fiskaren 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jag vet vem du är, avslöjad av din dialekt. Luktar Ryss lång väg. Varför svarar du inte från ditt riktiga konto. Lägg ner charaderna å dränk dig själv.

fiskaren 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm testing your language skills bozo. Every native Swede knows what å stands for in provided context. Gulag translate will turn my text into gibberish as you'll get random references to the word "river" for seemingly no reason.

As expected, you fell for it, further proving my point that you're full of shit and a liar. Typical ignorant Amerifat to start to bragging about flushing toilets which is at least a 100 year old invention. What's next, you gonna impress me with your plastic fish trap made in Chyyna? 🤡 Honk Honk 🤡

fiskaren 2 points ago +2 / -0

Börk börk, my point is proven.

You don't speak a single word in Swedish, yet here you are insisting that this piece of fake news is legit. 🤡 Honk Honk 🤡

fiskaren 1 point ago +2 / -1

Har din mor inte lärt dig att det är fult å ljuga? Låter som att du slagit vad å riskerar att förlora stort, annars hade du inte lagt så här mycket energi på att försvara en uppenbar lögn. Hur är vädret i Ryssland?

fiskaren 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fiskaren = fisherman.

We have "Fiskers" here in Sweden too, they make cheap rubbish gardening tools. How about you learn my language before you try to lecture me on my own country bozo.

fiskaren 2 points ago +2 / -0

I speak multiple languages reasonably. You only speak simplified English. That's nothing to brag about, it means you're more likely to be deceived because you're unable to verify information not written in simplified English.

fiskaren 2 points ago +3 / -1

So this is why you're butt hurt? You were whoring for karma on this "epic" one-liner only to learn that it's all fake news. Fuck off bozo.

fiskaren 1 point ago +3 / -2

I have called out this faggot in the past. He usually spread lies about Finland. I live in Sweden, I see a post about Sweden. You seem butt hurt because I call out obvious lies about Sweden. Is the Norwegian fire brigade in the room with you now?

fiskaren 2 points ago +3 / -1

Based on his own claims that he lives in Finland close to the Russian border, combined with his post history. Is not rocket science, you can very this yourself. Chukna spend every night and most day spreading lies about all Nordic countries, tho mostly Finland. Probably a Russian shill tho as he stutters when he talks, which typically happens when you use google translate to translate between Finish and English.

This is GAW, we shouldn't trust lies. We're here to research and find the truth.

fiskaren 2 points ago +5 / -3

Except it's all fake, OP is lying as usual: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/falsk-text-om-doda-svenskar-i-poltava-spreds-i-ryska-medier

His source is a fake account on fakebook.

Only Ukrainians died in this attack.

Also, who the hell wakes up at 3am in the morning to post blurry screenshots with no links or evidence to back up any of the claims.