• Integrate Canada

  • Invade and annex the rest of Mexico

  • Buy Greenland

  • Retake the Panama Canal

Trump will over double the size of the United States if his plans go through. An Emperor needs an Empire after all.



  • Representatives were only given a few hours to read the bill. Although it was a very small bill compared to the previous one, it's still 116 pages that need to be analyzed line by line and digested. Then a tough decision has to be made, and decisions can take time.


  • Fiscal conservatives couldn't get behind eliminating the debt ceiling for two whole years. McCarthy's political career ended because he worked with Democrats to just raise the debt ceiling. Now Trump is asking to do away with it entirely for a fairly long period of time that would cover the rest of Biden's term as well as half of his own presidency. Traditional Reagan conservatives and budget hawk types in the Freedom Caucus are diametrically opposed to this kind of permissiveness when it comes to government spending.


  • Trump's bill would have ended the debt ceiling crisis for the remainder of this congressional term. While that might sound like a good thing to us, the debt ceiling gives each member of congress a ton of leverage considering how slim the majority is right now. A quick solution would undermine a key bargaining chip that representatives have been using to advance their own agenda and personality.


  • Democrats are not going to vote for the "Trump spending bill" under any circumstances, especially when it would basically free up a Republican Congress for the next two years under a Republican president.


  • Individual Democrats and some Republicans had more populist critiques of the bill, arguing that it would have cut funds for childhood cancer research among other things while guaranteeing subsidies for pharmaceutical companies and big pharma.


So What Now?


As an armchair Congressman myself, I'd introduce a series of tiny, extremely specific bills that just address just a few related things each. The first one would be the least controversial expenditures that everyone should be able to get behind. Stuff like air travel for Christmas, national parks, and giving people their paychecks. That way the "worst" parts of a shutdown are mitigated while the rest are hashed out individually over time.


Honestly, all the theatrics and backroom dealmaking sounds like a blast. Especially with such a slim majority. Every member has a ton of leverage so they're all on their worst behavior right now.

I think it would be fun trying to navigate all these inevitable bottlenecks, trying to soak up as much media attention as possible for that sweet donor cash. Troll some people on Twitter before triggering another news cycle with some shrewd maneuver. People call Congress a circus as an insult but these clowns make me laugh.


‘‘American Relief Act, 2025"

  • Medicare and public health programs are renewed

  • Presidential inauguration funded

  • Defense spending increased and new military commissions funded

  • Funding for social security reduced from $3,197,000,000 to $1,251,000,000

  • Funding for medical research and veterans affairs reduced

  • $29,000,000,000 for general disaster relief

  • $20,000,000 for investigating storm damage

  • $30,780,000,000 for agricultural disaster relief and compensation for ruined crops

  • $300,000,000 for repairing damaged fisheries

  • $144,000,000 for repairing homes and properties

  • $64,795,500 for repairing public infrastructure

  • $399,000,000 for the acquisition of hurricane hunter aircraft

  • $244,000,000 for disaster prevention funding

  • $17,362,000 to DOD officials impacted by natural disasters

  • $693,000 for repairing veteran graves

  • $740,200,000 additional funding for "environmental science"

  • $1,510,000,000 for "public works and economic development programs"

  • $700,000,000 for new construction projects

  • $102,500,000 additional funding for the Department of Homeland Security

  • $12,000,000 additional security for Supreme Court Justices


"The expansion of the Roman state by conquest had poured enormous wealth into the pockets of the senatorial class. Its members, therefore, could buy up land throughout Italy, form huge estates, and make them extremely profitable through slave labor. For the conquests had greatly increased the availability of slaves, captured from Rome's defeated enemies. The minor landowners in Italy had to sell their farms because their small acreage made the cost of their produce greater than that which was imported from the Roman provinces and even higher than that of the slave-operated big estates. The dispossessed farmers could not find other work because of the competition from slave labor. The gap between the few rich and the innumerable poor widened disastrously and divided the nation."

The book goes on to describe how Marius, Caesar's uncle, would attempt to reform the system before ultimately dying while his allies lost the subsequent power struggle. Although he lost in his own time, the coalition Marius built would eventually unite behind Caesar and Augustus to defeat the Roman establishment and unleash the empire.


Israel annexes another part of Syria in the next few months.

