We're on FiOS here in the People's Republic of Northern Virginia, and have had lost full internet connectivity 3x in the past hour. Trial runs for later today, or this week, or whenever TC's Putin interview is released?


Title says it all. I've been completely over the NFL and their woke bullshit for the past 5-10 years. I grew up watching the sport for the past 50+ years, but professional football in America has turned into a grotesque industry in recent years, for the obvious reasons I've already alluded to.

This year, however, is just off the charts horrendous....there were NFL games on Thanksgiving (obviously), and now Black Friday...and now I see there are NFL games on this afternoon and tonight (the 23rd), tomorrow (Christmas Eve), and OF COURSE, on Christmas Day.

I guess I wouldn't care...I just tune out of their nonsense, unless I want to occasionally check in to see the one team that I've followed since a kid...but with all of this being televised over the next 48+ hours, we're going to have most of a dinner party ruined tonight with our late 20-something sons and a couple of their friends in attendance now (probably) glued to the TV...not to mention Christmas Eve/Day, as our sons will tune in (and be screaming at) the damn games.

I'm just so over the NFL...and I'm tired of their money/ratings-grabs....it's just starting to ruin our family time together on the holidays. Could I not allow our sons to turn on the TV? Sure. But then they'll make it seem even more miserable sitting around talking to us.

Sorry, rant over. I f*cking hate the NFL. :(



No, you evil bastards -- you will not be allowed to whitewash your coercion, your mandates, nor try to worm out of the consequences for the damage, stress, injury and DEATH that you caused for tens of thousands of federal workers...and countless other Americans. We cannot let [ALL OF THEM] forget what they did.