Any fitness freak frens wanna give some advice? 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953

I've been looking to lose some weight and get in better shape lately, but don't really have ready access to a gym because of life circumstances. Figured I'd throw this out there and ask for some advice about working out at home to lose weight with no equipment. I mean there's the obvious push ups, situps, etc. But I'm more looking for advice on how many sets/repetitions, how many days a week, etc. Obviously I plan on dieting a bit as well, but any advice or some kind of link/graphic showing a few basic workout plans would be appreciated.

I figure this post can help some others in the same situation as well given a lot of us want to get in better shape to prepare, but don't have access to the best facilities, and whatnot.


With all the stuff coming out in the news recently about Turkey finding a bunch of rare earth metals deposits (out of freaking nowhere), and Uganda finding the largest gold deposit in more than a 100 years, I can't help but wonder.

Is it possible there are other resources deposits in say, the USA, Germany, the UK, etc. that are being hidden from us? Supposedly the USA has all but run out of Iron ore since all of the "good quality" ore has long since been mined out of the great lakes region. But what if there's a massive iron ore deposit in say, Arizona? But the cabal has kept it hidden from us so as to make us more dependent on foreign ore and scrap metal.

This isn't that unreasonable. It wasn't until the 50s that the official largest iron ore deposit in the world was found in West Australia. And it was kept under the radar for decades until mining officially began when the guy who found it managed to get his hands on all the land around it for dirt cheap.

And this applies to more than just Iron. Think about it. For all we know, there could be some massive deposit of gold, silver, and platinum, a few hundred feet below the surface in say, Wyoming. But it's being kept under wraps so that the cabal can keep a strangle hold on things.

I'm not saying it's a definitive thing, but it seems plausible to me.


Couple of older people, as well as myself and a few younger guys my age (We're Gen Z), were discussing faggots because there was a trannie in here earlier wanting her (Biologically a female) truck fixed.

After she left, we started talking about it as a topic, and everyone else pussy footed around it until I just bluntly and loudly said I ain't caller her a "man" and all the queer, gay, and trans crap is wrong. After which they all started being more open about their opposition to it all.

In fact, I actually managed to pique their interest when I said I believe they're all mentally ill, similar to someone with bipolarism or schizophrenia, but no one will allow research to be done into a cure since it will "offend the queers".

This just goes to show, far fewer people approve of, or accept the fag and trans crap than polls and stats would let on. They're just too scared and cowardly to say in public out of fear that they'll be attacked in some way.

TLDR: Had a based conversation with a bunch of cowards once I bluntly said faggotry is evil and wrong and they're all mentally ill.


As usual I'm sure this will probably cause a few people to get butthurt since I'm being "intolerant" of certain things but I don't care. I feel this needs to be said.

So while looking around at news articles this morning to see what propaganda is being pushed now, I came across a few interesting articles that put me down a mild rabbit hole I’d figure I’d share.

“The Rise of Christian Nationalism”. Apparently this is the latest war cry of the rabid leftists. Nearly every article I came across was full of blatant propaganda trying to smear us all as what basically amounts to white supremacist crusaders wanting to expunge America of all non-white, non-Christian demographics. It was honestly kind of stupid and absurd how hard they tried to smear us all. Most of their “Christian quotes” came from synagogue of satan “pastors” at “liberal progressive inclusive churches” of which all it took was a quick 15 minute google session to find out they were all absurdly small (25 or less people) and currently struggling to maintain their membership and attendance since people are leaving their “congregations” in droves. But that’s a side point.

The main point I wanted to bring up and noticed is this. They wouldn’t give percentages about how many Americans fall into the Christian Nationalist category after 2010. Now why would that be? Well it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain at this point. The ONLY time they don’t put out polls, and statistics, is when they’re so bad for the propaganda that there’s no way to possibly spin it as a win for them.

This is honestly part of an overall larger theory I’ve been developing for a while now. I’m like, 99% certain America is STILL a Christian supermajority nation (85%+ Christian), and probably has more Christians now than ever before (percentage wise). But the left keeps suppressing that info and manipulating numbers to make it seem otherwise. A quick rundown of how they do this (since I know someone will probably ask) includes everything from only polling locations they know will heavily lean towards the result they want, to asking manipulative questions that engineer the result they want, to just plain old throwing out answers they don’t like, to just outright lying if all else fails and quoting “anonymous experts”.

We know they do this with literally everything else, so it only makes sense to me that they’d also manipulate these numbers in order to demoralize their biggest enemies, Christian Patriots. Perhaps this is part of the religious aspects of the Great Awakening. Not only are more people waking up to the lies they’ve been fed by corrupt religious leaders (the pope, woke churches, etc.) which is causing a MASSIVE drop off in mainline religious (but non-denominational and independent protestant religions are still growing by leaps and bounds), but it’s also part of an overall larger movement I’ve noticed where Christians as a whole seem to moving to more “cyber” platforms to congregate together in order to bypass the woke corruption and find actual, Biblical, based pastors and churches.

Overall, I feel this is a truth that a lot of people need to accept. Our side is the overwhelming majority. And we’re also overwhelmingly Christian in makeup. By just that factor alone, America is a Christian supermajority nation. You’d have to be absurdly ignorant to just ignore all of the Christian religious themes of the Q drops, as well as how obvious Trump has made it clear that America is a Christian nation and will continue to GROW as a Christian nation.

