I suspect the meme maker (his staff) knew or the person that requested them to make the memes, knew. If they have morals they will realize they were played. Regardless, were the memes to make a narrative leftists would go along with and prepare them to agree with the raid, and/or the memes were put out to add to the "evidence" that biden is a tyrant, when they go to remove him. I suspect, like many things, its both. The key to winning is setting yourself up such that you have a card to play regardless of what it ends up being.


The equivalent message of our time is "What is a woman?" We should used it as such. When people ask you questions you dont know the answer to, just repeat, what is a woman?


My cousin has it, unjabbed, she was around plenty of it over the last 2 years, never got it. Now she has it, serious body aches / fatigue, she even says her skin hurts. She was confirmed yesterday 3 am, with lots of fatigue.

She's tough so if its painful, its gotta be real painful.

Shes doing the ivermectin protocol, all the good stuff, started yesterday afternoon.

She's currently feeling much worse.

My other fam didnt get it that bad and they got better after ~ 24 hours with ivm.

Anyone else have it get worse, painful skin etc?

Thank you in advance.


I travel a fair amount for work. My AA flight was cancelled this morning and the flight they rescheduled me on put me at my destination 30 hours later. I just grabbed a different airline. To all you American employees, keep it up! I was happy to see it, nobody should be treated that way!


Its time to open up and be honest, lets call out this hate for what it is. Non binary is genderphobia and i for one will not stand for this!


DARPA life log ends Feb 4th, 2004 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA_LifeLog

Facebook is created Feb 4th, 2004 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook

17 years ago

I know its just coincidence but this is getting ridiculous.


I'm a recent luker, been on td.w a while. Wasnt sure what to make of yall but youre more white hatted and moralizing and really some thoughtful posts. I'm not all in on Q but im warming up to it. Came across this archibishop, what the vid - his tapes starting from the 1-3. Not sure is this is duplicate post but even so, well worth watching and sharing to our catholic family and friends...


I'm a recent luker, been on td.w a while. Wasnt sure what to make of yall but youre more white hatted and moralizing and really some thoughtful posts. I'm not all in on Q but im warming up to it. Came across this archibishop, what the vid - his tapes starting from the 1-3. Not sure is this is duplicate post but even so, well worth watching and sharing to our catholic family and friends...
