Seeing a few posts about what’s needed for treatments, and everyone is mentioning Quercetin to go with the Zinc, of course.

Since we all know they’re trying to cut supplies to such things, I just wanted to make it known that Turmeric is also a zinc ionophore.

It’s also an anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic (I don’t know if it works in the same way as IVM/HCQ though).

So if all else fails, make some curry to go with your zinc.


Q Post 3019

Shall We Play A Game?

How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?

Primary topic(s)?


Do you have your [ ] filled in?


Dated 3/9/19.

Fauci’s bizarre email with the bracket dated 3/10/20.

I’m calling that a 1 year delta because the wording of the post hints the bracket might not yet be filled.

Coincidence or something important?


I’m not an industry expert or anything, so maybe someone with more insight can chime in. Given that we know that the spike protein is the thing doing all the damage with COVID, how is it that EVERY “vax” manufacturer decided that the spike protein was the thing they were going to target for mRNA replication?? (As I understand it, the AZ and J&J vaxes are doing the same thing, just by a different method?)

None of these companies decided to try a different approach? Or maybe the question is who told them to target the spike?


Has anyone tried/had any luck with a conversation discussing how HCQ, with a 50+ year history of safety, was deemed “too dangerous” to use as a treatment for wuflu, but these same people are pushing a completely untested “vaccine” and claiming it’s safe?

I'm seeing a few posts about Trump dreams today, so I joined to share mine.. I've been lurking since I discovered r/The_Donald while researching pizzagate, but never joined any of the forums.

So I've had 4 dreams involving Trump over the past few years, and usually when I'm wondering if what I think is going on is what's really going on. I can tell you that those dreams have a distinctly different feel from normal dreams. There's just this unexplainable feeling of peace and joy, both during the dream, and when I wake up. They are dreams, so make of them what you will, but I'm a Christian, and I believe the dreams, and more importantly, the feeling that go with them, are God's reassurance that everything is going according to plan.

The details of the dreams aren't specific to anything, it's just like, meeting Trump somewhere, and hanging out, and he's always super nice (never met him, have no idea what he's like IRL).

But I had one 2 nights ago, and it was at Trump Tower, and we were eating ice cream (2 scoops, 2 terms, etc, maybe?). And then I had another one last night, and in this one, shit went down! It was "quick" in the dream, just a stream of people rushing by, military or other official types, and then there was Trump, and I knew as he was walking by that he was claiming his rightful place as POTUS. And then we just sort of hung out, and there was like, a "block party" celebration, and just this unbelievable feeling of happiness.

I really believe something is happening behind the scenes, and we're very close to seeing the finale.