How do you wake up a global population?

There is so much conflicting information, opinion, propaganda and censorship flying around daily that it would take a LONG and tedious process to convince the global population of the lies that have been perpetuated against them.

You are watching a movie.

When the time is right, the curtain will be pulled back and the divide between what people were told to believe was happening and what ACTUALLY was happening will be so grandiose it will overload the normie brain. Cognitive dissonance will kick in to preserve the individuals ego and perspective of the world. I theorize that the explosive nature of these revelations will be so intense that for some the cognitive dissonance may collapse quickly while others may not be able to cope. Whereas we gradually acquired small pieces to put together our worldview puzzle over the course of months or years, this disclosure and subsequent transformation will be FAST. The elites are going to lose most of their compliant sheeple horde in one defining moment.

That is what we are for. We are to help those along who will feel scared, betrayed, disenfranchised and possibly even insane.

This is going to lead to a MASSIVE AWAKENING.

No longer will the mockingbird media control the narrative. No longer will the elites hide in the shadows and pull the strings.




Read this.



a : to move suddenly and violently : "started angrily to his feet"

b : to react with a sudden brief involuntary movement "started when a shot rang out"

2a : to issue with sudden force "blood starting from the wound"

b : to come into being, activity, or operation "when does the movie start" / "the rain started up again"


Read those examples. There are no coincidences.

"FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)"

Indictment: "a formal written statement framed by a prosecuting authority and found by a jury (such as a grand jury) charging a person with an offense"

Trump ordered the declassification of the fisagate documents. FISA will be the start. It will be very sudden. In his final hours in office, he opened Pandoras box and there is no putting the lid back on it. He is metaphorically walking away in slow motion while the explosions go off behind him.


"Move slowly, carefully — and then strike like the fastest animal on the planet!"

Trump pardons list (www.whitehouse.gov) BREAKING NEWS
posted ago by esoteri ago by esoteri

Here's hoping.


Because the second he was inaugurated, the white hats had everything in place they needed to retake the country from the swamp and the globalists knew this. They have been panicking in DESPERATION for 4 years.




So I typed Unified Chain of Command into DuckDuckGo.

"The ICS command structure provides an orderly chain of command that is consistent across responding organizations. This chain of command may have either a single person, the Incident Commander (IC), at its head, or a multi-agency team, which is referred to as Unified Command. All other elements of the command structure are the same, regardless of how it is commanded."


The fact that this was said on video for us to hear may have been a quiet nod to prepare yourselves for what is to come.


It seems to me that the current system of the cabal would have trouble executing their ultimate goal of a one world order, ruled by the Antichrist. The reason for this is simple: these people are overtly evil; there would no way to lull much of the awake population into a false sense of hope and cause them to trust in whatever figure the powers that be choose to lead the world. With this in mind, we must also remember that Satan works through blatant evil but also by masquerading as a being of light.

This brings us to Q, a system that operates by turning the darkness to light. If this plays out the way we expect, there will be a prime path ahead that may eventually allow a figure to rise under the guise of light and to assume the role of the Antichrist, while convincing many of their good intentions.

I have reconciled this by reminding myself that only God can save us. This victory we are approaching may last for a time, but this victory is not the FINAL victory The Lord has promised.

This is not our concern. There is evil staring us in our face and I believe it is Gods plan to remove that evil from before us. What may eventually follow will need to pass, because God has already declared His victory and as such, it will play out according to His plan.

With that said, we must place our faith in God and trust that things are being done and will continue being done according to His will and that ultimate justice will be His.

Edit: Typo



21-Nov-2017 11:52:02 PM EST4ch/pol

Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?

Who performed during her rallies?

What jewelry and/or tattoos present?

What other events do they attend together?

What does HRC represent to them?

What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?

What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?

Why are they worn/shown openly?

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

MSM role?

Push conspiracy theory.

Social media role?

Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.


The graphic is key.

Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).

Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).

What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?

All that you know to be right is wrong.

The ‘cult’ runs the world.

Fantasy land.

The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).

20% public.

80% private.

The world would otherwise collapse.

40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

Was necessary.


For God & Country.



What are your thoughts on if the transition has already happened behind the scenes and the white hats are firmly in control? Is it possible they are simply forcing the puppets to play out the rest of the act for the world stage? Or are the final cards still being played out in real time?


Q could easily make a post and put all fears to rest. Trump could have tipped his hand instead of playing it close to the chest.

They want everyone to ride this rollercoaster so that we are invested and paying attention. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. When hope is all but lost, victory will be delivered, like in all of the best movies - Think: Gandalf the White appearing at the last second.This experience will bring mankind into an age of unity like never before seen.

The elites have played for themselves and their interests for far too long, causing mankind to lose time and time again. Our freedom, our security, our autonomy. Q is going to allow us to feel what it means to WIN. This will be a massive balancing of the scales of karma.

The swamp will be drained. Promises made, promises kept.


Donald Trump was looking dejected and uncharacteristically low energy during his message today. This man was a media figure and businessman for how many years and now he is suddenly unable to maintain his composure while speaking of his administrations accomplishments to people who have supported him? Is this not the man who once said he would like to lose everything just to see who would remain loyal to him?

Appear weak when you are strong.

We need to invest our trust into God. He is the one guiding Trump through all of this. Look at how Trump has been a step ahead at every turn for the last 4 years. Yes, careful planning is part of this, but I believe God has been using Trump to carry out His divine will and His favour rests upon him. We need to stop viewing this situation through the lens of Trump, the man and need to instead look at it through the lens of God carrying His plan out through Trump.

Do not lose faith. This is not over yet. What makes a movie good? The ending.