I just watched a pretty good podcast from some folks that I have been watching for years built their own home and are raising their family off grid. The second half of the poscast is about the new God's not dead movie. I think this is something we need to see and act on it. Its mainly about Christians not voting. We need to work on this chunk of our voter base. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et5fJ7Nw06I The first part of the show is pretty good also, their children are homeschooled and really smart.


They turned the white house cameras back on days ago, It is now lit up RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. I don't believe the deep state would do that. Thoughts


I have been watching the live cams off and on since Trump got elected and this is the first time I know of that the camera is no longer active.

Why a citizen is treated differently 🫡 THE GREAT AWAKENING 🔆
posted ago by crazycloud3 ago by crazycloud3

When they changed the monetary system, the put the American people as collateral. I knew this but did not realize what it really meant. The bank owns us, if we are a citizen they can do whatever they want to us. The non citizens are free and so they have more rights than we do. They can have a permitless gun, we can't. They can fly with no ID, bypass security etc. because the Corp' has no rights over THEM. Great Awakening is part of us realizing this.
Any thoughts and any helpful suggestions about spreading this info. To me it makes sence for the way they treat us. If we are their slaves, as they think, they are entitled to anything we think we own and all the money we make if they want. They don't have to make sure we have food or shelter either.


Just is just a weird thought I just had. What if the Chinese and some Russian and the other countries that Trump visited during his world tour are coming over the border for reasons the deep state doesn't know. They are bringing them in, that is for sure but what if many are here to take out them out instead. I was watching one group on a video and there were people from all over the world smiling when talking to the guy, telling where they were from. I got the weirdest feeling but with nothing to put my finger on that this group was on our side. I have seen so many videos of unfriendly illegals so this seems weird. They were from Russia, India, China, Korea, Hmmm, What could the media say when the evil ones are attacked by people from all over the world. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated, is it plausible?


I am watching Diamonds celebration of life and how everyone that met them loved them. Trump could pick Silk as his VP, I would love it In case you didn't get to see it https://rumble.com/v26err4-live-lynette-diamond-hardaway-celebration-of-life-with-president-trump-silk.html


This video is from really new video bloggers, but long time ytuber family. The untold story of Ruby Ridge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ddUlMu1DMU