The new Syrian government will start off moderate but gradually become more Islamic over time. This will happen quietly because the media will continue to support the regime.

Kurds will negotiate some sort of protected status within the new Syrian state. Turkey will use that as an opportunity to deport their Kurds into Syria along with the Syrian refugees.

Trump negotiates a Korea-style armistice in Ukraine that allows Russia to continue occupying what they have now. Ukraine will not join NATO or the EU.

Ukraine will hold off on elections long after the war is ended.

North Korea will desperately try to normalize relations with the United States during Trump's term. Considering the instability of South Korea, they might end up pulling through this century better off.

Why MILFs Are So Popular Now (media.scored.co) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by cringerepublic ago by cringerepublic

In 2016 it was impossible. In 2020 they thought they won once and for all. Now after everything, after the assassination, after the lawfare and the lies and the slander, almost a decade after the journey was first set into motion. He's back. Now they can't ignore us. Trump has reshaped the course of human history tonight and I'm proud to have been here 🇺🇸


I heard she left after 17 minutes and looked defeated but does anyone know what actually happened?


She's a 19 year old liberal Penn State swiftie who supports abortion. Perfect Kamala voter right?

We've been talking about politics a lot more these last few months and today she told me she decided to early vote for Trump on a whim. She just saw both names on the ballot and couldn't vote for Kamala after how bad things have been these last 4 years. She's worried about not being able to find a job after college and thinks Trump will turn the economy around. I was surprised cuz she makes fun of "Trumpies" all the time and thought it was funny when he got shot.


Modern education: You sit down and passively accept what the teacher tells you. You're trained to memorize and re-write their words over and over again. If you try to meaningfully interact with the subject matter or analyze it using your own brain, you fail.

Modern entertainment: Media. You're watching other people's lives on social media. Watching other people play sports instead of being active yourself. Worshipping politicians without being involved in your own local community. Hunched over, watching stories on a screen while your own life passes you by. Scrolling TikTok, filling each moment with vapid entertainment that gets forgotten as soon as it passes. Empty moments turn into empty days and years and decades. You look back and can't remember who you even are or why it would even matter.

Modern love: The loneliest generation in history. Birth rates collapsing across the board. People who grew up with the internet spend more time watching other people have sex than doing it themselves, and it's not even close. Staring at a screen, waiting for her to text back. And for what? Are you going to get a wife out of it? Probably not. Dating has become another "market-based form of entertainment" like everything else in this world.

Modern work: No such thing as a vocation. You're told when to wake up, when to clock in, when you're allowed to use the restroom. Under constant surveillance. Your every move is documented and studied so a faceless conglomerate can squeeze every bit of productivity out of you. Meaningless tasks, working all day without building or practically accomplishing anything that benefits real people. Just another cog in a soulless machine. People take this system for granted and being a man is now synonymous with being a slave.

Modern government: Our sacred democracy, where elections are rigged, the media is fake and public opinion is scrupulously managed by interested parties. The government taxes you for literally every interaction with the world. You don't get to own your own property outright under any circumstances. This is compensated with the ability to vote for token opposition that gets ruthlessly bogged down by the intrenched state if they ever try to reform anything. You also have no right to privacy. Every citizen is treated like a suspect even if they've done nothing wrong.

The modern world has become cucked.


I've been a supporter since I was a kid and now I'm finally old enough to vote. It was surreal seeing his name on the ballot. Brought back a lot of memories. Wondering if there are any other first time voters here or if you know any who are voting Trump this time around for any reason!


One of the greatest political events of the century and all anyone will talk about is the stupid jokes that prick made.

I get it, the left is always gonna find an excuse to be outraged. But I'd rather their outrage be directed at Trump's own words instead of the inconsequential banter of a nobody comedian. When Trump says something and gets attacked by the press, it's always to illustrate a point. "They're eating the dogs" made the migrant situation an issue on people's mind for example. What does this accomplish? Why use your biggest event to insult voters who have been gravitating towards you 8 days before the election?

He has a right to say whatever he wants but there's a time and a place. You never try to outshine the one giving you the opportunity to speak.. It's so disrespectful to Trump and the people working their asses off to get him elected.


Can any ladies fill me in on what she's doing to look so creepy? They say Republicans are weird but she looks like a Halloween decoration and she's not even that old.

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