fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Completely agreed. Actually, Trump and the election was the final push for me that made me realize that I have to take part in this fight and not just wait silently for others to save me/us. Unfortunately the government in my country seems to have betrayed us, despite being seen as one of the last resistant countries. The result is that I joined a friend of mine and we have a fb page, a group and a website where we publish articles, videos, info committed to wake up people. I don't know how will this end, but I won't be silenced anymore and if I have to die for it then so be it.

fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check out the video I linked, it's not that long. And don't get me wrong it's not my intention to sway you or anyone against Trump, it's just that these things concern me and prevent me from trusting him blindly. But I hope and pray everyday that everything will be alright and my fears are baseless. What the Bible says in Revelations doesn't help either btw.

fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read/heard conflicting ideas about Freemasonry. Some say it was a benevolent group originally infiltrated by the satanists (like everything), some say they were always Lucifer's followers, but only the people on the highest levels know this, etc. I really don't know, but there has been some fuckery going on with them, that's for sure. Trump Tower having 58 floors phisically, yet Trump living on the 66th floor seems odd, for example.

fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you all of you guys (those too who I didn't answer personally) who took the time and energy to provide me these answers. There were many reassuring thoughts and while I'm still not 100% convinced (the Freemasonry part is still a huge question mark for me) I know that there is no other option, it's just us and Trump. So he is either with us or we are on our own (besides God and Jesus). By the way, I'm not from the USA, I'm very far in fact, but this is the most important historic event in my life, and I know and many of us know all around the world that this is not only about the freedom of Americans, but the freedom of humanity. WWG1WGA

fuckthedeepstate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, I really appreciate your post. "So all this to say, I think you've got a critical thinking, intelligent, but perhaps slightly paranoid personality similar to me..." This is 100% correct about me as well.

fuckthedeepstate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, your post is very reassuring, though the Freemasonry part is still unclear.

fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you check the links provided? I admire the guy, it's just that I can't trust him 100% when looking at those things and also keeping in mind what the Bible says in Revelations.

fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really hope this is how it is. But it's also incompatible with what the Bible says about the end of times, Antichrist etc.

fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, his relation to these people is only secondary, because I see the logic in what you said, but the Freemasonry is what really worries me. I mean, I think we all have at least some basic concept about Freemasonry/secret societies and what if this is all about to just make us cry for a better world because of the "hell" they created already but this will exactly result in the nwo they envisioned. Like Trump and co free us from their tyranny seemingly but at the same time they will have what they want, because we accept it only as the other option would be much worse. I hope it's clear what I mean.

fuckthedeepstate 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not that I have any problem with Trump himself, it's just these Freemason symbols and numbers (him living on level 66, while in reality the building has only 58 levels etc., it's in the article and the video) that make me question everything. And also the fact that we have to admit, despite [they] being the absolute worst of living organisms they are still very clever unfortunately, if you take a look how much power they have, how did they get it... It's disgusting but at the same time clever. And I would be not suprised at all that they came up with a scheme for conservative baiting with Trump. Also Revelations in the Bible... I really, really try not to be a doomer, but these things prevent me. I guess I won't get clear answers for this, so it seems I have to wait and see.

fuckthedeepstate 0 points ago +1 / -1

Unless all of this is just a part of their scheme. But I’ll try to forget it, it’s no use anyway because Trump is our last chance if we have any, besides Jesus and God.

fuckthedeepstate -1 points ago +1 / -2

I appreciate all the answers but finally someone who really gets what I meant. I hope our worries are baseless, but I’m of thr opinion that critical thinking is important.

fuckthedeepstate -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, if Trump is really who we hope/think he is then he is the man God chose to help us, no question there. It’s just the above that has me question all of this.

fuckthedeepstate -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is quite logical, but if you were [them] would you blatantly just go on with your plans risking your fall, or first would you divide people as much as you can and have them kill each other?

fuckthedeepstate 0 points ago +1 / -1

I pray that you are right and it’s this simple

fuckthedeepstate -1 points ago +4 / -5

Unless they want to just incite war by getting our hopes up with all of this (it would be one of the biggest and vilest psyop ever). Don’t get me wrong, I pray everyday for everything that we hope here. It’s just that it seems too good to be true and it would truly be God’s miracle if everything that Q told us happened.

fuckthedeepstate -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yeah, fair enough, but what about the freemasonry side?