damnImgood 6 points ago +7 / -1

No, I think the globalists are angry with Maduro. He's not playing nicely with them right now. He definitely needs to watch his back.

damnImgood 1 point ago +1 / -0

The globalists are pissed at Maduro for dialing up corrupt oil oligarchs in Venezuela who have ties to US deepstate:

'Maduro unveiled the surprising details of the ongoing investigation into El Aissami, detained earlier this month alongside several associates over an alleged corruption scheme in the oil industry, during his weekly television program.

“I can guarantee that this investigation has yielded compelling evidence that a highly corrupt mafia took advantage of their position to not only steal and embezzle from the country but also to conspire with the far right and the US government,” said the Venezuelan president on Monday night.:

damnImgood 17 points ago +17 / -0

'Today, the European Parliament approved the recognition of Edmundo González as the «legitimate and democratically elected» president of Venezuela.

The resolution has passed, and now it «urges» the European Union and its member states to make the same recognition. Additionally, it calls for an international arrest warrant against Nicolás Maduro for «crimes against humanity» due to the «serious human rights violations» he has committed.'

damnImgood 4 points ago +4 / -0

'A republic is a form of government in which the country is considered a "public matter" and is not the private concern or property of the rulers. In a republic, officials are elected by the citizens to represent their interests, and the government operates under a system of laws that protect individual rights and liberties. Key characteristics include the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the accountability of government officials to the electorate.'

'A democratic form of government is one in which power is vested in the people, who exercise that power directly or through elected representatives. Key features of democracy include free and fair elections, the protection of individual rights and freedoms, the rule of law, and active participation of citizens in political processes. Democracies promote accountability, transparency, and the ability of citizens to influence government decisions.'

As we know the founders of our form of government did NOT want a democratic style governance only. They knew a republic would work to serve the newly formed country much better. But, as we can see any form of government can be highjacked and corruption can occur. Particularly, when we have a central banking system that creates slaves of us all.

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once again Joe Lange brings together the actions of the traitors behind the scenes. Trump knows what happened. Justice is coming.

"If you think that Benghazi is long forgotten and that nobody will be held accountable, let me try and change your mind." Joe Lange

damnImgood 3 points ago +3 / -0

One more example of election interference. A Mayor telling a presidential candidate that you can't come to my town?That's bs. This mayor gets to stick it where the sun don't shine.

damnImgood 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once again she lies. And, of course no mention of the untold lives lost bc of abortion. How about exposing the fact that the abortion pill isn't safe? These people are sick.

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

'SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has announced that his company will file a lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in response to a proposed $633,009 fine related to unapproved launches last year, which Musk calls “lawfare.”'

FAA needs to be challenged big time.

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

'Higher' education getting one black eye after another. Soon nobody with any sense will be going to these schools.

damnImgood 6 points ago +6 / -0

'President Donald Trump says he will visit Springfield, Ohio, and Aurora, Colo. where orchestrated, government-subsidized migrations are flooding ordinary Americans out of jobs, homes, and a stable community.

"In the next two weeks, I’m going to Springfield and then to Aurora,” Trump told a September 16 rally in Long Island, New York:

We’re going to take care of Ohio, and we’re going to take care of Colorado, and we’re going to take care of every single state in the union. They’re all under siege … So the mayor of Springfield, and I think he’s a very nice person, but instead of saying, “We’re getting them all out! We’re getting them out!” He says very simply, “We’re hiring teachers to teach them English.” Could you believe it? “We are hiring interpreter so when they go to school and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter.” … What the hell is wrong with our country?

No, no, we’re getting them of our country. They came in illegally. They’re destroying our country. We’re getting them out. They’re going to be brought back to the country from which they came. I will protect our country. I will protect our country."


damnImgood 3 points ago +3 / -0

'Lebanon officials are now reporting that multiple home solar energy systems have reportedly exploded in various neighborhoods across Beirut.

This attack follows closely on the heels of Tuesday’s pager blasts, which claimed the lives of 12 and left nearly 4,000 wounded in what is rapidly becoming an unparalleled security nightmare for the terrorist organization.

On Wednesday, walkie-talkies exploded simultaneously at various Hezbollah-controlled locations across the country.'

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hello major recession. The fed is caught in a pncher move that's gonna hurt them more than us I'm thinking.

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