flyingwalrus55 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone skeptical of Q should do more research into the content of the posts. The NWO plan is real, and POTUS is in its way. Once you can fully see the big picture its impossible to be skeptical, the effort the enemies are throwing against him is beyond anything conceivable.

Look back in time for whistle blowers exposing this plot. Q is simply the official back channel confirming what many have been researching for a long time.
They never thought she would lose. Fully understand the significance of this you are ready to join the real fight.

This meme is 100% accurate, think he's forgotten 9/11 either? bush/clintons/obamas all hate him. WHY? He's going to crash their party. The evil is real. JFK did it alone. Trump has Q.

flyingwalrus55 21 points ago +21 / -0

General Flynn and Admiral Mike Rogers will go down as American hero's. Keep digging on Flynn, why Obama wanted to can him and why one of the 2 things he said to Trump on way out was fire Flynn. Flynn knows everything.