Heck, just based on what Trump and Q have said alone, it should be obvious we're a Christian nation and it's going to be prove at some point that all these polls and numbers that people throw out as "proof" that Christianity is on the decline, homosexuality, transgenderism and atheism, etc. are on the rise, etc. etc. are nothing but straight up propagandistic lies by the deep state and cabal in order to manipulate us into believing they're the majority. ESPECIALLY when it comes to the children. A lot of people need to realize, the younger generations are not lost, and never have been. The media and cabal just do EVERYTHIGN they can to put the freaks and outliers on the front page of everything and never give any of the normal young people ANY screen/talking time.

As such, all of the sinful and morally corrupt things that some seem to be overlooking can’t just be overlooked anymore. Homosexuality and it’s derivatives (Even on here a lot of people need to just accept this as evil and get over themselves), abortion, corrupting the children and church, woke corporations, corrupt institutions, financial corruption, etc. can no longer be tolerated. This is how we move forward as a nation, by going backwards and rejecting all of the "modern morals" the cabal has forced on most of us.

I firmly believe that by the time this is all over, we’ll be living in what essentially amounts to an updated version of the 50s. You might not agree with that, but that’s where I believe we’re headed. All of the signs seem to be pointing towards that when you look around and see what’s going on and happening in the nation. The corrupt political “elite” are being torn down from their podiums and power is being returned to the people. Combine that with the fact that they can no longer hide behind lies and false statistics since we’re more mobilized than ever, as well as the fact that all of the leaders on our sides constantly trumpeting Christian Nationalism, well it should be obvious where we are as a nation and where we’re going. And I’m not even getting into literal prophets like Kem Clement.

All in all, the future is bright, and if it means going through a little bit of hardship now, then I’ll gladly do so for the future that’s lining up before our very eyes. Remember, ancient Israel had to go through hard times every so often as well, and then God ALWAYS brought them back to him, stronger and more prosperous than ever, until Jesus came to fulfill his tasks.


So this means their stupid 80% rule, forced reset trigger rule, their upcoming pistol brace rule, etc. etc. etc. are all now null and void correct? In other words, ALL of the freaking gun control that the ATF created out of thin air without proper authority is no longer enforceable.


Personally, I'm of the opinion most of this is artificial because the cabal is manipulating the weather (which we all know they do) in order to create an artificial drought in the west. Get rid of that weather manipulation, or even better, turn it around and use it to force rain in places that need it in order to get water levels back up to snuff, and this will probably be solved in a month max.

Of course I'm open to other solutions. I've seen people mention that this can be solved with different government policies, which I don't really see how, but that's the point of this thread. To discuss solutions to the water problem in the medium-long term in a post cabal world/


So, time for another “out there” theory of mine. This is one I’ve been working on for a while. I was kind of inspired by several posts I’ve seen over the past month or so ranging from all the gay crap, to Sweden becoming an islamist hell, to someone making a post about how the USA isn’t special and God is eventually going to lift up all the nations to be our equal on the global stage post cabal. (Completely disagree with this one, but we’ll get to that later.)

So the question I ask all of you is this. What group of people do the cabal seem to hate and want to destroy more than ANYONE else on the planet? Most of you will probably say either Russians or white people as a generic group. These aren’t wrong answers, but they’re also not the correct answer from what I’ve seen based on the last 120 years of happenings.

The single group of people the cabal hates the most, are those of Old Norse descent. Germanic people, Scandinavians, Anglo Saxons, Celts, etc. Why do I say this? Well, it’s simple really. Look at WHERE globalization and the woke disease have hit the worst, and where the cabal is trying to conduct an ethnic genocide by breeding certain cultures out of existence via globalization and forced immigration.

Yes, France, Spain, etc. ARE also experiencing this, but not to the same extent as Germany, the UK, and the Nordic nations. Sweden in particular has become a woke, muslim, hell on earth. And then going further into the anglosphere, you can see that it’s not just Europe. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and yes, the USA, are also subject to this bizarre hatred and planned ethnic cleansing.

And that's not even getting into how these nations are almost always hit the hardest during global wars. Look at Germany, they're the absolute loser of both World Wars. Norway and Sweden were basically scorched and razed during WW II. The UK was bombed to an absurd degree, etc.

Every single one of these nations (and even France if you want to include the Normans), can trace their heritage directly to the Old Norse tribes in some way or another. So why does the cabal hate this specific culture and ethnic group so much? Well, I have a theory. A while back someone made a post theorizing that celts are descended from the lost tribe of Israel, specifically the tribe of Dan. This is one of the many posts that led to me creating this overarching theory.

So here’s my theory and proposal. The Old Norse tribes, ARE the lost tribes of Israel. They just seemingly popped up out of nowhere (most historians can’t agree on WHERE they came from, other than they didn’t originate in Scandinavia.), and have odd genetic abnormalities that aren’t found ANYWHERE else on the planet. Red hair, blonde hair, blue eyes, and green eyes, being the notable traits that have their origin in the Old Norse genetics. Combine this with the Biblical scripture that says that the lost tribes just went north when they became “lost”, and the fact that the cabal has systematically eliminated pretty much all of the true Israelites from the face of the earth and replaced them with their fake Khazarian “jews”, and this makes logical sense to me.

