How do you make a liberal more open-minded?

A shotgun.


In my post history, I catalogued my "escape" from the LGBT community. I thought that would work forever, and that I would never go back there. I've since become a mostly-happy Christian young man, who keeps Jesus in his thoughts. I was so, so wrong. I can't find women attractive anymore. I can't look at girls and think they're cute. The opposite is true now. I cannot fall back into this rabbit hole I spent what felt like lifetimes trying to get out of. Why does pubescence have to be so cruel? I've always known it was wrong. I do not embrace this, nor do I consider it anything more than a terrorizing curse. To make matters worse, I suffered a brief recent manic outburst, that had it not stopped during that time, would likely have resulted in my death via dehydration. It truly feels as if I have gained nothing. It seems as if all is lost. What can I do, now that it has been shown to me that this cruel, heartless Earth takes no pity? I can no longer stare at the stars, and admire the wondrous things the Lord has brought me. I do so to scream endless "Why?"s at the sky above. Well, that's enough rambling.

Suicide Squad ( 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by detransthrowaway ago by detransthrowaway

It's just some text saying that it's the first time in 40(?) years that there have been no major political dynasties in office, those are the Bushes, Clintons, Cheneys, and a few others I can't remember. Anyone got that? I can't find it.

It's just some text saying that it's the first time in 40(?) years that there have been no major political dynasties in office, those are the Bushes, Clintons, Cheneys, and a few others I can't remember. Anyone got that? I can't find it.

I went over to my grandparents' house recently, and eventually found out my grandma, who I used to think was single-dosed, was 3shotted. My grandpa only took one. The funny thing? Grandma didn't need a 2nd main shot, she got the 1dose J&J. They're the sweetest people ever, and there's so much I learned from them, but my god they must be dumbasses. The only main excuse I can think of is that grandma works at either an HS or College, can't remember.

We should plan a massive raid or somethin on all the dumb queer subreddits for the sake of just kind of spreading the word y'know, hopefully wake a few people up along the way. Linking stuff like Irreversible Damage (Which is a FREE PDF) to trans subreddits and providing evidence and proof it's a fetish, same with the homo subreddits. Y'all have probably got tons of shit to share with the faggots.


The devil of transgenderism rears its disfigured head yet again. It's in my head. It won't stop. It does not shut up. Not a voice, more a controlling of my thoughts. This is hell. Truly, it is worse. I haven't done a thing wrong there and it is angered. I fear it will be in my dreams. I know exactly what it wants, my soul. Transgenderism is relinquishing your spirit to Satan himself, and learning to stop is a midnight robbery of the bank that holds it. It has been almost exactly one year since it began showing up and took my hand, pretending it was my friend and it would save me. It wants a rematch. I want it out of my head. My will is strong. I'm not crazy, I swear. I can only wish for the Lord himself to save me, but I struggle to retain a belief in that. Perhaps I have wronged myself and am facing the consequences unprepared, with my opponent expecting it to be an easy fight. Who am I? What must I do, and what have I done wrong? I scream and nobody hears. It could be worse. I could be dead. But I'm not, and that's what counts. I fear that somehow this message will go to the void. I shall make duplicates in every known way, to prevent that. I want help, not to surrender to my own imagination. I fear there is nobody there. That everyone I meet claiming they will help is in on it. I'm, for lack of a better phrase, literally shaking and crying rn. Perhaps I am breaking down as I type this. I do not know when or how or even if this will end. Perhaps I have failed myself. My own veil of anonymity lifted to show the shell underneath. I have rambled far too long. Goodbye.

First off, before anything, we have to make a big assumption. That is, Joe lives until '24. How I think this is gonna go down, regardless of what we do, is that the election happens, we pull through, Trump wins, and the next day or after Biden dies, probably a planned murder. This will, instead, overrule Trump's win, and put Kamala Harris in the Presidential seat, where she instead will stay until '28, and given the woke mob and fraud, will probably be re-elected.

I just can't understand. They're people. A vast majority of which have lives not too dissimilar from your own. Though a few bad apples ruin the bunch, so many of these people mean no harm to you. You could go your whole life knowing someone, find out they have a different religion, and do you begin hating them? No! It's ridiculous. These people have personalities, lives, families even. I cannot understand why so many of you have such hatred for these groups!


"How many legs does a sheep have if you call its tail a leg? Four, because calling its tail a leg doesn't make it one."

How many genders are there if you call a mental disorder a gender? 2, because calling a disorder a gender doesn't make it one.

