I had an epiphany today that I thought I'd share. The filing name for the project I've been working on since before the election is 45Q. What are the odds? Don't know why I didn't make any connections earlier, but I'll gladly take that as my sign from God to keep holding the line. Some hopium when it was least expected but very much needed.


For those still interested, Pompeo just posted on his personal account:

Proverbs 19:21(17:05 Timestamp)

Q Post - 1921 - Why did the Podesta group close? Q Post - 1705 - You'll soon know why.


? he just sent me a YouTube video from an OAN “expose” on QAnon Hoax. His only argument was the reporter being ex-CIA. I told him the CIA is part of the problem.

Not sure if any of you are familiar with the video I’m talking about or not. Earlier today he told me that I should stop looking at Q stuff and sending it to him because the FBI will arrest people when Biden is inaugurated.

No matter what info I try to share it’s always a defeatist response. Think he’s worried about my mental health at this point. Hopefully the hammer drops soon.


Sam Sweeney (@SweeneyABC) Tweeted: BREAKING: Airspace above 18,000 feet from South Carolina to NJ has been cleared due to coronavirus exposure at one of the busiest FAA control centers outside Washington. FAA says decontamination should finish at 1:45 p.m. https://t.co/6eXdXWnDEv https://twitter.com/SweeneyABC/status/1348319819498663944?s=20

Troops in US? (video.parler.com)
posted ago by dc_anon_90 ago by dc_anon_90

Gab directly referenced post #523 checkmate and post #518 mentions a necessary migration dated 01/09/18.


Haven’t seen anyone making this connection yet but Nellis is the base out in NYE Count NV. There’s also a black site there, Area 53 I think.

Monkeywerx noted in several YouTube videos about a huge amount of air traffic going into Nellis about a month ago, postulating setup of forward operating base for the west coast when SHTF.

Scott McKay also did a video about large cargo movement of equipment, MRE shipments to the west coast.

This could all be related...


Question: RED 1 say POTUS twitter removal

Does this mean the official account has to be suspended as well? I noticed they removed all tweets back to Dec. 23.


Looks like multiple anon accounts also being purged right now.


Anyone notice how the @GhostEzra twitter handle now has a website for nothingcanstopwhatiscoming.com?

The website is not up and running yet, but I've got a feeling that will be happening real soon.


"Smooth, Orderly, and Seamless transition of power" - this happens in the 17 sec. cut shot.

Someone just reported on twitter that Pompeo switched his tweet timing to 15 min. apart after trump's speech tonight. There was a response in the thread leading to drop 498

LOCK: 15-10-5 DEFCON[1] [1] SIG

We may have just entered the countdown folks.


Hi, I'm new here but wanted to make a post since I haven't seen any reference to this yet. We all seem to be guessing the timeline so I thought I'd give my 2 cents even though it could be completely off base.

There seems to be a lot of reference here to movies: "You are watching a movie". Even the side bar has the drop with the 3 movie posters.

Drop 521 (also made 01/13/18) specifically references "Patriots Day" in the drop. Patriots Day is a movie that came out 01/13/2017. The movie genre is labeled "thriller/crime". Maybe in another context is the drop blank [scare]. The movie poster also states "A Great American Movie" and "Based on True Events".

It's also been pointed out that there's a drop somewhere that combines John 3:16 and Corinthians 1:13 which is odd.

Someone else had mentioned members of congress could not be arrested while in session. The congressional calendar posted says the House is in session tomorrow

I am near DC and have heard a LOT of air traffic overhead today, more towards the evening so am hopeful something will happen soon. But if nothing happens over the weekend, I'm thinking there's a good chance that 01/13 is the day. 01/13 also happens to be exactly 1 week out from inauguration "A week to remember". Any thoughts on this?