Human foreskins have been used in cosmetics, and somewhere along the rabbit hole you have to wonder where “tortured infant with sexual anatomy forcibly removed” fits in to it all.
The ridged band (opening of foreskin) has 20k highly sensitive nerve endings. It has the same fine sensory nerves as your fingertips. It helps lubricate and the inner tissue interfaces with the vaginal wall due to the similar texture and type of tissue. Removing this much of a man’s healthy and natural sexual experience is nothing short of sexual torture. The excuses to mutilate male babies grow thinner and thinner the more they can be examined by people who choose to raise their kids on something other than the “doctors orders” which in this case is literal genital mutilation of an infant.
Somewhere in all of this going on. Remember. Men are not safe from routine ablation of the most sensitive part of their penis. Baby boys are not safe in the United States from having half of the skin on their genitals removed by knife happy doctors who probably have some quota to keep or cosmetics manufacturer to ship the fresh baby tissue off to.
This could strike an important blow to the pedovores’ supply of freshly amputated penis. I hope with medicine reforms men are protected by law to keep their bodies.
Inb4: nothing I mentioned is is religiously motivated. It’s all just science, biology, physiology. if anything is a religious motivation trusting that when the good Lord made Adam (who had all of his Ana one) and called him “good” that he wasn’t lying and secretly also meant that Adam needed part of his sexual anatomy removed with a sharp object.
Bear this in mind because people will aggressively defend the right to mutilate the genitals of baby boys by calling it islamophobic or antisemitic to oppose male genital mutilation. There is no end to the insipid excuses I hear and it breaks my heart that so many “conservatives” can’t even conserve their own sons from unnecessary genital mutilation. Keep in mind Abraham circumcised himself, his child, and his SLAVES.
So… think for yourself… where does amputated baby penis tissue fit in to the whole shit show… why is it as a procedure so protected that even in conversations about not wanting kids genitals mutilate by “trans affirming” surgery - this extreme violation agains men is barely worthy of mention.
For those of you who are victims of male genital mutilation : there is a company called foregen on the horizon and exercises you can do at home to help promote new tissue development for especially tight or uncomfortable scars called “foreskin restoration”.
Please: question the prerogatives behind mutilation of perfectly healthy genitals. The only reason grown men don’t get a circumcision as frequently is because it takes more than a few feeble Velcro straps to hold a grown man down while you remove part of his penis with a knife.
Call this evil out for what it is.
In the coming wave of “my body my rights” be sure to wonder aloud to these same people about the terrible thing baby boys are subjected to at birth in this country.
If you are concerned about tortured children being harvested and parts of evil rituals, be sure to set your heart against the routine genital mutilation of infants too.
...and Christians can't accept the mark of the beast.
You dont need a special denomination. The KJV is a public domain document nobody can revoke copyrighy of or tell you how you may or may not use it.
The Lord warns of this kind of ID in plain language, make it a religious issue whenever you can.
I say this because I've seen people talking about starting a new this or joining a new that when we were warned of this 2 millenia ago.
May God be with you.
While talking about the wall he made sure to underline to all these people who have sworn an oath to defend our country what it would mean if the wall were to be taken down. What could this mean for them if they (or their superiors) are instructed to allow it be destroyed and the people demanding it be destroyed? Just some thoughts I didn't see people reflecting on.