Leftists can't admit they are wrong. They can say its not worth their time, yes.....But if the American people want it Super Joe must step up to the plate for Rocky 6...or he won't... Force those who support/ted the death of our country to realize they 'elected' a demented potato who sucks at balance worse than saluting Marines. Let 60-80% become 95%



Two points to note. They say another angle shows he isn't in front of a green screen but do not provide said angle. Also, an anon states (presumably from twitter) that if it were green screened the mikes would be in front of Biden....????

Because you stand in front of a green screen so that what is behind you shows overtop of you...LOL. How do weathermen work?


I won't speak for Q. This is an anthem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYJBxlpfgxo

The independent music scene is awakening. Please listen. These are people who care about humanity. Don't ignore their message to chop off your nose. Be open and be strong

I'm surprised i stumbled across this today. Figured this would have been known...

This isn't all I want to say but love is all I have for y'all We Win. Use this how you can



Study looking at the relationship between BMI and severity of C19 ( hospitalizations, deaths, etc)

Though BMI is a flawed metric it is a workable metric for health on a population level. Essentially this shows that the Designer Virus is more dangerous to the unhealthy. I'm sure this isn't news to anyone here, but it's good info to convince those who think inside the box. I'd guess if you factored out healthy overweights according to BMI (i.e. athletes), the observed mortality would be even higher.

Additionally, the study shows a nonlinear relationship between the negative outcomes and BMI. This suggests the danger of C19 increases rapidly as an individual's level of health decreases.

Stay healthy. Avoid the muzzle. Be sure to supplement your vitamin D until the sun gets high enough in your latitude to synthesize your own