Can someone please link an “it’s afraid” jpeg here with trump Touching the beast. ? I searched but can’t find - sorry for low effort post


Can someone please give me links to Ellen degenerate videos and when Obama stays “my Michael” video ? Trying to settle dispute with friend - thanks anon team !!

See you bitch ! Don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out - hopefully your retirement is an all expense paid to the sunny shores of Guantanamo bay Cuba- one less swamp creature behind the controls - a good day


Now Kamala to the senate and gruesome to VP…..


I thought I had a read somewhere last week the Trump is supposed to make an announcement today at 11 AM about election interference/ fraud proof from 2020? Did I have my date wrong? I thought for sure It said August 21??

  1. Sub controlled by PlayStation controller= GameStop Stock - 2 Bestbuy LED screens control it ? Really ? DFV GameStop hero 2 screen setup
  2. titanic disaster started fed , sub disaster ends fed ?
  3. CEO’s name Stockton = stock market
  4. risk of sub quality, CEO talk of risk = naked shorting GameStop infinite risk - why play the game if you know if infinite risk ? CEO (KEN Griffin) plays high risk games despite consequences ?
  5. 17 bolts - 33 visits to titanic wreck site by key player - comms overload

Is this whole thing signaling to cabal that GameStop MOASS is inevitable and zero sum game ?

Parts Of this story with gaming controllers and no safety redundancy checks seem superstonk odd…..MOASS Soon


Nothing can stop what is coming - these fools have no idea


All sorts of threads over on Reddit super stonk about the shady dealings of Boston Consulting Group and how they destroy and bankrupt companies - in addition they have been awarded 800 million in government contracts with the common denominator being mitt Romney

There are many more rabbit holes on BCG - their former employees and alumni go onto political posts and powerful positions - much like the WEF - anybody heard of these bastards ? Do any q posts mention BCG ?


My family is divided on the damn vaccine debate - my wife amd 2 daughters all think I am nuts - anyway my wife Got 1 shot 6 months ago and seems fine - my daughters want to get it because of social peer pressure. It is crazy that I’ve made it this far and after two years they’re still pushing me to get it even though the Covid narrative is dying off - my current situation is my 15-year-old daughter just got accepted to a three week creative writing program at Columbia University this summer. Of course they require a vaccine. My family understandably is uncomfortable with submitting a fake card so now we are left with a medical or religious exemption- my wife and child are not very religious and feel as though writing that exemption form would be lying - They are OK if I can get a medical exemption for her- she does have asthma

  • anyway I don’t know if anyone has a Teladoc type of resource where I could have them sign off on a medical exemption form. Or if it’s anywhere in the Midwest I can drive there to meet the doctor- please pray for my daughter please pray for my family - I want her to be safe - thanks for any help Or recommendations. - I emailed frontline doctors on Thursday amd no response Yet

Can anyone please print me to the pictures/sauce post of assinayion attempt on trump by deepstate missile over Seattle/Alaska 4 or so years ago when trump Was in Air Force one? Thanks !


For several people on the Reddit boards Bank of America in Union Bank closed a bunch of branches yesterday at 2pm - trying to find sauce


Rick Rule CEO of Sprott metals steps down. And he recently became a member of the black left eye club. I am nervous because i have a ton of money in PSLV (Sprotts PHYSICAL silver ETF) and i didnt realize this guy was cabal. Worried for my investment, happy another cabal CEO stepping down. but worried about my 500K investment! they arent manipulating the ETF/Trust like the rest of the damn silver market is manipulated!


Anyone notice something missing from CNN coverage today? I don’t watch it often but made sure to watch it for the few days running up to the inauguration from the Jan 6 electoral date - anyway magically today no death ticker on the right hand screen- Now that we’ve chalked up all deaths through January 20 to trump No need to highlight how many more people die under Biden because of course he’s the savior


I hope and pray Rush Limbaugh is able Stay around to watch this whole thing go down- he’s earned - he’s a true patriot-


Newish to Q, first time caller.....

I hope this post is High Effort at the very least. I have been thinking alot about Q Drop 4414 since it certainly seems like we have at least seen RED 1 eclipsed......

EAM LOYALISTS: RED 1: POTUS twitter removal RED 2: Central communications blackout [continental US] RED 3: CLAS movement PELOSI or PENCE RED 4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control. RED 5: NAT MIL COM CEN RED 6: SEC OF DEF_instruct 1 USSS CASTLE_ROCK Q

Here goes with some analysis....bear with me I was an English major in college - i cant say anything short:) I did copy and paste some text from other literally analysis to save typing time.

CASTLE ROCK is a fictional place in Lord of the Flies. The boys discover it halfway through the book while looking for the beast . The rock juts out into the Pacific Ocean and on its left is an ‘impenetrable tangle of creepers and trees’. Ralph and Jack are the first to explore, and their reaction to it demonstrates their growing division. Jack excitedly declares ‘what a place for a fort!’, while Ralph calls the Castle Rock a ‘rotten place’.

As the novel progresses, Castle Rock comes to symbolize control and power. After Jack forms his own tribe, he relocates his hunters to Castle Rock, and the stony fort becomes the seat of Jack's power on the island. The boys' name for the fort, 'Castle Rock,' becomes incredibly fitting, as Jack's rise to power and total control over his tribe resembles that of a king; he has other boys tortured on his command, and the approach to the 'Castle' is unassailable (LEFT, GLOBAL ELITE SITTING IN CASTLE ALL THESE YEARS? THINKING THEY ARE UNTOUCHABLE).