You have a group of people, who the cabal are dead set on wiping from the face of the earth, who have special DNA not found amongst any other people, whose geographic location lines of with Biblical scripture, and who, despite all of this, STILL manage to survive through it all. As if by divine protection.

However, this is only part of my theory. So yes, I have concluded that those of Nordic descent (even distantly), are the true Israelites and members of the lost tribes of Israel, as well as the only remaining true Israelites left on the planet after the cabal wiped the rest of them out.

But I have to address the other part of this theory. Why the USA is special. In all of history, there have only been TWO nations established in the name of God for strictly religious purposes. Ancient Israel is the first obviously, but it has long since fallen. The second one, is the USA.

Contrary to what some may say, the USA WAS founded as a Christian nation, and STILL IS a Christian nation (anyone who believes the cabal statistics, polls, and surveys is deluding themselves). The USA also has some interesting parallels to Ancient Israel that no other nation in history can claim. Anyone who’s ever read the Bible will tell you that there were multiple times that Israel “fell away” from God, experienced a season of depravity and turmoil, then were brought back to God and experienced a season of prosperity and abundance. It was literally a cycle they went through because they were an imperfect, if beloved people, in the eyes of God.

The USA is the only other nation that can claim to go through such cycles. That is literally what the Great Awakenings throughout our nation’s history have been. We experience a season of prosperity and abundance, which leads to some sort of Godless depravity, which leads to a new Great Awakening, which leads to the overwhelming majority of Americans turning back to God and a new religious revival, which leads to another season of prosperity and abundance. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s like clockwork. The USA seems to be literally incapable of losing its status as the predominant Christian supermajority nation, and the land of Freedom and Prosperity for God’s children, the Christians. It’s almost as if God himself is preventing us from falling too far away from him, and pulling us back by orchestrating a global event that originates in the USA in order to bring about a religious revival every time we stray to far.


Combine this with the fact that the USA was predominantly colonized by Anglo Saxon/Norman Brits, Irish/Scottish Celts, and Proto-Germanic tribesmen, and you see where I’m going with this. I’m not saying the USA has replaced Israel, but what I am suggesting is that the USA may be a SECOND Israel, created by God for the remnants of his people, in the form of Christians descended from the Lost Tribes, to protect them from the cabals’ machinations. If you compare the geography of the USA to Biblical scripture, it gets kind of bizarre how much the USA’s geographic layout mimic the Ancient Biblical world. Someone posted a map a while back showing what I’m talking about, but I lost the link and can’t find it again.

And the parallels get even MORE freaky when you consider that Israel was founded when God’s people slaughtered all of the natives and claimed the land for themselves, resulting in the creation of Israel via joining several smaller “states” together.

Assuming I’m right, and the USA is basically a second Israel, then the USA IS SPECIAL compared to every other nation on the planet. That doesn’t mean all other nations are doomed to destruction by the cabal, it just means that the USA will always continue to be special on the global play field. It means that our nation has inherited most and/or all the promises made by God to the Israelites. An most importantly, it means that God will NEVER allow the USA to fall, and will continue to enact more Great Awakening to turn our nation back to him every time we stray (which seems to be every 50-70 years) until it’s time for Jesus to return and the TRUE end times prophecy to play out, rather than this halfcocked, walmart brand “apocalypse” the cabal is currently forcing us to experience.

I’m not saying this is 100% true mind you, just my personal belief and the conclusion I’ve come to, based on the past several years of research and the past month or so of inspiration. I could be wrong, but this makes way too much sense to me. Plus it lines up with what Q said about how the ending won’t be for everyone. Imagine how all of these Zionist loving older Christians, and atheists, etc. will react when they find out that not only are jews not jews, but God is real with 100% certainty (since there’s no other way to explain all of these Biblical parallels), White Old Norse descendants are the true Israelites, and the USA is the current inheritor of God’s promises for Israel.

This is the type of thing that would turn a lot of people upside down and throw them into a fit of cognitive disconnect since they can’t fathom everything the thought they knew being a lie.

Feel free to discuss, add to, or point out anything I may have missed.


This is something perplexing to me. And I'm not just talking about normie conservatives, I see it on here and in MAGA circles as well. We STILL act like polls, surveys, and studies have any weight to them. Usually when it comes to queer crap, or young people.

So I have to ask, WHY? We know they lie about LITERALLY EVERYTHING in their agenda book. We know they have no real support for any of this. We know that WE are the overwhelming majority. We know HOW they manipulate statistics to create an illusion of support, and an illusion that they have greater numbers than us.

We know it's all horse crap.

So WHY does anyone think that ANY of these polls, surveys, studies and statistics that indicate that Gen Z and younger are like 20%+ Queers or overwhelmingly liberal, etc. etc. real or accurate?

For that matter, why do we believe any of these same polls, surveys, studies and statistics that say that White populations are decreasing? That birth rates are decreasing? That Christianity is decreasing? (I know for a fact this one is a lie, but that's a different rant and I don't want to mix messages in this post)

Seriously I'm not saying that there's not a single queer liberal non white atheist faggot in the 24 and under category, but none of these stats are true. That much should be obvious. The same with basically every other subject that people on our side worry their butts off about every time some corrupt liberal propaganda source puts out a new "study, poll, survey, or set of statistics".

