I'm trying to get "clean" and avoiding antibiotics is a part of that. Could anyone recommend any protocols to deal with a bacterial infection, well a brewing one

Thanks in advance


Q#4414 RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control

Are the protests about the war in the ME the premise that will be used to move military assets?

Hi all, im looking for help. Has anyone come across any "alternative meds" (thinking like ivermectin for cancer) that can remove calcium deposits form the brain?

thanks in advance


Hi all, need guidance, my spouse is traveling quite a bit and want to make sure she has ivermectin both for parasites and whatever the disease of the moment is. I dont have time ot wait for Indian pharmacies. Any way to get a script in the USA? Not looking for paste but the actual pills

thanks in advance, and God bless

  1. was the point of importing millions of militaryt age men into Europe so that the middle east is weak and the Kazars can realize their dream

  2. are all the illegals in the US going to conscripted to fight against Russia and China

Some time ago people posted links to population projections for each nation, i think it had originated from the WEF but I could be wrong

Anyone still have it?

Do we think it was projections based on vaccine death or something else?



Thats all


not dooming but how patient can putin be?!?!? at some point doesnt he declare to the world if you supply our enemy while destroy our means of waging war we consider this an acrt of war and will responds. This is literally WW2 playbook all over, next we will have a "passenger" plane shot down that Russia will claim had weapons but the west will say were orphans returning to be reunited with their families

hello all, back to ask for help once again. The fall of the cabal and the sequel were amazing pieces of work but i have some questions that have been eating at me a bit, would love peoples thoughts

  1. magnetic fields and cell signals....how do members of the cabal protect themselves? Are we to believe that they are never in the presence of phones or electricity? Phones ok but they are around electricity all the time just as we are so cant be a case of prolonged exposure

  2. The temple of Solomon, i am sure I missed it somehow but why do the khazars want to rebuild it?

  3. Washington was a freemason, what i got was free masons were the "fake" masons in that they didn't do work with their hands and were more honorary but really all cabal, is this correct and if so does that not mean our country was founded by these demons?

  4. is the 10 days of darkness form Q, just that, a global blackout to "defuse" the "bombs" all over the world the cabal has, like the ones below our cities(was episode 3 of the sequel i believe)

  5. Aren't we talking about millions of people who are directly complicit with this plot? we cant arrest them all, not should we some should be executed, burned, mailed ot mars etc

thank you

Hi all i had some questions abiut some things that dont make sense to me after watching fall of the cabal, hopijg someone could shed some light

If jesuits care about Catholicism and i ak assuming they do since they want to destroy all who arent, why team up with a group tuat worships the devil?

How can khazars ajd jesuits ever trust each other if they ever axhived their goals?


After going through the fall of the cabal i kept getting this feeling that Santa was only created to distract us from Jesus during Christmas...No other religion has this, same with easter and a fucking rabbitt


Just a thought bit what if the first arrest is a former president invokved in child rape and trafficking, it unites the world and would trigger a mass awakening


Any US citizen can be elected speaker what is GEOTUS is announcing in a week once the votes are confirmed that he will throw his hat on the ring to be speaker.

Then if the president and veep are removed for say treason he finishes their terms little less than two years and can run again in 24 even without debating 2020 results

this is something that always bothered me, if the cabal has so much power cant they just change their electronic records to say whatever amount they want for anyone they want? Or is it to pay off the underlings? just curious


with all the craziness in the world, I have often thought what would the precipice event be that would trigger the military, waiting for all to wake up will be a long, long time though a great many have and we are hopefully nearing critical mass

what if the precipice is Rep sweep the midterms but are not allowed to be seated in Jan?


just thinking out loud but many senior DS cunts will be in the UK, might this be a chance to grab many at once?


I cant think of any other arrest opening more peoples eyes especially since the Jan 6 bullshit was been widely unpopular with everyone except hard core lefties


I'm sorry to be vague on some of this, I simply don't remember all the details nor can I find articles about it

In the last days of Trumps Presidency, perhaps December but mostly likely January I remember one day where he was flying around the country meeting various military leaders? Can anyone recall this or find any coverage of it? Most importantly is this a devolution proof? Flying to meet in person and inform them of their new responsibility


To get like minded patriotic leaders from around the world in the same place for the funeral and then take them out?


I want to smoke three packs a day but I don't want to get lung cancer

My body my choice


wasn't one of the steps of the military taking over deploying the National Guard to areas because of civil unrest?


legit asking, i dont recall any relevant Q posts but how does Taiwan play into this? I knew Ukraine was never going to be what the MSM says so, but is Taiwan Ukraine East


I have debated with my wife about why Yellowstone is viewed as anti-woke. The Season 4 Premier (SPOILERS COMING ) is IMO the epitome of anti-liberal...instead of cowering, having a year long memorial, expanding the laws that didn't work, they went after them, so here is my take on how that would have played out if they were liberals

Kayce gunned down in his doorway

Upon hearing the gunfire, Kayce springs to his feet to lecture, err inform the shooters that this is a gun free zone and they will have to leave their guns outside....the laughing made them miss but they still manage a couple of hundred shots to his torso

Beth is killed by the bomb

Beth is told by the secretary there is a package for her. Well clearly this must be a gift from the community for all her work with people of color (probably as much as the real Beth). She pushes the secretary out of the way to get her gift just as the bomb goes off and shred her into a million pieces

John is gunned down in his driveway

John sees the woman on the side of the road with a flat. Quickly assessing this is manual labor and beneath him he drives on, but then he decides he would like to sleep with the woman so he heads to the ranch to get Lloyd to fix her flat and claim to be a hero to women everywhere. They are greeted with gunfire as they are about to drive off

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