What is your take on Fitts' latest line of questioning? (www.bitchute.com) ๐Ÿง Research Wanted ๐Ÿค”
posted ago by fsoawesome ago by fsoawesome
Any options to undo or detox vaxxes from childhood like MMR, HepB, DTaP, IPV, PCV, RV, ETC? ๐Ÿง˜Mental/Physical Health ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ
posted ago by fsoawesome ago by fsoawesome

I have to tell you, the COVID fiasco has been a YUGE eyeopener for a lot of us. After looking into things we're now stopping ALL vaxxxes for our kids even if they're close to getting their last round and for heaven's sake, we're refusing all of the crazy trash they're pushing like the HPV garbage.

I should have taken a clue when a few decades ago I got a damned flu shot and about died from it. Then "trusted the authorities" did it again about a decade later, and nearly died again!

At this point, I want to explore options to reverse, undo, or somehow minimize as much as possible vaccinations that have been being given out since the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and on up.

Does anyone have any research, documentation or seen discussions on these topics?


It seems there is a lot of debate and essentially all sanctioned sources say this is BS, but we have heard time and again that mRNA "vaccinations" actually do modify the DNA of organisms.

Could someone please share more information and/or studies on this?

I feel that understanding this and the dynamics of this situation will be important in the near term, especially with Dr. Malone's warnings about the imminent inbound food animal vaccinations:


I could have been sure I archived a copy of the peer review journal publication of a doctor's efforts in aggregating and documenting a large number of vaccination adverse effects and deaths. Does anyone remember this and have a reference or download they can share to catbox.moe or elsewhere so we can keep this important information handy?

/u/flame_whip found the specific one I was thinking of:

What are people seeing in J&J vaxxxed folks? ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ DISCUSSION ๐Ÿ’ฌ
posted ago by fsoawesome ago by fsoawesome

As time marches on and we see more and more dramatic death increases and various other terrible "side effects" from the "vaccines", I'd like to ask specifically: What are we seeing in people who have taken the J&J (Johnson & Johnson) "vaccine"?

It seems that some folks are saying there is nothing going wrong with it or in people who have gotten it, but I'm finding that hard to believe. And what are the side effects of those who have had no versus one or however many "boosts"?


It seems that the fucking communist lucis have managed to take down an important part of the internet: https://www.revolver.news/2022/09/tranny-activist-behind-latest-push-to-shut-down-internet-nbc-news-ben-collins-keffals-kiwifarms/

Archive.org has entirely removed the archive, but Archive.ph still has it: https://archive.ph/ltYEB

Anyone know how to download an entire site/archive from Archive.ph?


Ended up being away from the news and society generally for the last few weeks due to some health trouble. I came back and while looking around it seems like things have really gone down the toilet much further.

Can someone offer a kind of highlight or synopsis of what's been going on that has really made things seem so much worse now than they were?

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