Seriously, EVERYTHING IS A LIE. Why else would the cabal be SO FREAKING DESPERATE to convince us all that all of this is true? No one questions this in regards to the election, political corruption, the obvious fake polls pumping up support for the potato, the jab related statistics, etc.

But for SOME reason, we still assume that it's the absolute truth when the SAME organizations and people try to tell us all of this other obvious horse crap.

I may just be ranting here, but this weird disconnect legitimately perplexes me.


I know, I know. At first this seems to be unrelated to Q and just makes me sound like an actual raving lunatic. I've only ever brought this topic up a few other times since I found this site, but I just had another thought last night while relaxing and watching a few horror narration videos about the Beast of the Land Between the Lakes (which if you don't know is an actual cold case involving a family being literally ripped apart in Kentucky with no known animal being able to match the carnage).

So what's the general consensus on paranormal creatures? Bigfoot, dog men, wendigo, skin walkers, vampires, etc. etc. Like, do they exist? Just hog wash? What? If you had asked me a few years ago, I would have said is was mostly over active imagination, but these days pretty much anything seems plausible to me.

I've slowly been developing a theory that a lot of these "sightings" are the result of some kind of cabal experiment. Either some kind of air based pathogen that causes hallucinations as a back up/side project to project blue beam, or they ARE real. If they're real, I'm of the belief they're cabal experiments that have escaped from the DUMBs.

To me, that would explain A LOT. Think about it. Why is it that a lot of these people who witness this kind of thing end of having their lives ruined by mysterious government agents? Why is there such a push to discredit EVERYTHING they say? Why is most of the "evidence" always covered up or lost?

Think about Missing 411. How many people go "missing" every year in the national parks of the USA with no apparent trace remaining? Where ELSE have we heard about similar circumstances? I'm not saying this is 100% true, I could very well be wrong, but I think it's plausible at the very least.

These people ARE sick. And Q said that a lot of what they have done will have to remain in the dark for a time otherwise people wouldn't be able to handle it. Imagine the public reaction if they found out these freaks were conducting genetic experiments to create human/wolf or human/gorilla hybrids as some sort of super soldier program?

The Vampire thing in particular is of interest to me, since I've actually seen several other pedes on here talk about how some of these cabal families consist of real life vampires. And I'm not talking about the adrenochrome, I'm talking about literal Nosferatu types that serve as the shadowy heads of the cabal. Though, having mentioned it, the adrenochrome thing probably DOES have some basis in historical vampirism. Perhaps as a cover story for the cabal in the past?

Anyway, just figured I'd throw this out again for discussion since it seems like we're getting close to the mass declass and project blue beam activation.


Showing my age a little here, but I actually sat down and watched several of the Dirty Harry movies for the first time in my life a few nights ago. And for some reason it just bugged me. I know it's hollywood and it's probably not SUPER realistic, even for the 70s and 80s, but it just looked so....clean and nice. Like the contrast between what you see today out there just kind of, I don't know. Weirded me out.

And it kind of made me start to think. The leftists minions of the cabal destroyed such wonderful and great place over the course of a few decades. How long do you guys think it will take some of these places? We all know that even when we finally beat them for good, it's going to take at least a decade before we start seeing the nation we all want. (Something akin to the 50s or 80s where Patriotism is everywhere, Christianity is the dominant super religions and essentially everyone has traditional Christian morals and values, while the government is incapable of actually interfering in our lives or forcing us into servitude again.)

I'm aware I'm probably thinking ahead of things since we're only just now having the big names come up in the public space in the way we want (Durham and everything else going on). But still nice to brainstorm over this stuff, and imagine the post cabal world 10, 15, 20 years down the line.


I've tried to broach this topic multiple times, and every time it seems either the thread get's hijacked by people who can't freaking read and think I'm talking about there being too many people, or are too bullheaded to think more than 10 years into the future. But with this becoming more mainstream, I think we should start talking about solutions.

Post cabal, we'll still have many problems we'll have to resolve. This is one of the biggest. We HAVE to get birth rates back up above replacement value. It's rather obvious we're going to have little to no immigration, especially when you consider all of the mass deportations we'll be having in the next several years. But we all want to have minimal immigration anyway, if we have any at all.

But that presents a problem. If we just stop allowing people in, while maintaining our below replacement birth rate, then we'll start experiencing a population crunch like Japan. Combine that with an aging population where the largest percentage of our population are retirement age and no longer working or able to work.

In other words, 30-40% of the population under retirement age would be supporting the 60-70% who no longer work. If you want to know what this looks like, look at Japan and the mess they're currently in where young people basically jump from part time job to part time job via the government work assignment scheme "hello work" because everyone under the age of 40 has to work to support the 60% of the population that's elderly and retired, but there's no quality work due to the highly competitive environment.

If you want a healthy population, healthy economy, and healthy culture in a nation, you HAVE to have high enough birth rates to support your elderly generations, without putting undo stress on the younger generations. It's also a basic fact that, with more people, comes a higher amount of money flowing around, and thus a larger, more healthy economy.