36 Cargo cult science is science that is effectively censored to only agree with an initial hypothesis. The name stems from a phenomenon in WWII where small islands receiving packages would begin to worship the soldiers. They do everything right, but it just doesn't work because you're missing an obvious key component. Follow the scientific method, superficially, and produce useless results. The John Frum cult of Vanuatu has mock airports, runways, everything looks just like it did during WWII. But no planes land. You can do weird short term tests, put liquid in a vial, and inject it into a vein, but you forgot to include the antibodies, the thing that makes a vaccine a vaccine.

posted ago by detransthrowaway ago by detransthrowaway

White background and nothing else. Thin black text in a round font appears on the screen, reading text like Help. Our ICUs are overloaded with COVID-19 patients. The majority unvaccinated. You can help. Please. Get vaccinated and boosted before it's too late.

Loud audio plays in the background, a heart monitor and ventilator noises beep and whirr while you hear someone audibly dying but not dead, perhaps comatose, on one of the machines. Just breathing.

I didn't see the end of it, because I shut off the TV. It might be longer, but the ad ran 15sec from what I remember. I saw it less than 10 minutes ago, on Antenna TV.



Let's start from the beginning. The earliest time I remember thinking like this was around May 2021. God, that was a long time ago. Then, I passed it off as mere delusion, and continued with life. September Octoberish. A girl I've known for a long time goes up to me in class and says, "Hey, you've always mainly had female friends. You look very feminine and act the part, your voice is really high and versatile, too. I think you'd make a great girl." Or something along those lines. A switch clicks in my brain. I spend days holed up in my room pondering about that thought. Could I really be a girl? Is such a thing even possible? What will everyone think of me? So I did the worst thing you could EVER do. I turned to the internet. Knowing the Internet, Google seems to have a leftist algorithm. All that came up were "symptoms" of "dysphoria" and trans help centers. I then made an even WORSE decision and looked at... Reddit. My god was that a mistake. Once again the same thing happens. I get very few if any opposing that one hivemind narrative that "If you feel you are and say you are you are." Must have been an easy target. I don't remember much of what happened after that. My brain reinforces those thoughts. I turn to my mother. I ask her about it and get a bit shut down. I retaliate. Little did I know she'd seen every episode of I Am Jazz, and knows the harm that comes with it. She had no choice but to "support" me. She for a very long time became the only person I was openly trans to. Then came the psychological pain. Often told not to tell anyone, come up with everything and fix everything wrong with you as soon as possible they said. They said I was the euphoria type, asked me to imagine myself as a girl, extreme high. (I still get that but that's just because I'm weird like that. So what if I want tits? Tits are great.) The community was incredibly sexual. I was like, what? 11 at the time? (Mental age estimated in 30-40s) I was being straight up told to MASTURBATE to the idea of it. Weirdly enough, the whole charade ended up somewhat well for me. I went on Omegle one night and noted the amount of people who could instantly recognize me as female, male, or neither. The responses were overwhelmingly female and indeterminate. Very few if any male responses. (I still "pass" pretty well but that's because all my genes are Mom's.) This flipped a switch. Again. I was begging for feminine things and learn how to be a "girl". This did not work, which I feel was a key factor. It's important to know that at the time, I was subbed to mainly trans and conspiracy-debunk subs. Continue all this pain for a time totaling about 8 months. 8 months of misery, psychological breaks, living in fear, hatred, intense spiraling emotions, echo chambers, surrounded by toxicity. My god was that traumatizing. It's also important to know I'm a sensitive person as is, and my autism turns that to 11. So this was far worse than the average person. One day I see this little Q upvote mark next to one of my conspiracy subs. After 8 months I've had enough, and after asking if I can just stop being trans, I was told it was impossible. So I tried anyway. Continuing, I was told it was dangerous (to go alone, take this!) to go there, as it had radicals, and racists, and bigots, and all the other bads. I asked the domain, and was expected to just know. It was at this moment Reddit did the only good thing it ever has for me, and some kind stranger gave me the domain, I go there, create this account, post about my story, nothing. That doesn't matter. My main focus is to forget anything was ever wrong. After less than a week, I was no longer trans, nor gay. I stay a straight male, with no guilt, pain, or really anything wrong. I have since recovered and am fine now. A lot of other things happened in that time frame that I deem not important to my story, and this is a massive oversimpification, I could go deeper but my mind simply does not allow. All repressed.

I hope you enjoyed reading this rant. Thanks for knowing my story. See ya!

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