I'm seeing many posts from anons facing pressure from friends / family to take the vaccine. Because so much of vaccine uptake (especially within elitist communities) is based on social validation / institutionalization of science ("everyone around me is getting it so it must be ok"), rebut the rush to take the vaccine using this same logic: say that you're going to "seriously consider the vaccine once it's FDA approved." This argument works because:

  1. Your family / friends can not frame you as anti-science or anti-vax because you're supporting the one scientific authority for drug approval: the FDA
  2. You efficiently make the other party appear illogical for taking the vaccine prior to FDA approval and implicitly remind them that this vaccine is experimental (not FDA approved)

The debate ends there. It makes you appear logical and considerate and not cynical or conspiratorial.

Boys and Girls,

I have been a long-term advocate of this forum and wanting to contribute, but I held out to draw out my clear thoughts on paper. I wrote the poem (link below) with embedded media list for distribution to everyday people on both sides of the aisle. We are all aware that having discussions that tilt slightly right can be dismissed as "conspiracy theory" or "QAnon." Thus, I thought it important to use a form of media (poetry) that any reader could digest and relate to. Feel free to pass this along to your friends and family (as I have for mine) and encourage them to read and share.

I'm looking forward to hearing feedback and hope to share more content over the ensuing months.