So what're some solutions to all of this? This is honestly a little out of my depth, but I personally believe that between the religious aspects of the Great Awakening (More people becoming highly religious Christians) and a renewed economy with a gold backed currency (Thus allowing us to live by 1950s-ish financial standards) people will naturally start having larger families more frequently again since they can afford to have a family with 3, 4, or even 5 children on one income again.

In other words, I see this as one of those many problems that will probably work itself out when the cabal is defeated. It won't be overnight, but with the Growing traditionalist movement among young people, the Religious aspects of the Great Awakening bringing people back to God and growing Christianity (go forth and multiply remember?), and government policies/incentives paired with an actually prosperous economy, we can fix this in a decade at minimum. Within two decades things will almost certainly be infinitely better.

But of course other theories on how to fix it are more than welcome.


This isn't a doom post, quite the contrary actually. If anything I see as a good thing since it means this crap show we've been living in for the last several years is finally going to start to end soon. But PA and GA have been shown to still have absurdly bad problems in terms of elections. Now there HAS been progress, most notable in Arizona where allegedly arrests are finally being made. But over all a lot of people are still rightly concerned about the mid terms.

I've mentioned on here before in previous posts that I don't think there's going to be an election this year. EVERYTHING seems to be lining up that way. More and more comes out every day evidence wise. More and more people are demanding action every day. Our side grows, while their side dwindles as more people wake up. Everything is being exposed, and in a lot of cases it's even worse than we thought it was back in 2020 and 2021.

But then Trump posted something on Truth Social yesterday that got my autism stirring.


"If i actually matters". Now the obvious way to take this is that it doesn't matter if PA get's a new election board since they'll still just cheat and ignore new rules/laws like they have been.

But then I thought, think mirror. Perhaps it doesn't matter because there won't BE an election? That would explain a lot of Trumps bizarre endorsements, like Oz for example. Or why it doesn't really matter if Kemp or Perdue wins tonight. Or it doesn't matter that technically 5 people Trump endorsed have loss. It doesn't matter because his endorsements are only being used to put a spotlight on people and show off their true nature, whether that be MAGA or RINO.

This also could be what was being referenced when Trump said that he'd give Madison Cawthorn a "second chance". He's gonna get a second chance to run with a fair election where the entire RINO establishment doesn't come out against him.

Combine all of this with the fact that every day it seems like we're getting rapidly closer to the precipice a near death even Q mentioned, and it's not unreasonable to theorize that before November, we'll end up in martial law because the entire government has been incapacitated at the state, local, and federal level due to the dam finally breaking and the corrupt politicians finally being ousted.

Thus leading to the election being put on hold (Something else Trump has mentioned many times, and remember, he doesn't just say things for no reason).

Of course this is just a theory and I'm not date fagging, or saying this is concrete. This just seems to be the most likely outcome of everything going on, and seems to be getting more and more likely by the day in my mind.

Yes, we're going to stop this. The plan and Q are pointless if we win but don't stop this. So there's not really a question of if it will be stopped, because it will be. The question is how do we fix our birth rates and natural natural population growths afterwards?

This isn't a problem we can just ignore either, otherwise we'd end up like Japan, where they're experiencing a population crunch and their aging population is putting a massive strain on everything.

I've seen people mention Hungary is testing some programs that seem promising, but I can't personally find anything on that. I'm sure there's SOME way of fixing this post cabal. Like most cabal caused problems, this will probably solve itself once they're gone. I'd imagine a renewed economy where families can survive on a single income, combined with a new found patriotic morally upright culture, and the current religious revival along with some other factors I'm probably overlooking, will combine to give us a second baby boomer generation.

Which at that point, it's just a matter of maintaining that growth. But, that's just my personal theory/idea of how to fix this. Feel free to make a different suggestion, that's one of the purposes of this place after all. To congregate and share ideas in order to reach solutions.



There's an article about a democrat county supervisor finally being indicted after cheating his way into office for 9+ years in a county with a population of a little over 20,000 that voted for Trump by a margin of nearly 68% in 2020.

This is in Appalachian Virginia, one of THE Reddest areas in the nation. If they're cheating in this small, inconsequential Deep Ruby Red county, then they're cheating everywhere.

This is why I say there are no blue cities/counties. There ARE liberals in "blue" cities and counties, but there's so few of them that they can't win ANYWHERE without cheating.

It's becoming more and more clear every day that we must outnumber the left by some absurd margin of 10-1 or more, because the more that comes out, the more it makes sense about how desperate they are to regain control of the media, the narrative, the election processes, etc.

They know if they keep losing, they'll never be able to get back control, because their actual base makes up less than 10% of the country and always has.


A little tidbit I caught that Dinesh and the True the Vote people didn't fully explain, is that all those averaged numbers they were throwing out for the "swing states" didn't account for the daily trafficking. They made it VERY clear that the mules were taking these exact same routes EVERY SINGLE DAY. If I heard them correctly the data they bought only accounted for October 25th to November 3rd, so 25 days if my counting is correct.

So using quick math on the Atlanta Metro numbers 250 Mules x 24 Drop Boxes per route = 6,000 Daily Mule visits to the boxes. Assuming an average of 5 ballots per visit give's us 30,000 ballots a day. Now multiply that by 25 since this was a daily occurrence during that period, and that gives us 750,000 trafficked ballots in the Atlanta metro.

