This video is very manipulated. They did practice in deserts and in pools and many places. They have all this sound and filming, but not one slate in the picture. If the video had a person not in a suit with the black sky walking out in front of the camera and marking with a slate then i would believe it. Also the camera in the video is a 35MM Panavision with a modern (1970/80/90/2000's) blimp magazine for sound recording (blocks the camera noise). I don't believe that Panavision camera with the white magazine was available at the time. I believe the first versions that looked like that might have been for American Grafitti or Jaws. When you shoot MOS (no sound) because all sound was radio tranmissions, you would use a typical studio camera that didn't need to be silent. I don't believe this is real just based on technical aspects. I also don't believe the story about castle rock studio in LA. Just my opinion for anyone who disagrees.
Is that the GA red flag?
I think this is a reasonable theory. Trump or military or DOJ have approached lower level criminals to continue playing a role. Also some people we assume are black hats have been white hats all along. Won't even venture who because so many have turned. But if you are bringing down thousands or tens of thousands, as soon as an arrest gets out, the roaches scramble, delete, destroy evidence,etc.
They need people to get lung infections. If people aren't getting sick they won't want 3 vaccines a year. Too many people washing their hands so they need to jack up the humidy in the mask so bacteria can grow and cause pneumonia.
Ok then I take that back. But many people seem to think that every Jewish person is evil. There are a lot of very conservative Jewish people I met and they are very patriotic. I think Jared is just not very smart but you never know. This could all be an act as part of the movie.
Never seen this man before.
First off, Jared couldn't make Trump do or not do anything. So either you think Potus is a dumb loser or you think kushner has magical powers. Based on your focus on Zionism, I believe you are letting your biases affect you. To believe that anyone who is Jewish is bad is really ridiculous. Plenty of Christian, Musilim Buddhist assholes in the world too. $500k is peanuts for these guys. Maybe Jared is not a good guy but he has as much sway with Trump as Romney does. Who cares about GAB and if Potus thought it was important, he would have done in. The plan does not fail because of Jared. If it fails it fails for real reasons, not some soft spoken rich kid from New York.
That's a resume enhancer for commies.
Based on the party and other factors he has been absolved of all crimes by the department of crime decisions. His crimes are automatically pre-deboonked.
I like the guy. Just really hope he isn't stringing us along. Would really be disappointing.
Those dates are never accurate. It just shows the date that it was uploaded to bitchute. Also Bitchute located in UK so dates are usually one day off. I always check dates as well, as one day is like a decade. Falls somewhere between Feb 10 and Jan 20 but I haven't listened to the whole thing. Hope it is new.
Well said. The "over" speach should come from Potus, not a surrogate even if pride is in the way.
Let's hope the General is more encouraging this time. If not for the bit about the bet at the end of the last interview it was quite counterproductive. Not sure why he does interviews at this point if he can't tell us anything if there is a plan. And if it truly is over in terms of Q and plans, then the President needs to let people know, not the General. I am sure I will be pistol whipped for this but, why have any COMMS if you cant really say anything or boost people up.
Exactly. It could kill you but it does not explode or burn.
Well at least I can console myself that my "childish" comment induced you out of your self-imposed first amendent exile. There are people sitting in jail right now, not antifa, but grandmas, and grandpas because they went to DC on January 6th to support the President and were left for dead. So yes. A new platform will sure fall short for those people who lost their jobs, spent their last $3000 to be in DC and now can never fly again and will have to go bankrupt for legal costs. But at least they will have a "conservative" twitter. Does that clear things up a bit about my childish comment?
That's the fake vietnam vet blumenthal. Always sounds like he has a cock in his mouth when he talks. despicable person. No lie it too great, no shame is enough to make him blush.
As long as we're not the monkey it's ok.
We're famous!
Probably routine training. I have been watching this shite for 2.5 months. Nothing is going to happen from the sky. Also the presidential/VP 757 was flying today. No idea who is flying around.
Biden is threatening not to import anymore children for the raping and adrenochrome parties. And he is blocking the C- a from trafficking heroine from myanmar. They will only traffick heroine from afghanistan.
Everyone has down moments but.....everytime I see one of these I am reminded of that scene in Airplane where the woman gets hysterical and everyone take a crack at her with Five Across the Eyes (Bundy married w/children). Get a hold of yourself WHACK. Five Across the Eyes. Go run, take a shower, hit a punching bag but this will only attract others to a pity party which is infectious. You can get addicted to depression and despair. So fight it dammit. Get a hold of yourself man. FIVE ACROSS THE EYES!
This needs to happen everywhere. "they won't be able to walk in the streets." paraphrase.
glad I just did the 5 minute short swab test. would prefer a blood test anyway.
Are we the Jedi?
Red flag laws to steal guns from people? an analogy. Supposed to be a joke.