Oh really? Funny how that works...worse numbers than 2020 WITH several different "highly effective" vaccines and boosters. What NY pedes are ready for some serious civil disobedience? Mandates aren't laws, and unconstitutional laws are null and void. How about 2 weeks to stop the spread of tyranny?


The other day, someone posted a story about Playboy promoting pedophilia in a 1978 issue on GAW. In addition to that, the post had sketches of underground tunnels coming from the Playboy Mansion.

I showed my red-pilled wife the story which caused her to turn into an internet autist thoroughly researching the topic during which she came upon an interesting story that I'd never heard before.

In 1975, 10-year-old Brooke Shields, with the permission of her mother, was photographed totally nude, with make-up, and oiled up. A Playboy publication called "Sugar 'n Spice" published the photos. A total jaw-dropper even to us senior-level red-pilled folks.

To further the red pills, in the 1980s, Brooke tried to stop the further usage of the pictures, but a judge ruled that she was bound by the contract her mom signed, and the pictures weren't child pornography. They were even used in a museum or two.

Here's a link to the Wikipedia article about the controversy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garry_Gross

I thought this was a great way to show normies how this stuff is promoted and protected at the upper echelons of society.

If you get a normie red-pilled with this, you can lead into how the judges, political leaders, etc are all compromised. How else could a judge rule that something that's literally child porn, is NOT child porn?

The choice is YOURS to know.


He touches on everything going on with this NWO medical tyranny. Great interview.

Link: https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/dr-zelenko-we-are-living-through-a-global-bio-weapon-attack-people-have-the-cure-to-fight-it/

Bill Clinton Hospitalized... (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 🔍 Notable
posted ago by dildoschwaggins ago by dildoschwaggins
They’re trying to redesign our flag folks… (www.theblaze.com) ℹ️ ⚔️ Info Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by dildoschwaggins ago by dildoschwaggins

I want to give a shout out to the lady who stopped my family at a certain chain store location last night, handed us a Trump 2024 Save America sticker, and cards listing where we can find unbiased news. I doubt you lurk on here because we all know that there's no 2024 unless 2020 is corrected, but I appreciate the high energy effort, and love the Trump pin on your shirt! Keep it up!


I watch American Horror Story (total trash I know) with my wife. As I'm writing this, we're watching the current episode that aired on Wednesday this week.

This season is about people who take a pill that makes them really good at what they do with the trade-off that they're turned into killers in need of blood for the pills to work.

Writers, singers, etc all take the pill and they gain fame, fortune, success.

The catch is, if you have no talent, you turn into a zombie forever that just roams the earth killing and drinking blood.

As if this wasn't enough to prove the projection, a character (referencing Hollywood elites) just said "it makes you think that some of that Qanon business about them being satanic baby-killers is based in some fact." We rewound the show just so I could get the quote exactly right. Jaws dropped...red pill for my based wife who has only truly come around on this part of the Great Awakening just recently.

The show is trash, but it might help red pill anyone who's on the edge. If they have eyes to see, ears to listen, and some logical reasoning skills, try it out. Total filth, and total projection. They mock us.


I have to admit I’m patting myself on the back for this one…

I found out a respected local doctor is leaving her job due to refusal of the medical group’s vax requirement. Good for her, but now what?

So here’s the genius idea…go back to doing house calls! Be your own boss, come to people’s houses. I’d pay for that to avoid the masks and other health bullshit you have to put up with for any medical care these days. Plus I’d know I’m getting a think for themselves, principled doctor, who’s going to provide better care because of it. Nurses and other healthcare workers can adapt to support this model too. Go around big medical, cut into their profits, and show them who’s boss.

I understand this wouldn’t work for every profession, but it’s a start. We can start a parallel health system, and force it into the mainstream.


Clever, dishonest talk or behavior that is used to deceive people:

"The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels."


So interesting announcement at work today...they're offering "active assailant training" to prepare us for an intruder at work type of situation. Without doxxing myself, I've worked for this company for quite some time and we've never had such an offering before. This is no small company (American, but global).

They cite that cases are rising, and that 80% of these situations unfold at work. The announcement also states that people are stressed with the current situation (working from home, adapting to life changes from COVID) essentially implying that one of our co-workers could go off the deep end and come in guns-a-blazing.

My theory: it all seems to me that they're building a narrative for some sort of false flag mass shooting to happen that'll be blamed on a crazy Trump supporter who couldn't take COVID/Biden or something along those lines.

Eyes peeled!

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