Keep in mind these numbers are entirely feasible since Metro Atlanta has a population of 6,144,050 people. So that's enough to put Georgia in the deep red state Territory (It would have Trump winning by a margin of 16-20% with a margin of error of 2%), but like the movie clearly stated, THIS ONLY ACCOUNTS FOR METRO ATLANTA. Apply this to Savanna and all the other "blue" areas of the state, heck, even the red parts probably.

And that's just Georgia. Apply this same logic to the other states and it get's much worse. And even then, it's only these 6 states that were looked at. We KNOW this crap is happening everywhere there's a city with a moderately large population or with the "right demographics". Nashville, Memphis, Austin, Miami, NYC, LA, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Salt Lake City, Fairfax, Charlotte, Columbus, Tulsa, OKC, etc. etc.

Heck, you can probably safely say that this crap even happens in smaller cities that are "blue". Charleston WV, Boise, Billings, Jackson Hole, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Roanoke, Wilmington, Asheville, etc. etc. I say this, because even though the counties that a lot of these places are in are Red, they're banking on the cities growing and eventually becoming an Arizona/Georgia situation where they can overwhelm the rest of the state with a handful of corrupt cities where they've cheated their way into control and power.

I'm not saying there are NO liberals, but it's becoming more and more apparent and evident that there are so few of them in reality that the only way they can maintain any semblance of control is by cheating to such an absurd degree that it blows our collective mind that they got away with it for so long.


It's simple, they got paid. Meaning they had to deposit tens of thousands of dollars into their bank accounts that they couldn't account for. It's so simple that the banks could easily turn these people over to the IRS and start the rabbit hole. I know this won't happen as things currently are, but this is how simple it would be to find all of these people.


This just occurred to me. We know they've cheating for decades now. There's various theories on they've been achieving this before 2020, but I just had a though. The ballot mule concept doesn't really NEED to have ballot drop and mail in voting to work. it just makes it easier.

Look at what happened in Atlanta and Philadelphia. You had hidden boxes upon boxes of fake ballots that were all scanned multiple times in Atlanta. Something which could have easily been done for decades. Just bring in a dozen or so boxes of fake ballots in "blue" precincts and have the lefty vote counters scan them all 10+ times until you achieve the desired result. Not like it's hard to do, as we all saw.

Then in Philadelphia, they had literal semi truck trafficking ballots form New York and New Jersey and dumping them in the middle of the night to be counted. Now, I realize that this was all done under the cover of night and spread out over several days in 2020, but it's not like they couldn't have also done this stuff in broad daylight in years past.

Remember, they're USED to literally no one paying attention or fighting back. The only reason they used the cover of night and spread it out over several days in 2020 is because they all KNEW that we'd all be watching like a freaking hawk. And in doing so we caught them in the act despite their added caution.

It's entirely feasible that they've been using ballot mules for decades. Just rather than dropping them off in ballot boxes, they've been running them to holding areas where they'll wait until they're ready to start cheating.

This also explains why 79% of ballots in Atlanta/Fulton County were reported as being fake or illegal a few weeks ago. The left literally does not have enough people to support their campaigns for office, so they have to fake support with ballot trafficking to remain in power.

Posted this a few days ago, but it was late at night, and got literally 2 responses so I figured I'd try again when it wasn't at night.

Getting off the Roe V Wade train for a while (since it's been beat to death all day), I happened upon a random article proclaiming Japan to be a "Trumpian paradise" because of their immigration policies. For those of you that don't know, Japan has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world. It's essentially impossible to immigrate to Japan if you're not Japanese or an American who was raised on an American military base in Japan. The article goes on to explain how these policies are causing Japan's population to rapidly decrease over time since their birth rates are below replacement level.

Now you may be asking, how does this not happen to other nations with similar birth rates, like the USA for example? Well, most other nations allow immigration, thus as long as your nation is attractive for people to live financially, you'll have a steady stream of immigrants ready to go join your population. Keep in mind, this doesn't mean that all of these people are always aiming for, or will be granted citizenship.

Australia is a good example of that. Ignoring the cabal muslim invasion of Australia, Australia is actually rather strict on actual immigrants as well. They only allow a certain amount a year, and the requirements change on annually based on what job sectors are lacking man power. So one year you might have doctors being given preferential treatment in the immigration offices, and the year after it might be miners, etc. etc. And there's always a limit on the number of people admitted so only the best applicants are entertained.

In both cases, most people will start out as a permanent resident, meaning they're permanently residing in the nation, but they're not a citizen thereof and have limited rights (Like the lack of a right to vote for example). Most of the time, they'll just stay that way the rest of their lives. If they value citizenship, then they'll finish going through the process to become citizens.

Now with all the boring explanation out of the way, let's get back to Japan. The article I found talked about how by 2060, Japan will finally have a stabilized population of 90-100 Million. Meaning their population will finally have achieved equilibrium with their birth rates. It would more or less stay in that 90-100 Million range unless some outside factor resulted in a large change in their birth rates for the foreseeable future (the article said 2100).

The article also talked about the possibility of using government policies to incentivize marriage and having a family among young people. In this model, Japan will continue to contract for another decade, before expanding at moderate, but extremely stable rate resulting in a population of 140-150 Million by 2060. This actually seems to be what Japan is currently testing the waters with, given their absolute loathing of the idea of allowing immigrants access to Japan.

