My wife and I have talked about homeschooling our daughter. She is finishing kindergarten now. Currently goes to a private Christian school that we do like and is doing extremely well.

At first my wife was against it cause she thought she wouldn’t be able to do it and all of the typical negative thinking for it. Now she is really wanting to do it and is researching all different homeschool curriculums. My question is in regards to curriculums. Is there an actual beat curriculum? Is it a pick and choose from different ones? Is it a “don’t worry too much about curriculum” and more if a self pacing? I’ve just seen so many things about different approaches.

So if any out there that have homeschooled or are currently doing so could just give different pointers or tips for a family that is wanting to do it, I would greatly appreciate it.


Urgent!!!! My cousin is in hospital with COVID. She has asked to be treated with Ivermectin. They are refusing. What can She do??


I am a teacher in NC. All the districts are rapidly voting to make masks optional for students and staff. I never wore one much but only for the dog and pony show when I had to. But today Fuad gov Cooper announced that all state employees must show proof of vax. If not, the non vax must wear masks and take a weekly chyna virus test (same test that cdc says can’t differentiate from influenza).

I will not do either. So I’m curious to see how this will play out. I am compiling info from GAW and will provide actual science and evidence for why not to mask/test/vax. Feel free to share links to sites/studies/data with real scientific proof. Thank you all.