There was another non-contested county, i think in Washington, who decided to do a full hand-recount. It was an all mail-in ballot county. They found 6000 more ballots than envelopes. Jovan is a clever guy. His machines can tell if the ballots were printed on official paper, and other metadata-type results. Too big to cover up.
We HAVE to get beyond the doubt and go into creation mode. Our thoughts are powerful! Keep the faith, even if it seems like we've seen this go against humanity so many times. We HAVE to create a different outcome -- first with our thinking, and of course with actions when possible. We are all learning how powerful we are. Do not give up or rest on pessimism. We have to start with hope!
Potential upcoming Nuremberg trials:
Also, it's come out that those vaccinated with the mRNA "vaccine" can pass their altered DNA by any bodily fluid to those did not get vaccinated. I wish I could find the article again, but they showed how a mother got vaccinated, then breastfed her child which results in the child having a severe allergic reaction. This may be the only reason to wear a mask around vaccinated people! God, I hope not!
Yeah, very confusing. I just hope if there are humans being trafficked they are found and saved while there's still time. Being forced to unload would have been great, but this incident is also being used for economic and distraction purposes. What a mess!
Gene Decode recently shared a protocol (via Blessed2Teach) to deactivate nanotech in the body. Wish I could find it. He mentioned it in a video interview where he shared an email for people to request the protocol in pdf format.
Agree. I think CA turned red this last election. Maybe one day we'll see the real data. I think big cities will always(?) be blue, but rural America is mostly red. Being able to breathe fresh air and being closer to nature keeps a soul clear.
let me in on the joke. no post 4958. what'd I (we?) miss?