anyone have links to data backing this up, that are normie friendly? Trying to redpill a friend. Thanks!

...Calling for peace at the Capital on Jan 6. That was when they shut his account down. They completely hijacked the narrative at that moment and Elon just exposed it for anyone to see. Massive red pill for the people paying attention.
Anyone here know anyone who was prescribed Paxlovid after catching the covid? What was their experience? I have a family member about to start taking it.

Does anyone have a compilation of all the different recent msm articles trying to blame heart issues on anything but the jabs? Thanks in advance!
It’s the video showing all the clips of MSM programs being sponsored by Pfizer. Really wish the search function worked on this site. I’m usually pretty good about using the save feature but must have forgotten for that clip. Thanks to anyone who has a link!
Any recent MSM articles about the vaccinated breakthroughs. Any part of the world. Not only cases, but transmissions as well. Bout to switch the lights on. Just need a little help. Thanks! 🙏

Seems like some artists were just tuned in. RIP Jason Molina
Songs Ohia - Didn’t it Rain https://youtu.be/l_tWx7S-FWE
No matter how dark the storm gets overhead They say someone's watching from the calm at the edge What about us when we're down here in it We gotta watch our own backs
But if you do see that golden light That it shines in its fiery eye Go on and catch it while you can Go on and catch it if you can
Let it course through you And let it burn through you If it's the light of truth If it's the light of truth
If they think you got it they're going to beat it out of you Through work and debt, whatever all else there is You gotta watch your own back Try to see the light of goodness burning down the track
Through the blinding rain, through the swaying wires If I see you struggle, I will not turn my back I've seen a good man and a bad man Down the same path
I've seen the light of truth keeping out of it And told them to watch their own backs
If I see you struggle and givin' all that you got I see you work all night burning your light To the last of its dim watts I'm gonna help you how I can
If you see me struggle all night and Give me a hand 'cause I'm in need I'll call you friend indeed But I'm going to watch my own back
Didn't it rain