damnImgood 8 points ago +9 / -1

And, she noticed who decided not to board the ship at the last minute... disturbing when she realized there was not enough life boats for all.....

Then Hollywood made a bullshit movie to glamorize the whole crime. The globalists love to flaunt their sick take over of America. They will pay.

damnImgood 16 points ago +16 / -0

Paying a very BIG price for what they've done. I love reading that. We're ready for some good ol' cosmic justice whoop ass to rain down on these traitorous mofos!

damnImgood 4 points ago +4 / -0

Always a good reminder. We are so easily distracted from this fact. It's so basic it gets overlooked.

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is his wettest dream. As the people awaken we become visionaries for a new America and a new earth. We can claim that. Don't forget who's side God is on. It just takes a few of us to turn this tide. It's happening folks. Schwab can go to hell where he belongs. Let's not follow him there.

damnImgood 1 point ago +1 / -0

If anyone else besides a government did this they'd be throw in jail for life....truly unbelievable.

damnImgood 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's obvious at this time you and I will never agree on the value of bitcoin. In a few years we'll see who was right.

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

These people don't care about the future here. They are told to hate this country and all it stands for. They want to see this whole country burn to the ground. Marxism for all is their hope and dream not affordable freaking housing!

damnImgood 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't address all your dialogue but I ask you a simple question. Can you see the internet? Does it have value?

Bitcoin is a shift in thinking. Just like many things through out the ages that require a new way of seeing. A paradigm shift. Bitcoin's value is backed by energy. You don't necessarily need to hold it in your hand to use it. Ask the people of El Salvador how it's working out for them.

There's so much information on YouTube if you really want to educate yourself about one of the greatest shifts in consciousness in regards to how we can store the value of our energy in a sovereign way that is decentralized.

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

By the definition I'm using hard money is anything that is hard to produce, can't be diluted, backed by a commodity (energy it takes to produce) and is a store of wealth. In those terms BTC is the hardest money at this time.

Anything can by definition be agreed upon as a store of value. As with a fiat dollar or metal from the ground or digital bits of info. If enough people agree that bits of info which has certain properties as a store of value then it is valuable by definition.

damnImgood 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the hardest money on the planet. It can't be diluted or over produced. It takes work to produce it. Look at the amount of energy, info and time it takes to mine it. It's a store of value.

What makes gold a store of value? It's bc we agree it has value. Think about it.

damnImgood 4 points ago +4 / -0

This feature is a follow-up to ‘Profiting from War.’

Why was the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) so important to the CIA, the Bush family and Prince Alwaleed?

It was a massive money spigot.

damnImgood 3 points ago +3 / -0

Finally! It took a while for people to catch on to this evil agenda but now we are waking up! This law is wonderful to see.

damnImgood 3 points ago +4 / -1

Whew! I'm so glad he called this out. Now let's see how this drama unfolds.

damnImgood 3 points ago +3 / -0

GOP in Arizona congress are pretty awake, aware and has the majority. That's why the governor, secretary of state and state attorney's offices had to be stolen in 2022. The swamp creatures needed to put a stop to any decent legislation that would close the borders and secure safe elections. The deepstate could not afford to lose a key border state.

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