frenchanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q told us a little about freemasonry. Not much. Just that the compass and square like to pop up on hats on live tv minutes after FF.


frenchanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

This kind of twitter account reminds me eyethespy and others like him.

frenchanon 28 points ago +28 / -0

wtf i'm so excited, is january 2021 the climax of the movie ?!

frenchanon 2 points ago +3 / -1

yeah where are all the shills ? can't say i miss them but...something missing!

frenchanon 6 points ago +6 / -0

let's face it, VP Pence has always been a mystery (black or white?)

frenchanon 12 points ago +12 / -0

Some of us follow the Q drops since day 1. LARP or no LARP was the big question at the time.

3 years later, you see how Big tech and MSM are scared of Q, they wrote 1000 + articles about it AND YET, not one journalist on earth seems to know who is behind it. In 2018, TIME MAGAZINE told its readers Q was in the TOP 25 of the most influential people on the internet.

Qanon is legit and a threat to the SWAMP. And when Q is silent, the SWAMP is panicking.

frenchanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hello to you all! So I just discovered that Voat will disappear the 25 dec. I'm pretty sad. I was a reddit refugee (and went to QRV when Q confirmed it was "the new place") and now I'm a voat refugee.

Voat was not perfect, a lot of shills and anti-jew bullshit but after 2 years, the anons on there were like a new family - people who can see.

Anyway, let's enjoy the show all together in here!

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