So now my actual question, what do you guys think will happen with the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, France, etc. when all this is over? Are we going to see population expansions because of a second "baby boomer" generation, ala WW II? Will we continue with the current model, but just with stricter laws and regulations so as to maintain a controlled expansion like how it's supposed to technically work in Australia? Or will we see mass population contractions like Japan is currently experiencing because we all cut off the stream of immigrants post-globalization? Or perhaps the model Japan is currently testing will prove to be the ideal model for all of us, and we'll experience a few decades of contraction before achieving a stabilized growth pattern through nothing but natural growth?

Or perhaps a hybrid model where we allow for strict and limited immigration, while also incentivizing family units in order to achieve a stabilized birth rate. Ergo, avoiding the contraction phase altogether by initially allowing for more immigration, while gradually weaning ourselves to the bare minimum?

Not the most exciting topic, I know. But it do find that it's an important discussion for the post cabal world that's rapidly coming to fruition.


I'm not exactly going to try and be secretive, I'm personally against ANY form of sexual degeneracy and believe gay marriage should be illegal and gay propaganda should be illegal as well. Even though the root of that is religious for me, I usually try to approach this from a historical and logical perspective. A quick look at history tells us that EVERY time homosexuality was openly accepted societal deterioration quickly followed. In nearly every case it resulted in a societal collapse (Greece, Rome, etc.) or societal revolution with global consequences (The Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany). I've beaten that like a dead horse every time the topic comes up, so I won't rehash it unless someone specifically asks for an explanation.

Logically speaking, there's something innately immoral and evil about homosexuality and all it's derivatives. What most people forget, is that gay acceptance has NEVER been a true majority belief. It has ALWAYS been forced upon everyone. Even California didn't support gay marriage. It was shoehorned in by politicians because of a cabal agenda. Afterwards they fabricated all of the "evidence of support" with all the fake polls, statistics, etc. that said the exact opposite of what was being reported before they forced acceptance down everyone's throat. If it was truly "normal" they wouldn't have to force it down everyone's throat at every turn and manufacture evidence/manipulate data to get the "support" they claim they have.

So while I do believe Obergefell should be overturned as well (and I truly do think that's coming, either as a legitimate return to traditional values or as a last ditch distraction attempt by the cabal in order to rally what little support they legitimately have), the question then becomes, what do we do with them all? They're NOT normal. So now the question becomes, what's truly wrong with them?

Personally, I fully believe pretty much all "non-standard" sexualities are a result of either a neurological deficiency or mental illness. Yes I do believe there's probably some merit to all of the hormone/plastic/brainwashing/childhood trauma/literal demon possession arguments, but to me this is the most logical and plausible answer.

Homosexuality and all it's derivatives USED to be considered a mental illness, but every time an attempt to study how to treat/cure it was proposed it was always cancelled, funding was cut off/diverted, etc. And then finally it was just magically decided for no reason, it's no longer a mental illness. Ever since then, even the mere thought of suggesting a true study be done into the topic has been met with rampant opposition. So it should be obvious there is SOME cause that the deep state/cabal do not want us knowing about.

Now speaking from a purely logical standpoint, mental illness is overwhelmingly prevalent in the left. Most of us have seen that chart that shows that something like 60-70% of all leftists suffer from a mental illness of some sort. And likewise, homosexuals and all their ilk are overwhelmingly leftists. I know that's purely circumstantial evidence as it stands, but it's food for thought.

Likewise we all know that the cabal is withholding a massive amount of cures and medical treatments from us. So here's my theory as to WHY homosexuality seems to correlate with social deterioration, why the cabal is so dead set on using them as pawns for their agendas, and what can actually be done about it all.

Homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, etc. are, by their very nature, emotionally unstable and mentally weak. Ergo, they are EXTREMELY easy to manipulate. This is why they can't just be freaking "normal but gay". The overwhelming majority of them have to be in your face, over dramatic, or down right disgusting. They're not happy unless they're allowed to have BDSM sex in the streets in front of children. Because they're mentally unstable, and by their very nature they against everything a morally upright society finds acceptable.

We know the cabal want's to tear down everything normal and replace it with their perverted evil corrupted version of normality, so what better tool than a mentally ill "protected class" whose very nature is to destroy societal norms for hedonistic pleasure and "acceptance"?

This is why open acceptance of homosexuality coincides with societal degradation. This is why the cabal forces homosexuality acceptance down our throats. This is why the cabal is dead set on using them as pawns. They're the perfect tools for their evil agendas. Easy to manipulate, abnormal by nature, and EXTREMELY easy to corrupt because of their mental feebleness.

I also firmly believe there's an actual cure/treatment for it all hidden away by the cabal. This is the reason why every study into homosexuality is shutdown, discredited, etc. You're literally, not allowed to look into the issue beyond surface level. If you do, you get cut off from everything and discredited. All because the cabal, doesn't want to lose their best pawns.

Of course that's just my theory, it could be a plethora of things, but regardless, it's not natural and we shouldn't accept it as such and propagate mental illness/degeneracy because of "acceptance".

Getting off the Roe V Wade train for a while (since it's been beat to death all day), I happened upon a random article proclaiming Japan to be a "Trumpian paradise" because of their immigration policies. For those of you that don't know, Japan has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world. It's essentially impossible to immigrate to Japan if you're not Japanese or an American who was raised on an American military base in Japan. The article goes on to explain how these policies are causing Japan's population to rapidly decrease over time since their birth rates are below replacement level.