Ralph really represents responsible leadership. He organizes assemblies, creates rules, devises a democratic process...Ralph quickly matures on the island. (RALPH = POTUS?) He becomes a 12 year old with a conscience. It is interesting to watch Ralph muse about responsibility and leadership in the later chapters. Unfortunately, most of the boys are not looking for a responsible leader. The boys dont want to be told what to do; they want to have "fun" and they are easily manipulated. Ralph tries hard to establish some kind of working order. He truly is respectful of most of the boys. To be fair to Ralph, he spent most of the time trying to prevent Jack from turning their island into a living hell. As stated before, most of the boys did not want to invest energy into Ralph's ideas (like shelters or signal fire). Ralph could not manipulate like Jack could. Later Jack learns to channel his aggression through rather clever manipulation. He learns to give and withhold when it benefits him (the giving of meat to Ralph). Jack learns that ruling by fear is much more effective than leading through consensus.

Ralph hides in the jungle and thinks miserably about the chaos that has overrun the island. He thinks about the deaths of Simon and Piggy and realizes that all vestiges of civilization have been stripped from the island. He stumbles across the sow’s head, the Lord of the Flies, now merely a gleaming white skull—as white as the conch shell, he notes. Angry and disgusted, Ralph knocks the skull to the ground and takes the stake it was impaled on to use as a weapon against Jack. That night, Ralph sneaks down to the camp at the Castle Rock and finds Sam and Eric guarding the entrance. The twins give him food but refuse to join him. They tell him that Jack plans to send the entire tribe after him the next day (CONGRESS IMPEACHMENT? TWITTER BAN? CENSORSHIP). Ralph hides in a thicket and falls asleep. In the morning, he hears Jack talking and torturing one of the twins to find out where Ralph is hiding. Several boys try to break into the thicket by rolling a boulder, but the thicket is too dense. A group of boys tries to fight their way into the thicket, but Ralph fends them off. Then Ralph smells smoke and realizes that Jack has set the jungle on fire (ALL THE BLACKBALLING AND CENSORING OF POTUS AND RIGHT THIS WEEK?) in order to smoke him out. Ralph abandons his hiding place and fights his way past Jack and a group of his hunters. Chased by a group of body-painted warrior-boys wielding sharp wooden spears, Ralph plunges frantically through the undergrowth, looking for a place to hide. At last, he ends up on the beach, where he collapses in exhaustion, his pursuers close behind. Suddenly, Ralph looks up to see a naval officer standing over him. The officer tells the boy that his ship has come to the island after seeing the blazing fire in the jungle. Jack’s hunters reach the beach and stop in their tracks upon seeing the officer. The officer matter-of-factly assumes the boys are up to, as he puts it, “fun and games.” When he learns what has happened on the island, the officer is reproachful: how could this group of boys, he asks—and English boys at that—have lost all reverence for the rules of civilization in so short a time? (1776 TO NOW ONLY 245 YEARS?) For his part, Ralph is overwhelmed by the knowledge that he has been rescued, that he will escape the island after coming so close to a violent death. He begins to sob, as do the other boys. Moved and embarrassed, the naval officer turns his back so that the boys may regain their composure.

After Ralph’s tense, exciting stand against the hunters, the ending of Lord of the Flies is rife with irony. Ralph had thought the signal fire—a symbol of civilization—was the only way to lure rescuers to the island. Ironically, although it is indeed a fire that lures a ship to the island, it is not an ordered, controlled signal fire but rather the haphazard forest fire Jack’s hunters set solely for the purpose of killing Ralph. As we have seen, Ralph has worked tirelessly to retain the structure of civilization and maximize the boys’ chances of being rescued. Now, when all he can do is struggle to stay alive as long as possible, a deus ex machina (an improbable or unexpected device or character that suddenly appears to resolve a situation) appears, at the last possible moment, in the form of the naval officer who brings the boys back to the world of law, order, and society. Golding’s use of irony in the last chapter blurs the boundary between civilization and savagery and implies that the two are more closely connected than the story has illustrated. Ultimately, the boys’ appalling savagery brings about the rescue that their coordinated and purposeful efforts were unable to achieve. Much of the irony at the end of the novel stems from Golding’s portrayal of the naval officer. Golding’s allegory of war is fully realised in this scene when the officer chastises the boys for their behaviour before eventually resting his eyes on ‘the trim cruiser in the distance’. Although the naval officer saves Ralph, the ending of Lord of the Flies still is not particularly happy, and the moment in which the officer encounters the boys is not one of untainted joy. The officer says that he is unable to understand how upstanding British lads could have acted with such poor form. Ironically, though, this “civilized” officer is himself part of an adult world in which violence and war go hand in hand with civilization and social order. He reacts to the savage children with disgust, yet this disgust is tinged with hypocrisy. Similarly, the children are so shocked by the officer’s presence, and are now psychologically so far removed from his world, that they do not instantly celebrate his arrival. Rather, they stand before him baffled and bewildered. Even Ralph, whose life has literally been saved by the presence of the ship, weeps tears of grief rather than joy. For Ralph, as for the other boys, nothing can ever be as it was before coming to the island of the Lord of the Flies.

Q says "Bye Jack" . Is this the Jack he is referring to? Jack symbolizing Left, global elitist, Biden, HRC, BO etc? Do white hats take control of Castle Rock - Control and power taken back?

Or my other long stretch for Castle Rock definition is the fictional town in Stephen King novels. Stephen King grew up in the small town of Durham, Maine which inspired his fictional town of Castle Rock. Durham report final nails in coffins? THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK. they would fit right in one of Kings Horror novels and atrocities...