Now you may be asking, how does this not happen to other nations with similar birth rates, like the USA for example? Well, most other nations allow immigration, thus as long as your nation is attractive for people to live financially, you'll have a steady stream of immigrants ready to go join your population. Keep in mind, this doesn't mean that all of these people are always aiming for, or will be granted citizenship.

Australia is a good example of that. Ignoring the cabal muslim invasion of Australia, Australia is actually rather strict on actual immigrants as well. They only allow a certain amount a year, and the requirements change on annually based on what job sectors are lacking man power. So one year you might have doctors being given preferential treatment in the immigration offices, and the year after it might be miners, etc. etc. And there's always a limit on the number of people admitted so only the best applicants are entertained.

In both cases, most people will start out as a permanent resident, meaning they're permanently residing in the nation, but they're not a citizen thereof and have limited rights (Like the lack of a right to vote for example). Most of the time, they'll just stay that way the rest of their lives. If they value citizenship, then they'll finish going through the process to become citizens.

Now with all the boring explanation out of the way, let's get back to Japan. The article I found talked about how by 2060, Japan will finally have a stabilized population of 90-100 Million. Meaning their population will finally have achieved equilibrium with their birth rates. It would more or less stay in that 90-100 Million range unless some outside factor resulted in a large change in their birth rates for the foreseeable future (the article said 2100).

The article also talked about the possibility of using government policies to incentivize marriage and having a family among young people. In this model, Japan will continue to contract for another decade, before expanding at moderate, but extremely stable rate resulting in a population of 140-150 Million by 2060. This actually seems to be what Japan is currently testing the waters with, given their absolute loathing of the idea of allowing immigrants access to Japan.

So now my actual question, what do you guys think will happen with the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, France, etc. when all this is over? Are we going to see population expansions because of a second "baby boomer" generation, ala WW II? Will we continue with the current model, but just with stricter laws and regulations so as to maintain a controlled expansion like how it's supposed to technically work in Australia? Or will we see mass population contractions like Japan is currently experiencing because we all cut off the stream of immigrants post-globalization? Or perhaps the model Japan is currently testing will prove to be the ideal model for all of us, and we'll experience a few decades of contraction before achieving a stabilized growth pattern through nothing but natural growth?

Or perhaps a hybrid model where we allow for strict and limited immigration, while also incentivizing family units in order to achieve a stabilized birth rate. Ergo, avoiding the contraction phase altogether by initially allowing for more immigration, while gradually weaning ourselves to the bare minimum?

Not the most exciting topic, I know. But it do find that it's an important discussion for the post cabal world that's rapidly coming to fruition.


Regardless of whether this is some bizarre cabal tactic to try and get riots started again or rally their ever dwindling voter base, if this actually goes through, it's a win, and we should celebrate it. It's not perfect since it will still allow "blue" states to have abortions, but it's certainly a start in the right direction. Having said that, it's just the first of many Supreme Court decisions that need to be overturned in order to subvert the cabal's hold on our lives.

Here's my wish list and reasonings. Feel free to add to it, or give a different view on the cases I think need to be over turned. I just think we need to keep our eye on the ball with the momentum we're building. After all, like Trump always says, we're going to be sick of winning by the time this is over.

O'Connor v. Donaldson: This one's a bit picky for me. I don't want it entirely overturned, but rather re-ruled on. I think this is one of many factors that led to the mass closing of mental hospitals, resulting in all of the mental illness we see infecting our general population. Almost entirely in the left (imagine that). I'd like to see a mechanism established to allow for people who are obviously unstable, but technically not a danger (Think about transvestites, the lefties who do stupid crap like scream naked in the street at protests, etc.) can be forced into a mental hospital since we know they'll never willingly go themselves.

Texas v. Johnson: I can already hear all of the free speech absolutists tearing me a new one, but I don't really care at this point. As far as I'm concerned, you can either give our flag and our nation the respect it deserves, or you can move somewhere else and renounce your citizenship. There's hundred of other countries out there, pick one and leave. This needs to be completely overturned and reversed.

Lawrence v. Texas: There's a reason sodomite is an insult. Again, I can tell this one will ruffle feathers, but I'm beyond the point of caring. It's just more legalized degeneracy and immorality that the cabal forced down our throats in preparation for the next case on my list. Needs to be repealed and reversed.

Obergefell v. Hodges: I can already hear the arguments, but I refuse to budge on this and I'll stand firm on it till the day I day. Homosexuality is an abomination against God and nature. This single supreme court decision is what has allowed us to devolve to the point where we have transvestites dressing up as literal demons and reading gay propaganda to children, open pedophiles proclaiming we need to "respect their rights" as "M.A.P."s, and gay choirs singing about forcibly converting children to homosexuality against their parents will. This was nothing but legalizing evil and if only one other decision get's overturned besides Roe V Wade, I'd pick this one to be overturned and reversed.

United States v. Miller: I want this both overturned, and it to finally be clarified, in plain, right out there, every day normal personal language, that the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. I want it established that ALL gun laws are unconstitutional and invalid. Just upend them all at once.

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